Monday, April 28, 2014

Supplements are Imperative

     Supplements are imperative to good health, and it also matters on the quality of the supplement.  All supplements are not created equal, due to the fact that the FDA does not watch the natural supplement market, it governs itself.  The question you have to ask yourself is; how many quality checks does my vitamin company use?
     In this day and age of chemical foods,  processed foods, foods grown in synthetics soils, sprayed with pesticides, genetically modified,  and radiated,  is there any wonder that there's any vitamins or minerals in them at all, and why this country is so  stricken with unhealthy people? When you take supplements, all you're doing is replacing the very  nutrients you normally would get through your foods but they  just aren't  there anymore.
     So often you hear doctors and health care professionals say that taking supplements don't work, all it does is create very expensive urine. Yet,  these same doctors and health care professionals  will  tell their patients who have anemia, to take supplements of B12 and iron.  Wait a minute, if these are the same doctors who say supplements don't work, why are they now telling their patients  that they do work. Me thinketh that doctors speak with forked tongue.    You can't have it both ways, either they work or they don't. Doctors will tell their patients to take calcium, vitamin D, fish oil, B-12, and iron yet, with the same breath, tell their patients that supplements don't work.
     Some people have told me that they tried supplements and they don't work, however,  the supplements they tried were out of regular stores and pharmacies,  not health food stores.  All supplements are not created equal, the ones you buy in regular stores don't have the milligrams they say they have and are  using only RDA ( recommended  daily allowance) amounts, which in the case of vitamin C  is just above scurvy,  which is definitely not optimal health. I watch some of the morning shows that test vitamins every year, and so many have come up short on milligrams,  will have high amounts of toxins and metals in them, or in the case  of one they tested, made of gypsum salt, otherwise known as drywall dust.  Only buy from reputable health food stores, because they carry only higher quality vitamins that do quality checks.  GNC does 150 quality checks on all their  supplements and third-party supplements, so if you want to be safe and get better quality vitamins,  buy from them or other health food stores, not from pharmacies or supermarkets.  Remember, you get what you pay for. 
. Supermarket and pharmacy vitamins are cheaper, but so is the quality. Health food store's supplements cost more, however, the quality is definitely there. Don't throw your money away on cheap supplements, buy only from a very good health food stores, and only then will you get the results you are looking for. When you buy from a health food store, a good many of the staff will be knowledgeable in the health field and can direct you to the right supplement for your health care needs.
     One last thing, your body functions on natural nutrients not drugs, without the proper nutrients our bodies will break down and we will become ill. Most illness is caused by a lack of nutrients not a lack of drugs.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, April 21, 2014

Supplementing Your Health

   Too often I heard doctors say "all-natural supplements don't work" yet, they will tell women to take calcium, vitamin D, and suggests fish oils to all their patients.  Does that mean that only calcium, vitamin D, and fish oils are the only things that work and all other supplements do not?  Half the time, I think Dr.'s responses are cookie-cutter and not thought out at all.  Let's face the facts shall we, our bodies only work with the intake of nutrients not drugs, and even if these nutrients are in supplemental form they can still support our health.
     Here's a scary fact for you; your average doctors IQ is no higher than that of a carpenters.   Here's another scary thought; most doctors only get four weeks of nutrient type physiology.   What this means is; they know how your body works, but they can't begin to tell you what nutrients makes  your body work. This does not include neurologist for they have a much better understanding of physiology than your regular MD.
     Most doctors will tell you that you can get all the nutrients you need out of a well-balanced diet.   This normally would be true, except for a few simple facts which are; our foods are grown in synthetics soils, genetically modified,  sprayed with pesticides, and then radiated  to help keep them from spoiling faster, this leaves the food lacking in any nutrients and minerals so, in order to get enough nutrients, you will have to over eat by far, which will lead to obesity. It is probably why a few years back,  I saw a report showing where America ranked in the healthiest countries in the world,  and I'm sad to say we were ranked number 63.  After seeing how they do the rankings,  I think we should be ranked even lower than that, due to the fact that they count how many doctors and hospitals that country has as a positive.  If a country has to have more hospitals and doctors,  doesn't that suggest that, that particular country has more sick people, needing more doctors and hospitals. 
 There are third world countries out there healthier than us, which makes us look even more pathetic  health wise  because,  we are supposed to be one of the most advanced countries in the world.
     The next time a doctor tells you natural supplements don't work, it's time to find a new doctor.
 We have to change the way we think in this country, doctors are not gods, most have just average IQs with good memories  and don't have an original thought in their head.   Maybe if doctors educational books weren't  written by pharmaceutical companies, they would have a better understanding of physiology, and only then, would I begin to trust their judgment.  Remember,  doctors know a lot abou pathology not physiology, this is why they always turn to drugs as the answer for everything.
     Stop dying and start living,  educate yourself  on supplements and physiology, only in this way will you not be duped by your next doctor, into taking drugs that do more harm than good.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Dangers of Drinking Soda Pop

