Monday, December 30, 2013

Camcer, Biomats & Chemo

     I have a friend who I loaned a Biomat to, who's wife has 3rd stage cancer and is also doing chemo & radiation. Her doctors suddenly got worried that the Biomat would interfere with chemo treatments. I assured them that nothing could be further from the truth. For any doctors who feel the same way who's patients are using Biomats with their chemo treatments, you need to read The "Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees" by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu M.D. PhD. In this book Dr. Yoshimizu explains how using Biomats with chemo and radiation has helped with a 70% survival rate on end stage cancer patients. 
     If you really care about your cancer patients, you will read this study done by Dr. Yoshimizu. He will explain to you in his book, all the different ways Biomats help cancer patients survive and help stave off the cancer from returning. His study isn't the only study on infra red usage for cancer. Germany has used infra red treatments for cancer with great success without side effects or lowering the immune system.
     Cancer cells die at 107.6 Fahrenheit  and the Biomats emit up to 158 degrees Fahrenheit. Infra red is a long wave length and can penetrate the body up to six inches to get were the cancer cells are, yet, it doesn't hurt your regular cells do to the fact that they also give off infra red. It is very safe and effective treatment and does not interfere with other cancer treatments.
     If you are a doctor and you are reading this, please study up on infra red treatments for cancer, for your patients sake. The goal should be that no one should die from cancer. So please put your pride aside and save some 3rd and 4th stage cancer patients and start the new year off with survival of what was once a death warrant. The tears of joy from the families of these patients, is what any true doctor would love to see.
Health and happiness to all this new year.
Joseph A. Moylan

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