Monday, August 12, 2013

America the addicted.

     If you are an American, then you most likely are a drug addict. Let me explain; if you get frequent headaches and then take aspirin or ibuprofen, then you are a drug addict. If you take a drug for high blood pressure or high cholesterol, then you are a drug addict. If your doing drugs for depression, then you are drug addict.
     Now a lot of you are saying,"I didn't choose this, it just happened and now I have to take the drug or I might die."
     Nothing just happens when it comes to health. During your life you made poor choices based on another addiction, namely sugar. Yes it messes with your neurotransmitters too, just like heroin or any other feel good drug. Sugar is found in all carbohydrates and junk food. We don't want to give up our addictions so we turn to new ones in the form of medicine.
     Newton's law of physics: "To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction." There is no way around this. Nothing just comes out of the blue. We need to take responsibility for our actions. You didn't just suddenly get sick, you have over the years been poisoning your body to the place of breakdown were your sickness then shows it's ugly head. The more we give into our addictions, the weaker our society will become. Our children have terrible role models to look up to. In fact, we start our children off in the wrong direction by showing them terrible eating habits and then following it with drugs. It's gotten so bad that we put our children on drugs instead of dealing with their problems. We send them to doctors who put them on Ritalin and other dangerous drugs. Have you read A Brave New World? In this science fiction they had a drug for everything, just how far off are we from that scary sci fi?
     It's time to WAKE UP. Stop dying and start living. Break free of the chains (drugs) that bind you and start living life again. Step back and take a good look at yourself. Do you like what you see? If you don't, then change it, because no one else is going to change it for you.
     With all of our science today, there are medical devices out there that deal with many ailments without side effects. Why not turn to these instead of drugs? Then change your eating habits and watch your life and health take a turn for the better.
     Let's start healing America TODAY.
Thank You!
Joseph A. Moylan

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