     I met a gentleman the other day who had diabetes, who told me that he used to smoke cigarettes, and when he finally decided to give them up, that's when the trouble started.  He first began to gain weight then his blood sugar levels started going through the roof and his general health has declined greatly.  After asking him a few more questions, I found out that he used to smoke and drink soda pop, the smoking he gave up, the soda pop he did not.  He told me giving up smoking nearly killed him and now he's on all types of medications just to stay alive. 
     I find this very interesting due to the fact that  before he gave up smoking,  not that he was in perfect health, he was doing okay.   Once he gave up the smoking that's when things went wrong  due to the fact that he did not give up drinking soda pop as well.   I'm not condoning smoking because without a doubt  it is bad for you however the soda pop will kill you quicker.   Since he's given up smoking and still drinking soda pop his blood pressure is up, his cholesterol is up,  and his blood sugar is through the roof. He feels like he has no energy unless he drinks soda,  which in turn, makes the problem even worse.   So to put it bluntly,  he is worse off now that he doesn't smoke,  then he was when he did smoke.
     Had he given up soda  pop  instead of cigarettes, his health wouldn't have been in such a bad state as it is now. Seams crazy doesn't it?
. This isn't the first time I've heard of this, nor will it be the last. You would be surprised at how many times I have heard of this very thing, where a person gives up cigarettes and keeps drinking soda, and their health goes down the drain, where as before they were somewhat fine.  Believe me when I say I don't condone cigarette  smoking, it's just that soda pop drinking, obviously, does more damage quicker than does smoking.  As bad as cigarettes are, soda seems to do more damage quicker to the body than does cigarettes.  On my website, there is a video about the alkal-life machine where I talk about the dangers of soda pop, you should watch this to understand just how bad drinking soda pop really is, and how hard it is to reverse the damage it causes to the body. Go to and see what it takes to reverse the damage.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, April 7, 2014

Doctor or Glorified Drug Dealer?

     Too often I have heard people say "I have to take a drug for my high cholesterol because my doctor says it's hereditary, and only the drugs will work and nothing else." When they first found out from their doctor that they had high cholesterol, he told them to cut our the cholesterol in their diet. Of course this never works, their cholesterol climbs even higher. It's at this point the doctors will tell their patients that it's because it's hereditary.
     A few questions come to mind, like; are doctors that ignorant when it comes to physiology, do they really care about their patients, or are they just trying to make their quota for the drug companies in order to get their kick back dollars?
     First of all, eating cholesterol doesn't cause your cholesterol to go up unless you are eating destroyed cholesterol from frying it at high temperatures, second, your body desperately needs cholesterol for the many uses your body has for it, third, when you cut your cholesterol out of your diet, your body goes into panic mode and starts making cholesterol from sugar, which will make your cholesterol rise very rapidly and at the same time tax your liver and cause your liver to become fatty. So taking a drug to lower your cholesterol that is harmful to your liver (this is why they have to check on your liver every six months) is a really bad idea.
      An elderly lady told me her new doctor said she should take cholesterol medication, even though her cholesterol was at a healthy level, because people her age have a tendency to have their cholesterol rise. I told her that her doctor was nothing but a glorified drug dealer and to find a better doctor who doesn't prescribe drugs to a healthy individual. Her doctor sounded to me like he was trying to build on his quota in order to get his monetary kick back from what ever drug company he was pimping for.
     Drugs are not nutrients, you can't give them out to people to keep them healthy like supplements, because they have side effects do to the fact that they do NOT belong in an organic human body.
     I long to see the day when a doctor will suggest natural supplements for an ailment and only turn to a drug when all else fails, using it only as a last resort.
     I once had a friend who asked me "what is the difference between a doctor and a drug dealer?"
The answer was "one wears a black coat and the other wears a white coat, they both push drugs."
     People of this great nation need to stand up to their doctors and demand better health care instead of the cookie cutter health care they are receiving now, only in this way, will we leave to our children a better health care so they can live healthier lives on this drugged out planet of ours.
Forcing everyone to have health insurance isn't solving the problem but, only adding to it.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Do You Truly Want to be Healthy?

