Monday, April 21, 2014

Supplementing Your Health

   Too often I heard doctors say "all-natural supplements don't work" yet, they will tell women to take calcium, vitamin D, and suggests fish oils to all their patients.  Does that mean that only calcium, vitamin D, and fish oils are the only things that work and all other supplements do not?  Half the time, I think Dr.'s responses are cookie-cutter and not thought out at all.  Let's face the facts shall we, our bodies only work with the intake of nutrients not drugs, and even if these nutrients are in supplemental form they can still support our health.
     Here's a scary fact for you; your average doctors IQ is no higher than that of a carpenters.   Here's another scary thought; most doctors only get four weeks of nutrient type physiology.   What this means is; they know how your body works, but they can't begin to tell you what nutrients makes  your body work. This does not include neurologist for they have a much better understanding of physiology than your regular MD.
     Most doctors will tell you that you can get all the nutrients you need out of a well-balanced diet.   This normally would be true, except for a few simple facts which are; our foods are grown in synthetics soils, genetically modified,  sprayed with pesticides, and then radiated  to help keep them from spoiling faster, this leaves the food lacking in any nutrients and minerals so, in order to get enough nutrients, you will have to over eat by far, which will lead to obesity. It is probably why a few years back,  I saw a report showing where America ranked in the healthiest countries in the world,  and I'm sad to say we were ranked number 63.  After seeing how they do the rankings,  I think we should be ranked even lower than that, due to the fact that they count how many doctors and hospitals that country has as a positive.  If a country has to have more hospitals and doctors,  doesn't that suggest that, that particular country has more sick people, needing more doctors and hospitals. 
 There are third world countries out there healthier than us, which makes us look even more pathetic  health wise  because,  we are supposed to be one of the most advanced countries in the world.
     The next time a doctor tells you natural supplements don't work, it's time to find a new doctor.
 We have to change the way we think in this country, doctors are not gods, most have just average IQs with good memories  and don't have an original thought in their head.   Maybe if doctors educational books weren't  written by pharmaceutical companies, they would have a better understanding of physiology, and only then, would I begin to trust their judgment.  Remember,  doctors know a lot abou pathology not physiology, this is why they always turn to drugs as the answer for everything.
     Stop dying and start living,  educate yourself  on supplements and physiology, only in this way will you not be duped by your next doctor, into taking drugs that do more harm than good.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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