Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fraudulant Studies

     There are studies on the Internet that have claimed that multis do not work, however, the same studies have shown that vitamin D does boost immune system, can protect you from cancers and can help slow down osteoporosis.  There are studies showing that vitamin C can boost your immune system and without adequate amounts you would get scurvy.  For years doctors have been telling women to take calcium to help prevent osteoporosis. 
    All the above nutrients or all found in a multivitamin yet, a multivitamin doesn't work? It sounds like to me that they are talking out of both sides of their mouths.   You can't have it both ways, if certain supplements that doctors talk about are good for you, then, multis are good for you. 
     Too often do you hear doctors saying don't take a multi, because supplements don't work and yet,  out of the other side of their mouth are telling you take vitamin D, calcium,  and fish oils.  do they even realize how stupid they sound?
  Whenever you find these studies on the Internet,  you have to ask yourself;  who is funding these studies?  when you find that out,  you'll find the true agenda for the studies.
     It's always about money!
    Supplements cannot be patented only pharmaceuticals can.  Remember, it's a multi-trillion dollar business a year, so the less healthy you are the more money they make.  Supplements are cheap compared to  pharmaceuticals,  there just isn't any money in supplements.  There is no way they're going to tell you that supplements are good for you, because if they did and everybody got healthier, they would be putting themselves out of business.  The best way for them to combat against the supplement industry is to create fraudulent studies about supplements, then turn around and tell doctors about these studies and to let their patients know that taking a multi is a waste of time.  What an incredible scam using doctors that everyone looks up to, to further their agenda in pushing their pharmaceutical goods.
     I came to a conclusion long-ago after listening to my doctors and doing drugs and following their diets that they pertained that it was good for me, my health steadily went downhill and I nearly died.   Seeing how I had no other choice, because everything doctors told me to do was not helping and in reality, was making me worse,  I decided to pick up physiology books and start reading about the human body and how nutrients work in it, on my own.  I started taking supplements and eating a diet that actually went against what the doctor said, my health improved immensely.  I haven't even had a cold or flu in the last 17 years.  Countless others I have known through the years that started doing supplements instead of drugs have all improved their overall health.  So, if multi vitamins and supplements don't work, all I can say is;  "Wow, what a placebo effect."
       The next time you see a study on the Internet making claims that supplements don't work,  find out who's backing that study, follow the money and you'll find the culprit.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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