Supplements are imperative to good health, and it also matters on the quality of the supplement. All supplements are not created equal, due to the fact that the FDA does not watch the natural supplement market, it governs itself. The question you have to ask yourself is; how many quality checks does my vitamin company use?
In this day and age of chemical foods, processed foods, foods grown in synthetics soils, sprayed with pesticides, genetically modified, and radiated, is there any wonder that there's any vitamins or minerals in them at all, and why this country is so stricken with unhealthy people? When you take supplements, all you're doing is replacing the very nutrients you normally would get through your foods but they just aren't there anymore.
So often you hear doctors and health care professionals say that taking supplements don't work, all it does is create very expensive urine. Yet, these same doctors and health care professionals will tell their patients who have anemia, to take supplements of B12 and iron. Wait a minute, if these are the same doctors who say supplements don't work, why are they now telling their patients that they do work. Me thinketh that doctors speak with forked tongue. You can't have it both ways, either they work or they don't. Doctors will tell their patients to take calcium, vitamin D, fish oil, B-12, and iron yet, with the same breath, tell their patients that supplements don't work.
Some people have told me that they tried supplements and they don't work, however, the supplements they tried were out of regular stores and pharmacies, not health food stores. All supplements are not created equal, the ones you buy in regular stores don't have the milligrams they say they have and are using only RDA ( recommended daily allowance) amounts, which in the case of vitamin C is just above scurvy, which is definitely not optimal health. I watch some of the morning shows that test vitamins every year, and so many have come up short on milligrams, will have high amounts of toxins and metals in them, or in the case of one they tested, made of gypsum salt, otherwise known as drywall dust. Only buy from reputable health food stores, because they carry only higher quality vitamins that do quality checks. GNC does 150 quality checks on all their supplements and third-party supplements, so if you want to be safe and get better quality vitamins, buy from them or other health food stores, not from pharmacies or supermarkets. Remember, you get what you pay for.
. Supermarket and pharmacy vitamins are cheaper, but so is the quality. Health food store's supplements cost more, however, the quality is definitely there. Don't throw your money away on cheap supplements, buy only from a very good health food stores, and only then will you get the results you are looking for. When you buy from a health food store, a good many of the staff will be knowledgeable in the health field and can direct you to the right supplement for your health care needs.
One last thing, your body functions on natural nutrients not drugs, without the proper nutrients our bodies will break down and we will become ill. Most illness is caused by a lack of nutrients not a lack of drugs.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
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