Monday, November 11, 2013

Playing Flu Vaccine Roulette

     Well it's that time of the season again, where ever you look there will be ads on flu vaccines.  Your doctor will be telling you that it be best to get a flu shot so you won't get the flu. 
     Now the flu vaccine is based on a sound idea it's called like like, which means they give to you, ever so slightly minute amount of the virus, in order for your immune system to kick up and make anti-bodies to help keep you from getting the flu.  It is said to work up to 60% of the time, which means that 40% or more of the time it does not.  All this means is that it is not 100% perfect, so even though you do get the flu shot does not mean you will not get the flu.  Getting the flu shot puts the odds in your favor of not getting the flu.
     In a perfect world this isn't such a bad idea is it?   In reality, there are a lot more problems that can come with a flu shot.  One of these problems is GBS which is Guillian-Barre Syndrome.  One out of 100,000 have a chance of getting GBS when receiving the swine flu vaccine.  It causes weakness and paralysis throughout the body which can be fatal.
     Many people have side effects from taking flu shots which can be; soreness where you receive the shot, muscle pain in the same arm, weakness and fever  up to 101° and dizziness.   I don't know about you but, that sounds like the flu to me, so if this is what's going to happen, why get the flu shot in the first place, especially if you only have up to 60% chance of not getting the flu, which means you have a 40% chance of getting the flu and going through it twice. 
     In 1999 the US Public health service made a joint statement with pediatrics and vaccine manufacturers stating; Mercury, a known neurotoxin used in the Thimerosal vaccine preservative, should be removed from vaccines.  Mercury has been removed from most vaccines but, an estimated 83 million flu vaccine doses are still using toxic mercury in the preservative  Thimerosal.  Each one of these vaccine doses has as much Mercury by weight, as 1/2 cup of D009 hazardous waste. 
. The pharmaceutical companies and the CDC. claim that there is only one micro gram of Mercury. in  these vaccines.   By the way, 1 micro gram of Mercury contains 4.3 billion mercury atoms.
     You can see why I call this flu vaccine roulette. 
     I personally don't do flu shots, I find them unnecessary.  I take a different approach to the flu, which is boosting the immune system through supplementation and biomats. I also eat a very healthy diet of organic foods and free range animals.  I assure you I have not been sick in 15 years, no colds, no flus, and no side effects.   There are people on this planet that never got sick before we came along,  their diet was very high in saturated fat and cholesterol yet, they had less than 4% heart attacks.   Where do you think fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin A, come from in the first place?  I do believe that it would be best for us to take a step back before we put anything into our bodies and ask ourselves, what the consequences will be. 
     May you all have a healthier and happier winter.
Joseph A. Moylan

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