Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dangers of staten drugs

     Cholesterol lowering drugs (known as Staten drugs), as every one knows is hard on the liver. This is why your doctor is always doing liver tests on your check-ups, because he knows just how damaging it is on the liver. As soon as he sees signs of liver damage he will take you off that Staten drug and try another drug. This means that damage has already been done to the liver. By the way, they don't have any drugs to heal your liver.
     Here's something they don't tell you or even check for it. Staten drugs also damage your bodies ability to make CoQ10, in fact, it will lower your CoQ10. Why is this important you might ask?
CoQ10 is needed for cellular energy in the heart muscle, without it you would have a heart attack and die immediately. If it go's down just 30%, you will start having heart murmurs or palpitations which they will give you another drug for, I'm sure. Then starts the slippery slope down hill of taking more and more drugs and feeling worse and then dying. All for what, to make some drug company rich?
One more thing you need to know and that's CoQ10 is a fat soluble vitamin that is only found in animal fats. The first thing a doctor will tell his patient is to cut out or down his animal fats. In doing so, you will be lowering your CoQ10 even more making you even at a greater risk of having a heart attack.
     Stop the madness now!
     This is what they consider health care? This is utter madness and evil beyond comprehension. If you truly want to have a healthier cholesterol level, here's something to consider; eat only whole foods. This means foods that aren't precooked, premade and in their natural state. This also means not cutting the fat off your meats and making sure they are all free-range organic meats. Try to eat only organic fruits and vegetables too. Then get yourself an alkal-life machine that purifies and ionizes your drinking water. People who drink high alkaline water have fewer, if any, heart attacks.
Like the Hunzas of the Himalayas and the Inuits of the north drank high alkaline water and both had less than 5% heart attacks.
     It's time to stop dying and start living. Stop being a drug addict. Stop  supporting evil entities like the drug companies.
     Be free, HEAL THYSELF.

    Thank You

Joseph A. Moylan


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