Monday, February 10, 2014

Radiation side effects for cancer

Yes, you can find side effects for radiation therapy all throughout the Internet, however, there is something they don't explain and that is: radiation causes cancer.  Strange they would use something like radiation which causes cancer to fight cancer.  The truth is radiation does penetrate body deep enough to get to the cancer cells heat them up and kill them, it also damages all the cells around it which may end up resulting in causing cancer.  If the radiation doesn't cause cancer, then why oh why do doctors and nurses stand behind protected areas while treating you to radiation?  Even when giving x-rays, which is a form of radiation, they will stand behind protected glass or lead walls so they don't get any of the radiation.  Why do you think they do this?  The answer is simple, they don't want to end up with cancer from all the radiation.
Okay,  I'm getting a little confused here,  why would you fight cancer with a cancer-causing  element? This is just like trying to put fire out with fire.   Just about everybody I know who has had radiation treatment for cancer  ended up with cancer in the same spot again.   Could it be that doing the radiation which got rid of their cancer,  is the very thing that brought the cancer back?   But hey,  at least doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and the laboratories that are all involved with cancer, will make a lot of money off of you.
 Wouldn't it be nice if we could find an element that does not harm natural cells  but works just like radiation by penetrating deep into the body and heating up cancer cells killing them.    Oh wait,  there is something that works just like radiation by penetrating deep into the body and heating up cancer cells and kills them, it's a spectrum of light called far infrared, that does this very thing.  So why don't the doctors and hospitals use this instead?    That's easy,  money.  I mean when you can make $250,000 a pop on every patient, why make only  $4000.00?    Believe me when I say; it's always about money.  Why would they sell you a Biomat at $4000 or less  when they can make $250,000 off of you  not just  once, because more than likely you will be back again, but twice  or even three times, and then you die anyway.    It's your money, if you want to give it to doctors and pharmaceutical companies, go right ahead, just make sure you save enough for funeral expenses.
   Keep in mind,  radiation therapy will drain your energy levels  while a Biomat  actually increases your energy levels,  boosts your immune system, and increases the quality of your life. 
  One more thing,  look up the chances of survival using radiation and chemotherapy for third and fourth stage  cancers  and you will find  the percentage is very low, while a study in Japan on end-stage cancer patients  using biomats had a 70% survival rate, you will find that,  that is a much higher  survival rate than using chemo or radiation or both.
 STOP DYING AND START LIVING, buy a Biomat  today.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
Ph: 765-520-2988

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