Monday, December 2, 2013

Winter Cold and Arthritis, Bad Bedfellows

     Early snow storms, ice storms, and frigid temperatures, ouch, our poor aching joints.  People with arthritis and especially rheumatoid arthritis, do not do well in frigid temperatures in fact, for some, it increases the pain to the point of an unbearable threshold.  Many of you will run to your doctors asking for a stronger prescriptions to deal with the pain.  For those of us with rheumatoid arthritis, no matter how much pain medication we take, we seem to always be in pain nevertheless.
     When I was in my early teens I was struck down with scarlet fever.  During this illness I suddenly developed of severe case of rheumatoid arthritis.  Wherever there was connection between two bones in my body there was extreme pain and inflammation to the point where even breathing was a very difficult task.  Laying there the pain became so incredibly bad in my joints that I had to move them in order to feel less pain however, eventually the moving of of those particular joints would become unbearable and I would have to stop and the process would start over again.  For most of my early life after that illness I would be in miserable pain especially in my hips, making it very difficult to walk.   Even though I wanted play sports, the on-again off-again pain in my hips prevented me from playing any school sports.  Early on I started hiking and climbing in the mountains, I forced myself to push right through the pain.
     About 15 years ago I came across Biomats in Hawaii.    The warmth of the Biomat seemed to soothe my hips and reduce the pain, eventually, the pain seemed to go way completely so now
.I enjoy a pain-free existence. .  Even the snow, the rain and the cold do not affect my rheumatoid arthritis anymore, thanks to sleeping on a Biomat every night.
     I know what arthritic pain feels like especially when you're trying to sleep, it's definitely not fun.  Now, when my head hits the pillow, five minutes later I am asleep without any pain.  If you have a loved one who is going through this, get them a Biomat for Christmas, it would be the best gift they ever had.   Just call me at: 765 – 520 – 2988 and start having a pain-free life today.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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