Neuropathy is the deadening of nerves or actual destruction of nerves or damaged nerves. People who have diabetes almost always end up with neuropathy, I guess the million dollar question is; can neuropathy be reversed?
I'm guessing most doctors would say no to this however, I have run across some very strange things when it comes to the use of biomats. I have seen people who were paralyzed, be able to start moving again. Before you can do any of that, you must first stop what was causing the neuropathy in the first place.
If you have type II diabetes and you're already taking insulin you're on the highway to hell. What causes type II diabetes is the slamming of insulin into your cells. The constant pushing of insulin into your cells is what makes your cells shut down and then they don't accept insulin anymore then your blood sugar starts to rise, this is why it's called insulin resistant type II diabetes, so, the more insulin you take the more your cells will shut down.
What starts the insulin in the first place is the eating of sugars and carbs. You must first stop eating sugar and carbs in order to stop the diabetes from progressing forward. Once you stop eating the sugar and carbs there will be no use for insulin so the pancreas won't have to put out insulin to bind with those sugars and put them in your cells. Once you stop the progression you can start exercising and burning off those sugars that are in your cells which have now turned into fat. Next, get yourself a Biomat and lay on it at night cranked up to just about halfway, this will start stimulating the body to heal itself. I have seen stroke victims that were paralyzed start to move again by laying on biomats.
So, in spite of what you've heard about neuropathy and how it can't be reversed, I personally have seen differently. Your body is an amazing machine that has many mechanisms to help heal itself.
If you're someone who has type II diabetes and has a bad case of neuropathy don't give up hope. You can beat this no matter what you've been told. It will take discipline and learning what food you need to eat what foods to stay away from and then using a Richway Biomat.
Careful where you get your Biomat from, there are some people who bought a whole ton of them at once to get a better deal. They are the ones offering you a Biomat with no shipping cost, however, you won't get the first year warranty, and the lifetime warranty may not be what you think it is.
You can call this number (765)520-2988 and you will be able to talk to me personally about your problem and I can get you a Biomat shipped to you directly from the company itself. I can do this because I'm a certified distributor, this way you will get all the warranties coming to you. If you're living in America it will take about 5 to 10 days to get to you. The company doesn't sell to the public directly, you do have to go through a distributor.
I wish you all the best and may you have a happier healthier life.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
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