Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Buyer has the Power

     It's true, the buyer does have the power.  A good way to think of it is; it's a lot like voting, every time you buy something you're voting for that company or rather that corporation.  When it comes to food in this country, it really matters what you're voting for.  Every time you buy that produce, meat, milk, cheese, or eggs, you're voting for pesticides, synthetics soils, radiation, genetic modified organisms, growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics and antiparasitic's plus animals fed grains instead of being put out to pasture so they can eat the grass that they're supposed to eat so that there fats are healthier with omega 3 in it and these animals are put in the worst conditions possible standing in their own feces.  The cruelty to these animals is just amazing, no if's, and's, or butts, it's all about the money, your money to be exact.
     Every time you go to the store and buy these corporate foods (food doesn't actually come from the farm anymore, it comes from a factory) you're voting for cruelty to animals,  having genetically modified organism foods  grown in synthetics soils and heavily pesticided and then radiated for  longer life on the shelf, so basically, there is very little vitamins left in them,  animals that can barely stand because they've been shot so full of growth hormones so they can produce a lot of milk.
     Here's another way to think about it;  your voting to be unhealthy, have a lot more of your hard earned money go towards insurance companies,  doctors, medical bills,  prescriptions and missed work from being sick all the time.  The government doesn't care because they tax all of this,  this is more money in their pockets from investments on the stock market of prescription drugs  and insurance companies.  Just remember, your voting for this way of life every time you buy that garbage from the  grocery store. 
     You can change this however,  you can start buying free range organic foods and then you will be voting for actual farmers, foods grown in rich soils loaded with minerals and vitamins, animals that live a much healthier and happier life on the range eating the grass they were meant to eat, and keeping more of your hard-earned money, because you won't be sick all the time needing to get prescriptions.  You won't be seeing the doctor as often or having hospital visits, just the occasional Dr. visit for a checkup.  You'll be mentally healthier as well as physically healthier and the water you drink won't be so contaminated with  pesticide runoff and  synthetic soil runoff, not to mention that they are now finding prescription drugs in our water. Let's face it, America would be a lot healthier and happier for it and maybe the money would spread around to more people instead of just a few corporate CEO's, it's called spreading the wealth.
      Please, stop polluting our planet, let's go back to healthier ways of eating and living.  I want to live in the Garden of Eden, not in the muck and mire of corporate filth.  So it comes down to this one question; what are you voting for?
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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