Friday, July 26, 2013

The Pharmacutical Farce.

     Pharmaceuticals are synthetic substances, humans are organic creatures. Synthetic substances do not go with organic substances. Why? To start with, everything organic is a left spiral helix of DNA, and everything synthetic is a right spiral. Think of it this way; it's like taking a puzzle piece and flipping it upside down and then trying to put it back in the same place. You will have to force it, because it won't fit properly, and in doing so, you will damage the pieces that surround it. So the next time a doctor prescribes a drug (all drugs are synthetic), ask him why he is trying to damage your other cells. Is it because he wants to make more money off of you? Once damage has been done and new symptoms arise he most assuredly will put you on another drug, and the cascade or domino effect will kick in and eventually you will be like some of the people I've run across, on 20 to 30 medications and still feeling lousy. But, hey, at least you'll make some pharmaceutical company rich and add to your doctors kickbacks. Isn't that what it's all about, making pharmaceutical companies and doctors rich?
     If your tired of the madness we call health care, there is modern technology out there that can do so much for your ailments without side-effects. In an age of such advanced science, drugs are the best we can do? That's your body not theirs, so take control of your health before the pharma drug lords take control of you!

Joseph A. Moylan


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