What exactly is optimum health? The way I see it is; being able to intake enough nutrients with a high enough quantity and quality to give you peak performance in both energy and brain function and an immune system that is so pumped up that your chances of catching any cold or flu is practically nil. This means never getting headaches, sore and busted up joints, indigestion, constipation, lethargic energy, poor eyesight, osteoporosis, cancer, lung ailments, high blood pressure, hyper or hypothyroid or any other ailments.
Well that just about eliminates every American in this country. We here in the US have way to many ailments due to the fact that our food is just garbage. How can we possibly be healthy if the food that we eat is grown in synthetic soils, genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides and eradiated before it even gets to the stores? We can't possibly have enough nutrients in our body from the foods we eat to function properly therefore, we must take a good multivitamin in order to supply what we don't get in our foods.
If you go and ask your doctor what multi you should take, you're going to find him saying that a multivitamin is completely unnecessary and you shouldn't take one. God forbid you should make yourself healthy and eliminate the need for that doctor or, at least, decrease the need for them, they may not make any money anymore. So don't expect your doctor to agree with me when I say you need to take a multivitamin because they definitely don't want you taking care of yourself and putting them out of business, that's just bad business. Just remember one thing, it's always about money in a capitalistic society, it will always be hard to get the truth when money is involved.
In order to have a healthier life you must start taking multivitamins as young children, because what you do when you're young is going to effect you later in life. Parents need to make sure their children have multivitamins and continue taking them through teenage years. Too often teenagers think that they will live forever because they have all their energy at that age and their health seems to be good, but going through puberty requires an adequate amount of nutrients, if the right amount of nutrients aren't attained, they will begin to suffer from the 20s on up, getting colds and flues and what seems to be allergic reactions to things or allergies in general, and that will be a sign that they did not get enough nutrients when they were younger.
I also see all these kids out there getting these pre-workouts and energy drinks which speed up their metabolism and burn the vitamins out quicker and when they're asked if they take a multivitamin they usually say, "no I don't need one" when, in reality, they actually need one more than most people.
Cancer has been on the rise and continues to climb in taking lives however, it's your very immune system that staves off the cancer in the first place, it doesn't just suddenly appear and then "poof" you have cancer, it grows when your immune system is no longer adequate enough to keep it in check.
So, If you really love yourself and your family you will go to the nearest health food store and buy yourselves a very good multivitamin. Don't buy them from regular stores due to the fact that there are no quality checks to see if they're any good or not and so many of them are way below the milligrams that are necessary to obtain optimum health. Only in good health food stores will you find high quality good multivitamins.
The next time your doctor says multivitamins are useless, tell that doctor she or he is useless and then go find yourself a better doctor who understands the need for a good multivitamin. If your doctor's telling you not to take a multivitamin, then that doctor doesn't think and is probably going to do more harm than good to you because a sad fact is most doctors IQs are really not that high. These type of doctors are what I like to call glorified drug dealers because they only deal in drugs, they are the pharmaceutical companies little puppets and are easily manipulated and controlled.
Remember, when it comes to your health, the person who can help you the most is you.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
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