Monday, February 24, 2014

Obama Care Nightmare

     Obama care dictates that I must have health insurance.  Let's take a better look at this shall we?  What is health insurance for?  It's there for those who need to see doctors on a constant basis because they're always sick or they always have a problem of some sort.  Seems like a good thing right?  Here's where the problem lies; I for one, am very healthy, and I might have a checkup once every 5 to 10 years, and it always turns out fine.  I don't get sick, no colds, no flu's, no problems that I myself cannot handle.  So basically, I don't really have need for health insurance, all health insurance would do is cost me money.  I believe in preventive care, which is eating right, taking supplements to boost up my immune system and my body, and exercising.
     People need to realize that you are what you eat,  if you eat crap you become crap,  and if you eat healthy, you become healthy. This isn't so easy to do, considering  just how nutrient deficient our foods are  in this country.   Let's face the facts shall we,  our foods are genetically modified,  grown in synthetics soils, sprayed with pesticides,  and then radiated  to preserve it longer.   It's a wonder that there's any nutrients in them at all. This is why it's very important to boost your body up with certain supplements like multivitamins and not just any multivitamins,  because most multivitamin  that are  bought in regular stores like Walmart,  pharmacies, and the like, don't have the milligrams they say they have,  don't go through all the screening processes that they're supposed to,  and for all you know,  there is no nutrients in them at all,  due to the fact that the FDA doesn't really watch the supplement industry,  they are not regulated like our foods,  so it is very important that you get your supplements from a health food store  that carries supplements  from companies  that do high quality checks. 
     Because of Obama care, I will be paying for other people to eat like pigs, abuse their bodies, and basically destroy their health due to all their addictions and loss of self-control.   How is this fair?
 I'm being penalized  because  others have no discipline or self-control, to take care of their own health.
     Ignorance is not bliss!  Leaving everything up to your doctor, concerning your health, is a big mistake.   Most doctors don't have a clue on how to keep you healthy, they are just glorified drug dealers, dishing out drugs  like they're good for you.  The truth of the matter is; only nutrients can heal  your body, and if you think I'm  lying, stopped eating  and take all the drugs you want  and see how long you live. It is good water and nutrients from foods that keeps us alive, not drugs, just nutrients and water. 
     Here's a question for you; why do a lot of other countries that have less hospitals and doctors  live longer lives than we do?   You can look this up, on average these countries live 10 years longer than we do, and some as much as 20 years. Maybe, just maybe, it's because  they don't have all the newfangled foods that we have in this country, and aren't told all the dumb things we're told in this country like cut out our animal fats, which, by the way, is where all the fat-soluble vitamins  are stored and minerals,  also cholesterol  which is used to make our hormones.  Other countries don't do such stupid things and they live longer, happier lives with less depression,  less cancer,  less diabetes,  less autoimmune diseases,  less heart attacks, and less degenerative diseases.
     So the bottom line is:  Obama care  does NOT help  the people of United States get any healthier, all it really does is cost everybody more in insurance money, and our citizens just keep on getting unhealthier and unhealthier exponentially. 
    Thanks a lot Obama, this is your idea of fixing the economy by making us all pay more money, did you come up with this all by yourself? Why not teach physiology in school, this way people would have a fighting chance at living healthier lives and health care cost would go down? Oh wait, that would require, God forbid, thinking. From this day forward, I will be referring to Obama care as Obama Scare, it's more fitting thank you. 
Joseph A. Moylan

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