Consumers need to be protected from greedy companies with no integrity, who don't care what goes into your foods as long as they make a buck. The FDA was created for this very reason they are supposed to be the watch dogs keeping greedy companies in check, however, this is not working at all. I'm sad to say that the FDA is actually in the big corporations pockets.
The things they allow in our foods is mind boggling. How is it that the FDA allows this to happen even though there is so much proof out there that the very toxins they allow is killing people left and right. I guess the way they see it is that's why we have drugs so when the people get sick we can just put them on a drug which they okayed, never mind that the drug will cause more problems, they can just take another drug for those problems as well. The money keeps moving into the big companies an corporations pockets because when the FDA employees finally retire they will be made CEO's of the big pharmaceutical companies and make lots of money doing pretty much nothing at all.
Now we need a watchdog for the watchdog.
Remember when someone in your family gets deadly sick or ends up with some weird autoimmune disease, you can thank the FDA for allowing all those toxins in the foods your family ate and caused that cancer or autoimmune disease. Even though your doctor might tell you that these things just happen or that it's hereditary, that just doesn't wash do to Newton's law of physics; "to every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." Nothing just happens and hereditary diseases don't happen as much as they claim they happen. Most diseases that doctors claim are hereditary aren't, the only thing hereditary about them is their diet. They are eating the same foods that made their parents or grandparents sick, that's the only thing hereditary about them. I'm not saying there isn't true hereditary diseases out there because there is, what I'm saying is that too often do doctors blame so many things on hereditary disease.
We need to do away with the FDA and start another agency that is controlled by individuals that have a record of seeking the truth about health. Only hire people that have worked in the health food business (people who worked in health food stores or wrote books on the truth about health) to be the watchdogs, only then will you see a huge change in the health of this country where all of it's people benefit.
This will never happen though due to the fact that this country has lost it's integrity and is now all about their new god; MONEY.
We do have the power as consumers to stop them, however, they play a dirty game and are very good at it, that game is false information from those who sit in positions that come across as wholesome and caring. Our health care system is the biggest farce that ever existed. Our only hope is to keep plugging away with the truth like I am doing here and hope one day enough of us will exist to stop the fallacy.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
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