Monday, November 18, 2013

Stage 3 & Stage 4 Cancer

     No one wants to recieve news of having stage 3 or 4 cancer because, this is pretty much a death warrant. If you have stage 3 lymphnode cancer, your chances of survival doing chemo and radiation therapy are 15% or less of surving another 5 years. If it's stage 4 cancer, your chances of survival doing chemo and radiation therapy is 0. My question is why do people go ahead and do these thearapies knowing their chances of survival are slim to none?
     If you are walking in a certain direction and you keep banging into a wall, wouldn't logic dictate a change of direction? You would think that more people would look for other options, maybe alternative ways to fight their cancer, however, when they are constantly bieng told that only chemo and radiation therapy works, and doctors have taken an oath to do no harm, there's no wonder as to why people go ahead and do what their doctor suggests.
     Another question of mine is how many people actually die from their cancer? If you consider that chemo destroys white blood cells, the very cells that attack cancer and radiation kills red blood cells, the very cells that carry oxygen to the cells which help to prevent cancer, doing one or the other or even both and it doesn't work, you definatly will die, do to the fact that you completely killed your immune system and have nothing left to fight the cancer anymore. Basically, the chemo and radiation destroyed the very things that were fighting the cancer and keeping you alive in the first place.
     Chemo & radiation are killers, not only do they kill cancer cells, they kill everything else too. So if the cancer is advanced to a point where it would take a leathal amount to kill the cancer, there really is no reason to even do chemo & radiation in the first place. Yet, most doctors will suggest it anyway.
     There was a study done in Japan where they took end stage cancer patients, these were patients that had already done chemo & radiation and were told to go make their peace, and put them on professional Biomats with mini Biomats on top of them, and were able to save a whopping 70% of them. That sure beats 15 to 0% doesn't it? Too often we go for what we know instead of something new even though what we know wont even work. We are so much like lemmings going over a cliff because thats what everyone else is doing. How about trying something new like logically thinking it out before making a decision that involves life or death. Cancer cells die at 107.6 fahrenheit and Biomats emit infrared light up to 158 fahrenheit that can penatrate the body up to 6 inches and get to where the cancer is without hurting your regular cells, wich give off infrared too. Biomats also emit negative ions which raise the alkaline in our body making it hard for the cancer to spread do to the fact that cancer needs an acidic condition to grow in. And best of all, it actually helps to boost your immune system, not kill it.
     It's your decission to fight your cancer the way you feel will work best for you.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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