Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Fat America

       Obesity reigns supreme in America whether we like it or not.  Why do you suppose this is?  Aren't we the breadbasket of the world, don't we have the best food in the world, aren't we the healthiest country in the world?  Yes, we are the breadbasket of the world however, we certainly don't have the best food in the world (tasting or otherwise), and we definitely aren't the healthiest country in the world.  There is one thing we can definitely say, we are the fattest country in the world.
     Does anybody in America even cook anymore,  and I'm not talking about grilling outside on a barbecue  grill,  I'm talking about cooking from scratch?   Do any of you remember the days we used to sit down at a table,  I'm talking the whole family gathered together at once,  and eat delicious home-cooked meals?   If you're using your microwave to cook your meals for you and your family,  you most likely are going to die an early death.   First you'll start to gain weight, then comes the health problems,  then comes all the drug medications,  then comes cancer, diabetes and heart attacks.
  Oh, I know you don't  have enough time to cook, your life is just way too busy,  and you were never taught how to cook.  If this is you,  then you're not in control of your life,  your life is in control of you,  you probably should rethink your life,  maybe take a little less money and get a job that isn't going to kill you, because, what good is all that money if you don't have your health or the time to enjoy it?
     Grow your own organic garden, buy only free range meats, learn how to cook  and you will find  by not eating foods premade, precooked, pre-done, you'll start having  better energy and you'll lose the weight, plus, if the whole family is sitting down for dinner together at a table, you can each start having better conversations and learning from each other and your family will end up being a tighter knit family.
     I came from a big family,  and we were pretty poor, but we all sat at the table together to eat dinner, and we had some the most interesting conversations that made you think, we were healthy and happy, we grow our own gardens, we learned how to do things from scratch, in spite of being poor.  
     Money isn't everything but health is.  Once you don't have your health you will realize just how important it really is.  Change your life now before it's too late and you will be glad that you did.
Eating healthy is the key to being healthy.   If you are eating  a well-balanced meal of vegetables  meats and fruits that are free range and organic, you will find that obesity will be a thing of the past  and you will find that most of your health problems will go away.
       I like the new GNC motto of  "beat average" it's a good thing to strive for  especially when it comes to your health. If you compare America to the rest of the world on the health issue, let's face the facts shall we,  we are way below average.  let's change America  by starting with our own families  and when your neighbor see's your progress they will be curious and then you can tell them  to do the same,  in this way we will change America one family at a time to being a healthier and happier country.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan 

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