Monday, September 30, 2013

Money versus health

     It is interesting to watch how money gets in the way of health.  Let me explain; a person with a serious ailment who has insurance will almost always go with a drug because the insurance pays for it, even though many times the drug will actually do more damage than good.  Here's an example: the first six people I approached who had cancer, turned me down when I offered to sell them a Biomat which I had shown them all the information in past studies and testimonials.  I had shown them an overwhelming proof of its ability to work on cancer, yet, they decided to go with the chemo and radiation therapy instead, because their insurance covered it.  By the way, all six of those people died.  At least they saved money and now have enough money to pay for their own funeral.  That's way better isn't it?
     You as the reader of this blog, would do differently?  Be honest with yourself, even if you're facing a life and death situation and your insurance paid for a drug that may be very harmful to you and kill you in the end, would you not still go for it,  just because your insurance paid for it?
     Does money really have such a hold on us, does it really  influence our decision-making even at the risk of death?    It seems to be the case doesn't it?    It doesn't help when doctors are telling us that we have to do chemo for cancer or we will die.  The truth is, chemo destroys your white blood cells which are natural killer cells that kill cancer cells and radiation therapy kills our red blood cells which carry oxygen to the cells that help keep our cells  oxygenated in order to keep the cancer from coming back.    Is it any wonder why people who have had cancer and did chemo or radiation therapy, end up getting cancer again and then dying from it?
     Stop playing chemo and radiation roulette!  There are other ways to approach cancer, instead of going through horrible side effects and then dying anyway.   So far, everybody I approached who had cancer  that bought a Biomat, are still alive to to this day.  None of these people had to go through any serious side effects whatsoever.   Just remember, cancer cells die at 92°C, which is 107.6 Fahrenheit,  Biomats emit infrared rays which can heat up those cancer cells  to 140°F by penetrating the body up to 6 inches and yet, not harm your healthy cells because, your own body emits infrared rays.  The Biomat also emits negative ions, which help increase oxygen in your cells by opening the ion channels which, will help keep the cancer from spreading to other healthy cells.   It's interesting to watch how people will make poor choices do to the influence of money.
     One more thing, doctors and hospitals on average make $150,000 a pop on cancer patients, so it is in their best interest to use scare tactics to convince you that theirs is the only way.  Honestly though, it is your body, so it is your choice. 
     Thank you
 Joseph a Moylan

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