     If you truly want to be healthy, you must first set goals for yourself.  Today I'm going to go over 4 essential things that you must do in order to be healthy.
1).   You must first get over your addictions. 
     Addictions are what keeps us from being healthy.    You don't have to be a drug addict in order to be an  addict, you can be addicted to your own brain chemistry.  Your hypothalamus gland is a chemical producing machine, which produces chemicals for anger, sex  and food cravings just to name a few. One of the worst addictions out there  is soda  pop.    When I go to the store to buy food I see people coming up to registers with cases of soda pop and I often wonder to myself, do they even have a slight idea of what they're doing to themselves? Even if they did have an idea of what they're doing to themselves, would they be able to break their addiction of it?   The other big addiction is sugar in all of its forms.
     The other day we were moving some boxes me and a few other coworkers, and I noticed one of them drinking soda eating cookies and other garbage  and I  said to her " don't you know that's doing horrible damage to body and shortening your life?" her answer to me was; " I don't want to live a long life anyway."  This is such a lie, I mean, if she doesn't want to live a long life anyway, then why not end it now, and what does she consider a long life  40, 50,or 60?  I'm sure she realizes  that her death will not be instantaneous but slowly over time with a lot of misery added to it.
2).   Get enough sleep.  This doesn't seem important but really is, do to the fact that your body heals itself why you sleep, that's also when it puts out the most HGH which is human growth hormone  which turns into IGF-I (insulin like growth factor one)and melatonin, which is  a very high antioxidant.
3).  Get enough exercise.   Keeping our bodies active is very important  to maintaining health. Even  if it's just a brisk walk every day, the  benefits are there.  Keeping our bodies active  helps with circulation  through your lymph glands, veins, arteries and capillaries  and through your cells.  The lack of circulation through the body can cause some major malfunctions  including heart attacks.
4). Eating a healthy balanced diet.   Most people don't know what this consist of, due to the misinformation that is out there.  Our bodies are organic so it is only sensible to put only organic things in our body. Eating healthy is the hardest of all four to do, because, finding non- genetically modified foods (GMO's) that are also organic or free range animals  that eat only  organic or grass fed  diets is hard enough to do. Adding to that, you need to eat foods that are not pre-made precooked pre-done in any shape or form, this means no grains.    Grains are very acidic foods and have been modified over the years and grown in synthetics soils that they've gotten to the point of having no nutritional value whatsoever. when  eating free range meats, don't cut the fat off.  Your body has many uses for cholesterol and fat not to mention that's were fat-soluble vitamins are stored, you cut out the fat, you cut out the vitamins. Taking supplements also can help a great deal, it is a way to make sure you are getting the proper nutrients that may be missing in your diet. Just make sure they come from a health food store instead of a regular store or pharmacy, do to the fact that health food stores carry better quality vitamins. Supplements are not governed by the FDA, so only take vitamins from companies that do quality checks on there supplements.
     Following these 4 steps will help a great deal with having a healthier and happier life.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan