Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are we really free in America?

     When it comes to freedom of choice, it would be nice if it included health care. If you think for one moment that you have freedom of choice in choosing what type of health care you would like for your family, think again.
     I am going to tell you a story of a person and his family who is close to me. We will call him John Doe instead of his real name in order to protect his privacy.
     John married his collage sweet heart and began a family having 3 children at the time. His oldest child was in her early teens. She had an autoimmune disease called Lupus. She's had it all her life and now, since she was going through puberty, she started to have a flare up. (This is normal for most autoimmune diseases to flare up during puberty.) Her teachers at school noticed her having physical problems, so they decided to call John up and tell him he needed to take her to the hospital. John told them it wasn't necessary and that he would deal with the problem himself at home. But they insisted that he take her to a clinic or hospital. John said that it was normal for a Lupus victim to have a flare up while going through puberty.
     The teachers obviously thought that John was an uncaring parent by refusing to take her to a hospital, so they talked to some doctors and told them that John refused to help his child. Of course this couldn't be further from the truth because he loved his daughter very much and was giving her a more natural approach to her health care at home.
     The doctors were now involved and insisted that John should immediately bring in his daughter at once. They kept calling his home and threatening him with legal action. John assured them that it was just a flare up and it would pass with time.
     This wasn't good enough for the doctors so they called a law firm and took legal action against him. Soon John found himself in court fighting for his right to take care of his daughter the way he saw fit. He tried to convince the court that the natural way was the safer way to deal with the flare up. But the court decided against him saying he wasn't a doctor and only a doctor would know how to deal with these kind of health problems.
     They forcibly took his daughter from him and put her in a hospital and started giving her doses of Prednisone (a very strong steroid). It wasn't working so they gave her more till eventually she died. They not only killed his daughter but sent him a bill for the drugs and hospital stay on top of it. At least one honest doctor with a conscience came forward and told John that it was the prednisone that killed her.
     How free do you think John feels right now living in this country? How free would you feel if it happened to your family?
     It will and is happening already to all of us, in this new forced health care system were everyone has to have insurance. Does this insurance cover naturopathic doctors or herbalist. if you prefer the natural approach?
     HELL NO!
     This country can no longer say it is a free country anymore, when it comes to health care. Anytime you are forced to do something when it concerns your own body without your consent, that is not freedom. It is understandable to be forced to have insurance when others are at stake like auto insurance, because you could do damage to someone else. When it comes to your own body and only you can be hurt, that is where the line should be drawn.
     Your freedom is being taken away bit by bit. This is just one more step towards complete domination of doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Be your own human being instead of a slave to the system. Stop taking drugs and you will decrease their power over you. Learn more about health and start taking control of your life and health today. Remember, natural supplements don't have such deadly side effects as do pharmaceuticals. Plus, there are now medical devices, like Biomats, that are safe and effective without side effects, that you can use to help with serious health issues.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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