Monday, October 28, 2013

Helping people help themselves?

     When you go to my website, you will notice under ion health the motto "helping people help themselves".  What does this mean?  What it means is; I help people by giving them the tools and knowledge to help themselves.  Maybe a lot of things I talk about come off as arrogant, cruel or distasteful, however, it is not my intention to aggravate or displease anyone but only to reveal a simple truth.  There are simple basics about health that anybody can learn if willing.  Most of my thoughts come from one simple truth, to every action there is an opposite an equal reaction.  This means disease does not come out of nowhere, it doesn't just suddenly appear or, as I've heard from doctors, these things just happen.  When it comes to health nothing just happens, every action is a result of another action.
    When it comes to health care, there are two principles of thought, pathology and physiology.   Pathology is the thought of pathogens cause illness, in other words, viruses bacteria and the like is what causes you to become ill.   From the physiology point of view, it is the strength of your immune system that either causes you to be healthy or sick.   Because of these two basic principles health care has been divided into two, doctors on one side following the principles of pathology and naturalist on the other side following the principles of physiology.  The next question would be; which one follows the principles of physics more closely? 
     Pathologies way of thinking of physics is when a pathogen comes into your body the opposite reaction is it attacks and make you sick and to reverse this action one must take a drug to make one better.  The question is: does a drug make one better? This can be answered with one simple truth, there is no cure for the common cold, the drugs you take for that cold only help with the symptoms but cannot actually cure the cold itself, it is your own human body that eventually kicks up your immune system and kills off that virus. It is in this simple truth you will find the flaw of western medicine. Drugs do not cure only your body can cure itself, and this is the way of naturalist thinking using the science of physiology.   A naturalist point of view is to boost the human body's immune system through proper dieting and supplementing to fight off on its own any pathogen to come up against its own defenses.
     I assure you I follow the sciences of physiology and physics. You can't get around physics
because it applies to everything, you eat junk you become junk. If you eat properly your body runs properly. We must stop complicating things and make it simple, eat foods in their whole and your body becomes whole. I am not here to make you think that doctors are a bunch of idiots, they're not.  You would be surprised at how many doctors believe what I believe but are stuck in a system that prevents them from going the naturalist route. I am not here to twist arms, I am here to help those who are willing to help themselves, nothing more and nothing less.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, October 21, 2013

Suicidal Addictive Behavior

     I was at a chiropractor friends office today and he told me a story that floored me. He said that a 20 year old came into his office complaining of back pain. She apparently had degenerative back disorder, after some questioning by my friend, she revealed that on top of smoking she was drinking 6 to 8 40 oz. bottles of soda pop a day. My comment to him was "...and she's still alive?" It's amazing how resilient the human body can be. Given the right nutrients it can withstand just about anything. However, this girl didn't have the right nutrients, in fact, she had the worst junk, allowed by the FDA to enter the human body, in her. Even though she was exercising at a gym, it couldn't keep her back from degenerating. It just goes to show that even though you exercise, without a proper diet, you can still have major health problems effect you.
     Smoking cigarettes is bad enough but, drinking soda pop on top of smoking will increase health risk exponentially. To give you an idea just how bad soda pop can be, here is what I learned from chemist; just 10 ounces of soda (we're talking not even a full can) will strip 15 billion x a trillion oxygen molecules. It strips so many minerals that it takes 32 8 oz glasses of high alkaline water at a pH balance of 10, to neutralize just 10 ounces of soda. It's no wonder she had degenerative back pain. At the rate she's going she will be in a wheel chair before she reaches my age that is, if she hasn't died of cancer from the lack off oxygen in her cells first. The sad thing is, she will have a miserable time trying to quit because, soda pop stimulates the same neurotransmitter in the brain as does heroin, it messes with the serotonin levels.
     You can die of cancer from drinking soda pop just as well as from smoking cigarettes. In fact, only about 1/8 of the people who die of cancer are cigarette smokers, that leaves 7/8's  of the people who don't smoke, dying of cancer.
     If you are one of the people who drink soda pop, and want to quit to get your health back, you are going to need to drink a lot of high alkaline water to reverse the damage you have done to yourself. This isn't easy to do since most water you buy from the store is too low in alkalinity. The best solution is to get an Alkal-Life machine that you can hook up to your sink and will filter and ionize your water to be as high as 10.5 alkaline, then you can start living a healthier an happy life again.

Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
Owner and President of ION HEALTH LLC

Monday, October 14, 2013

Relief to Rheumatoid Sufferers

     According to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia on the Internet, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs but primarily attacks flexible (synovial) joints.  It can be a disabling and painful condition, which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated.  It goes on to say the process involves an inflammatory response of the capsule around the joints secondary to swelling the synovial cells, excess synovial fluid, and the development of fibrous tissue in the synovium.  Further on, it talks about how even the lungs could get fibrous tissue.
     But when it comes to dealing with the problem of reducing pain and symptoms,  it advises that drugs are still the best answer inspite of their side effects, for helping with rheumatoid arthritis.  It does mention some of the herbs you could take, but advises against them due to their high side effects, and then goes on to compare the side effect of herbs to drugs, which in reality there is no comparison whatsoever.  Yes herbs do work like drugs in that they are phytochemicals, however, drugs are synthetically made and not organic as are herbs, which could lead to many damaging effects on the body including even possibly messing with the DNA of an individual which can be passed down to their offspring, even if it doesn't affect them immediately.  The herbs they mentioned would only be semi-helpful which would not lead to any significant reduction in pain or swelling.  I find it very peculiar however, that there was no mention of anything other than herbs which are not vitamins minerals or coenzymes.  There is a mineral out there that is very helpful and is called  methylsulfonylmethane otherwise known as MSM.   Unlike herbs and drugs, there is almost no toxicity to MSM whatsoever.  In fact in one study they showed that water was twice as toxic as MSM.  At 20 g to a pound of bodyweight water is toxic, at 40 g to a pound of body weight MSM is toxic, in other words, if you were trying to kill yourself by taking MSM and drinking it down with water, the water would kill you first.  It is one of the least toxic things on this planet so you can even go high on the milligrams without any harm to yourself.  The only people who need to watch out in taking MSM are people who are allergic to sulfur, not sulfa drugs.   For instance, my wife is allergic to sulfa drugs yet she can take MSM with no problem whatsoever. Those with the true allergy to sulfur cannot take MSM.  If you can eat eggs or garlic and even onions then you most likely are not allergic to sulfur.  There is one other item that isn't a drug and it starts helping with the relief of pain almost instantly, it's called the Biomat. 
     I myself have been a sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis since I was young child.    As a child I got scarlet fever and somehow it left me with rheumatoid arthritis.    Most of my younger life I suffered with this pain especially during weather changes, the pain would be so intense in my hips that at times I could not even walk.    I found out about MSM in my 30s and begin taking high amounts of it, over time it reduced my pain greatly but still had problems during weather changes although not near as bad as it was.    I found out about Biomats and bought one, and all I can say is wow.    The Biomat was the most soothing relief I ever felt that was pretty much immediate, together with the MSM I no longer have any pain whatsoever,  that's right, no pain whatsoever and all my swelling has gone down, no more bumps on my fingers, no more pain in my hips.
     Don't expect the Mayo Clinic anytime soon do any studies on these products, because they're not drugs and there's no money to be made from it, and if there's no money to be made from it, they sure don't want you to know about it.  If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and would like some relief, go to a health food store and buy some MSM  and start taking some high amounts of it with vitamin C, after about two weeks you'll start feeling some relief, then go get yourself a Biomat, believe me, you'll be glad you did.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, October 7, 2013

Diabetics Misguided Belief

     A lot of diabetics think that once you start taking insulin you will be okay and you won't die.  This is only partially true, yes insulin will keep you from dying from overload of sugar in the brain, however, it is that same insulin that will eventually kill you.  In all honesty, shooting up insulin is the beginning of the end.  Things will seem okay for a while, but eventually the insulin won't work as well as it did and you will have to increase it.  Neuropathy will set in, your eyesight will start to go, your cholesterol will start to rise, and you will start having heart attacks.  To understand the reason why this is, you have to understand what's going on.  Before you became a type II diabetic you ate a diet high in sugar in the form of sweets or high amounts of carbohydrates.  This overloaded sugar in your bloodstream so your body had to secrete insulin into your bloodstream to bind with sugars and then load them into your fat cells.  This is a safety mechanism to keep too much sugar from entering your brain and killing you.  After a while your cells cannot take any more insulin and it starts to back up in your bloodstream, this is called insulin resistant type II diabetes.  The doctors answer to this is pump more insulin into you which in turn, will cause more cells to shut down, and the answer to this is to increase your insulin.
     Do you see where this is going?  The more insulin you take, the more your cells shut down and you begin to die, this means literally you are starting to die one cell at a time.   At this present course you will get neuropathy, organ failure, and complete loss of eyesight, and then you most likely will have a heart attack and die.  There has to be a better way! 
     There is a better way and it starts with diet, then continues on with supplements and a Biomat.    Biomats help increase circulation which, will keep you from cell death.    This means you won't lose your eyesight or get neuropathy and you will decrease your chances of having a heart attack and having organ failure.
. You must change your eating habits, and in doing so, you decrease your body's need for insulin. .  The biomats will help open up your cells again, and help reverse your type II diabetes.
     Live a better quality life, stop killing yourself with insulin.
     Thank You
 Joseph a Moylan
  Owner and Pres. of Ion Health