Sunday, March 22, 2015

Friend and Enemy the FDA

     The FDA was created for the people to help protect us from food manufacturers unsafe practices.  In theory, this is a very good thing however, somewhere along the line the FDA has gone awry.  What was once our friend is now our enemy and our friend.  Confusing?  In some ways they are still our friends due to the fact they help keep food manufacturers from having unsafe practices like not cleaning their instruments and machines which would lead to horrible bacteria in our foods causing many people to get sick and die.
     The flip side of this coin is the FDA does allow a lot of toxic things to go into our foods, meaning they actually okayed it such as:  aspartame,  otherwise known as NutraSweet or equal. Aspartame is a carcinogenic and a neurotoxin, with the possible link to ADD or ADHD.   High fructose corn syrup which is been shown to speed up the growth of cancer in a lot of laboratory test, it is also known to raise LDL cholesterol  which can lead to the clogging of arteries and heart attacks. MSG otherwise known as monosodium glutamate is an excitotoxin which has been shown to damage chromosomes or destroy them.   Hydrogenated foods cause trans fats that are known to damage arteries, cause your LDL to go up and your HDL do go down, also may be the cause of some mylin sheath diseases such as multiple sclerosis.   Food dyes which can lead to behavioral problems in children  and reduce their IQs and certain food dyes are carcinogens that cause cancer.   Sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are known carcinogens, in the digestive system it forms a variety of Nitrosamine  compounds that cause damage to many internal organs.   BHA & BHT (butylated hydroxyanisole & butylated hydroxyttoluene) found mostly in package meats as preservatives,  wrecks neurological systems and are oxidants that become cancer-causing reactive compounds.
     These are just a few of the chemicals that the FDA OKs for our foods.  With friends like these who needs enemies?
     For all the people out there who got cancer, neurological disorders, diabetes and heart attacks,  you should all get together and get yourself a great lawyer team and do a class-action suit against the FDA for allowing these things to kill you and give you the diseases that you now have, without giving you a warning whatsoever.   If you were to commit a crime causing harm or death  to another individual, you would be held accountable by the government.   Don't you think it's time that we held the government accountable for their crime against their own citizens who pay them tax money?
     Wake up America, stop being passive little sheep led to the slaughter and help change this flawed system, your children will benefit from it, let's not let the next generation be as sick as us.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The No. 2 Killer in the US

      The number two killer in United States is cancer and the number two killer of cancer is colon cancer otherwise known as colorectal cancer.  Colon cancer starts off as polyps.  Polyps are little growths that that pop up on the walls of the inside of your colon.  The two main types are adenomas and hyperplastic polyps.  Once polyps show up in your colon the chances of them turning into cancerous cells is a good one. 
      Doctors suggest  for anybody over the age of 50 to get a colonoscopy  and if they find the polyps then their next suggestion is to cut them out,  this will prevent the cancer from ever starting in the first place.   However, once they do find cancer their next approach depends on  what stage of cancer you have. If they catch it in time, this being stage I, they can surgically remove it. Stage II requires a little bit more, they sometimes have to remove a section of your colon.   Stage III requires even more, they not only will have to remove the section of your colon but most likely  besides doing just chemo you will probably have to do radiation too.   Stage IV, they will suggest surgery, chemo and radiation to possibly extend your life  a little longer and help with a few of the symptoms, even doing so you have a 94% chance of dying.
     Most doctors will suggest you change your diet and to exercise, however,  most of these same doctors will suggest you do grains which  by the way,  is pretty much the most acidic food you can eat.    According to Dr. Otto Warburg  who won the Nobel Prize for finding out what causes cancer  and that being the lack of oxygen in your cells, anything acidic lacks oxygen, anything alkaline  is abundant in oxygen, why would a doctor tell someone to eat one of the most acidic foods on the planet?   This makes no sense whatsoever unless, they are hoping to give you cancer again so they can make more money off of you, I would hate to think this is true.
     They are still blaming red meat as the cause of cancer and say chicken is better.   Let's take a better look at this shall we?
     Chicken is an acidic meat much lower on the alkaline scale than is beef.  I think the biggest reason  why red meat can cause  cancer  is because of what they do to it, first of all, they shoot the cows up with growth hormones, steroids,  antibiotics,  antivirals,  antiparasitic's,  feed them foods that are genetically modified and grown in synthetics soils  and heavily  sprayed with pesticides, gee, is it any wonder why eating red meet can cause cancer? If  you look back in the old days before they had any of these horrible drugs, cancer deaths were about a fourth of what it is today and that's a very high  average.  History doesn't lie, it definitely isn't the beef that's killing people  it's what we do to it and this is why I only eat free range meat which are grass fed cows. Much less likely to get colon cancer eating this type meat.
     Surviving stage II, III .and stage IV cancer past five years, especially after having chemo and radiation therapy, is very minimal, I hate to say. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)  is a rod they stick into you that uses intense heat to burn away tumors. I do like this idea better than radiation therapy however, I would much prefer to use a Biomat,  seeing how it emits far infrared light that heats up those same cancer cells and kill him without damaging any of the surrounding healthy cells,  this combined with Laetrile and  high amounts of vitamin C infusions which would do a much better job of killing cancer cell and not harming healthy cells like radiation treatments do, nor lower your immune system which helps fight and keep cancer cells from returning like chemo treatments do, the alternative is a much better way to attack cancer cells.
     The whole approach to cancer in the United States is barbaric at best. Surviving colon cancer past stage one using surgery, chemo and radiation is not very good. It is doubtful if you will live another five years at best, and what do you think those five years will be like not only for the sufferer but for friends and family too? It will drain all your money, spirits and any sense of happiness you or your loved ones will have for years to come.
     It is fear that leads us to bad decisions and listen to those doctors who will be profiting from your misfortune. It's a $200,000,000,000.00 a year market that they definitely want to hold on to. Maybe you might want to look for alternative treatments that jut might give you better results.
Thank You
Joseph A.Moylan

