Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A horrible approach to cancer

     The approach our medical system uses for cancer is appalling at best. I feel Dr. Ronald R. Drucker said it best in his book The Code of Life when he said "Treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are, for the most part, either ineffectual or temporary. They are generally extremely dangerous, expensive, and often contributing to their eventual demise. Cure rates for most cancer treatments have improved little over many years and cancer rates are up."
     Let's face the facts, if the chemo doesn't work it will create a depleted environment  of the immune system that normally helps to fight the cancer, which, most surely, will end your life. Chemotherapy and radiation is a cash cow for the corporate drug giants, making on average one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per victim. They would have you believe that this is the only way to fight cancer.
     There are other ways to fight cancer, such as the biomat, an infrared and negative ion emitting FDA approved medical device. In another book called The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu M.D. Ph.D. They gathered patients that had undergone normal chemotherapy and or radiation and were told that nothing worked and to make their peace, then put them on a biomat with a mini biomat over them and were able to save 70% of those patients. I guess their doctors were wrong after all, because 70% didn't die, thanks to biomats. So, if you think that the normal approach to fighting cancer by using dangerous drugs like chemo and radiation is the safer way to go, think again.
     Stop  buying in to a system that isn't working to benifit you, but working to benefit themselves only and line their pockets with your money while you die miserably. Let the truth be known that there are better approaches to fighting cancer.

Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan


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