I hear a lot of young people say they would rather die than grow old however, just because you grow older does not necessarily mean that you won't be able to do the things you like to do in life, it really comes down to how healthy you are not how old are you.
Growing older has its advantages, knowledge is one, and wisdom is the other. What most people are afraid of is being ill, not being able to walk or run, constantly being in pain, not being able to remember anything and having all your teeth fall out, your hearing go, and your eyesight diminish.
I assure you this does not have to happen, growing old doesn't mean you'll be an invalid, it all depends on what you do to your body now. Do you feed your body garbage, lounge around all day do nothing but play video games, overwork yourself and burn the candle at both ends? Growing old won't be so fun for you then, if you do such harmful things. Young people feel that they can pretty much do anything but, this just isn't the case. What you do to yourself when you're young is affecting your body greatly even though you don't feel it at the time. It is damaging your cells bit by bit and you will start to prematurely age way before your time.
Take charge of your life now, don't wait till bad things start to happen, by then it's usually too late. To start, you must first stop the things that are killing you such as soda pop and cigarettes, hydrogenated fats, and all junk food. Try to eat only whole foods, and take a good multivitamin from a reputable health food store, not from regular stores and pharmacies, because, you want your multivitamins to have a high amount of milligrams not just recommended daily allowance, shoot for optimum health. It would also be good to take extra vitamin C since most multivitamins have two little amount in it and the RDA for vitamin C is barely above scurvy not optimum health.
As you get older there are supplements that can actually help you become younger and feel younger again, they can boost your immune system and strengthen your heart. There are supplements that help with your joints and joint pain. I know this because I am 54 and feel like I'm in my 20s. I've been doing supplements and eating right the last 15 years and before that, I grew up eating right with my family and taking supplements, I have not had a cold or flu or got sick in any way, in the last 15 years. I still exercise and run through the forest and I cook all my own foods which tastes delicious, I say this because a lot of people have it in their heads that to eat good means the food will taste like crap, this just isn't true.
If you're over 50 and want to feel young again, email me at ionhealth@hotmail.com, and I will return your email as soon as possible with a guideline of food and supplements that will help get you there.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
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