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pain Medication and Liver Damage

     Pain medication is one of the greatest discoveries that has helped an endless amount of sufferers.
People who have been in an accident and are suffering in pain due to damage to their bodies are now relieved due to these pain medications. There is a problem however, there is way to much use and abuse of pain medications to the point of dependency.
     If you have constant headaches and are doing pain medications to stop the headache, you are aver using and abusing pain medication, if you have arthritis and are using pain medications, you are using and abusing these medications. Why? Because you are not solving the problem as to why you have arthritis in the first place or why you get head aches. These are health issues that must be addressed or you will eventually do even more damage to yourself in the long run.
     Any pain medication, or most medications for that matter, done longer than a month will cause health problems. A lot of the pain medications will cause liver damage over time, that is why you shouldn't do them on a regular basis. If you are someone who has been doing a lot of medications for a long period of time, you might want to ask yourselves if you have any of the following symptoms:
a fluid build up in the abdomen causing swelling and pain known as ascites or urine changes such as dark yellow to brown colored urine, irritated skin with possible red blotchy patches that itch, constipation or irritable bowel syndrome going from constipation to diarrhea or bloody stools and pale colored stools to thick tar like stools, nausea, wanting to vomit all the time, indigestion with acid reflux, rapid weight loss and a loss of appetite, fluid retention especially in legs, ankles and feet, exhaustion or chronic fatigue, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin and loss of memory and unable to think quickly or seem to be in a cloud, if you do have any or all of these symptoms see a doctor immediately and have your liver checked out because it's most likely failing.
     If your doctor has you on cholesterol medications, there is damage being done to your liver as you read this. Don't play around with drugs, they are highly dangerous and will cause more problems than they help with, including problems so severe like liver damage that it can eventually cause your death. If you are in pain or have sever headaches find alternative ways to combat these problems, it can be as simple sometimes as something you are eating or drinking that is causing the problem.
     Even over the counter medications such as aspirin can cause ulcers and Tylenol can destroy your liver. No over the counter pain medication is safe to use long term.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Who's on Our Side?

     Consumers need to be protected from greedy companies with no integrity, who don't care what goes into your foods as long as they make a buck. The FDA was created for this very reason they are supposed to be the watch dogs keeping greedy companies in check, however, this is not working at all. I'm sad to say that the FDA is actually in the big corporations pockets.
     The things they allow in our foods is mind boggling. How is it that the FDA allows this to happen even though there is so much proof out there that the very toxins they allow is killing people left and right. I guess the way they see it is that's why we have drugs so when the people get sick we can just put them on a drug which they okayed, never mind that the drug will cause more problems, they can just take another drug for those problems as well. The money keeps moving into the big companies an corporations pockets because when the FDA employees finally retire they will be made CEO's of the big pharmaceutical companies and make lots of money doing pretty much nothing at all.
     Now we need a watchdog for the watchdog.
     Remember when someone in your family gets deadly sick or ends up with some weird autoimmune disease, you can thank the FDA for allowing all those toxins in the foods your family ate and caused that cancer or autoimmune disease. Even though your doctor might tell you that these things just happen or that it's hereditary, that just doesn't wash do to Newton's law of physics;  "to every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." Nothing just happens and hereditary diseases don't happen as much as they claim they happen. Most diseases that doctors claim are hereditary aren't, the only thing hereditary about them is their diet. They are eating the same foods that made their parents or grandparents sick, that's the only thing hereditary about them. I'm not saying there isn't true hereditary diseases out there because there is, what I'm saying is that too often do doctors blame so many things on hereditary disease.
     We need to do away with the FDA and start another agency that is controlled by individuals that have a record of seeking the truth about health. Only hire people that have worked in the health food business (people who worked in health food stores or wrote books on the truth about health)  to be the watchdogs, only then will you see a huge change in the health of this country where all of it's people benefit.
     This will never happen though due to the fact that this country has lost it's integrity and is now all about their new god; MONEY.
     We do have the power as consumers to stop them, however, they play a dirty game and are very good at it, that game is false information from those who sit in positions that come across as wholesome and caring. Our health care system is the biggest farce that ever existed. Our only hope is to keep plugging away with the truth like I am doing here and hope one day enough of us will exist to stop the fallacy.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan