Monday, October 7, 2013

Diabetics Misguided Belief

     A lot of diabetics think that once you start taking insulin you will be okay and you won't die.  This is only partially true, yes insulin will keep you from dying from overload of sugar in the brain, however, it is that same insulin that will eventually kill you.  In all honesty, shooting up insulin is the beginning of the end.  Things will seem okay for a while, but eventually the insulin won't work as well as it did and you will have to increase it.  Neuropathy will set in, your eyesight will start to go, your cholesterol will start to rise, and you will start having heart attacks.  To understand the reason why this is, you have to understand what's going on.  Before you became a type II diabetic you ate a diet high in sugar in the form of sweets or high amounts of carbohydrates.  This overloaded sugar in your bloodstream so your body had to secrete insulin into your bloodstream to bind with sugars and then load them into your fat cells.  This is a safety mechanism to keep too much sugar from entering your brain and killing you.  After a while your cells cannot take any more insulin and it starts to back up in your bloodstream, this is called insulin resistant type II diabetes.  The doctors answer to this is pump more insulin into you which in turn, will cause more cells to shut down, and the answer to this is to increase your insulin.
     Do you see where this is going?  The more insulin you take, the more your cells shut down and you begin to die, this means literally you are starting to die one cell at a time.   At this present course you will get neuropathy, organ failure, and complete loss of eyesight, and then you most likely will have a heart attack and die.  There has to be a better way! 
     There is a better way and it starts with diet, then continues on with supplements and a Biomat.    Biomats help increase circulation which, will keep you from cell death.    This means you won't lose your eyesight or get neuropathy and you will decrease your chances of having a heart attack and having organ failure.
. You must change your eating habits, and in doing so, you decrease your body's need for insulin. .  The biomats will help open up your cells again, and help reverse your type II diabetes.
     Live a better quality life, stop killing yourself with insulin.
     Thank You
 Joseph a Moylan
  Owner and Pres. of Ion Health

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