When talking to people I asked them "how is your diet?" A good many of them answer with "I eat good I have a healthy diet." My response to them is usually "So you go to another country to eat do you?" If you're trying to eat healthy in this country that's very hard thing to do. Let's face the facts; our food is grown in synthetic soils void of any minerals, sprayed with pesticides, genetically modified, and then stored in a warehouse, shipped to a store where it sits until you buy it, take it home, cook it up and eat it. It's a miracle that there is any nutrients in it whatsoever. And the meats we buy are fed low grade food that has been genetically modified and sprayed with pesticides. The animals themselves are raised in very tight quarters sometimes never seeing the sun, shot up with growth hormones, steroids, and antibiotics. The meat from these animals are very low quality, have almost no vitamin D in their fat, and the density of their muscles leave something to be desired. Eating these foods leaves your body wanting more because of the lack of nutrients. In trying to get enough nutrients we end up overeating leading to obesity which then leads to many other health problems.
Let's face it, when it comes to food in this country, it falls way short of the mark. The food in this country is just garbage, is there any wonder why we have so many health problems in this country? You are what you eat, if you eat garbage, you become garbage. Many people out there don't even give it a second thought when it comes to buying food. What they don't realize is now, with the new health care laws of having to have health insurance, those of us who are healthy are going to pay for those who are not.
The more a person has to go to a doctor, take prescriptions, or need hospitalizing, an insurance company is going to pay for this. So what is an insurance company going to do to make sure it makes a profit? It will raise its prices across the board costing you and me more money. In no way is this fair or even ethical. Why should those would take care of themselves be stuck with the bill for those who don't give a damn about their health? Forced health care, meaning, everyone being forced to have health insurance is outright wrong. Do you really think this law was made for the people? Maybe, just maybe, this law was created so that the insurance companies, the hospitals, the doctors and the whole health care system could make more money? Or maybe, just maybe, it's one more step toward taking our freedom away. Remember when this country was of the people, by the people, for the people? Well, that's pretty much gone now. Welcome to corporate America the land of the controlled, the abusive. the greedy, and the outright unethical. God help us all.
Thank you
Joseph A. Moylan
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