Sunday, June 8, 2014

Doctors Speak Out About so Called Health Care!

       For those who have read my blogs, you've heard me thrash our health care system here in the United States, but if you think I stand alone, think again.
      There is a free book you can read here on the Internet called the Code of Life written by  an MD, it's a must read for anybody who wants to wake up and find out what our health care system is really about.
     I've called our health care system a cookie-cutter health care system  because  there's so little thinking involved when dealing with doctors and your physical needs.  As I have said before, doctors could definitely be replaced with machines and you would get the same cold  health care that you're getting now at a much, much, better price.  More and more doctors are getting fed up with the system and are speaking out against it.    The following are a few quotes by doctors and other intelligent people;
     We are asking the public to believe in what we do not believe in ourselves.  We are asking  them to take medicines we will not take, and to submit  to operations which we will not  permit on ourselves.
                                                                                                                              E.G. Jones,  MD

 The third world war is a global misinformation war, led by the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical investment  business, with disease against all mankind.
                                                                                                                              Dr. Matthias Rath

      Each progressive spirit is opposed by 1000 mediocre minds appointed to guard the past.
                                                                                                                              Maurice Maeterlinck

      Each of us, a cell of awareness,  imperfect and incomplete. Genetic blends,  with uncertain ends,  on a fortune hunt that's far two fleet. 
                                                                                                                             Neil Pert
      Alternative medicine isn't alternative at all, it is part of the natural physical world we live in so, it is of the norm and should be the mainstream. Western medicine however,  uses pharmaceuticals  that are not natural  but synthetic and are not of the norm.  It is the pharmaceuticals  that should be thought of as alternative. 
      Stop supporting the pharmaceutical companies and our deceitful health care system, find natural ways to help with your health, and you will be surprised at how well  natural supplements can help with ailments  in keeping you healthy and simple changing of your diet.  Remember, you are what you eat.
Joseph A. Moylan

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