Monday, March 17, 2014

The Foundation of Health

     There's a lot of contradicting information about health out there that could confuse someone.  So who do you believe?  With everybody telling you something different, it gets very difficult in finding out what the truth is.  The answer is; find a foundation in which to build your knowledge on.  Physics and physiology go hand-in-hand, so, if someone is telling you something and it doesn't match up to physics or physiology you can guarantee that it isn't the truth.  However, there is another way to find out just what the truth is about health.
     There was a man who lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s that established the foundation of  health,  his name was Dr. Weston  A. Price.   Dr. Price did about a 30 year study  in the field on the healthiest people on this planet.   He recorded everything they ate and what was in those foods.   But he found out was that different people throughout the world ate different things so, he needed to find the similarities between these foods.   What he found out was that these people ate only whole foods, nothing pre-made,  pre-cooked,  or pre-done.   He also found out these people all ate some form of fermented food,  and the same people ate anywhere from  40 to 80% saturated fat from animals.
     These little pockets of people found throughout the world lived to be 100 or more,  had less than 4% heart attacks,  didn't have diabetes, cancer, or autoimmune diseases of any sort, in fact the Inuit's who ate  about 80% saturated fat and cholesterol,  never got sick, and were the only ones to have perfect childbirths every time,  no deformities, down syndrome,  or retardation of any kind.
     Weston also recorded what happened to these people when our society moved in and they start eating our foods,  suddenly,  they had diabetes,  heart attacks,  autoimmune diseases,  cancer  and childbirth problems. 
     So, if you really want to know the truth about health,  go to and build your house of health on his foundation and only then will your house of health stand.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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