Monday, October 21, 2013

Suicidal Addictive Behavior

     I was at a chiropractor friends office today and he told me a story that floored me. He said that a 20 year old came into his office complaining of back pain. She apparently had degenerative back disorder, after some questioning by my friend, she revealed that on top of smoking she was drinking 6 to 8 40 oz. bottles of soda pop a day. My comment to him was "...and she's still alive?" It's amazing how resilient the human body can be. Given the right nutrients it can withstand just about anything. However, this girl didn't have the right nutrients, in fact, she had the worst junk, allowed by the FDA to enter the human body, in her. Even though she was exercising at a gym, it couldn't keep her back from degenerating. It just goes to show that even though you exercise, without a proper diet, you can still have major health problems effect you.
     Smoking cigarettes is bad enough but, drinking soda pop on top of smoking will increase health risk exponentially. To give you an idea just how bad soda pop can be, here is what I learned from chemist; just 10 ounces of soda (we're talking not even a full can) will strip 15 billion x a trillion oxygen molecules. It strips so many minerals that it takes 32 8 oz glasses of high alkaline water at a pH balance of 10, to neutralize just 10 ounces of soda. It's no wonder she had degenerative back pain. At the rate she's going she will be in a wheel chair before she reaches my age that is, if she hasn't died of cancer from the lack off oxygen in her cells first. The sad thing is, she will have a miserable time trying to quit because, soda pop stimulates the same neurotransmitter in the brain as does heroin, it messes with the serotonin levels.
     You can die of cancer from drinking soda pop just as well as from smoking cigarettes. In fact, only about 1/8 of the people who die of cancer are cigarette smokers, that leaves 7/8's  of the people who don't smoke, dying of cancer.
     If you are one of the people who drink soda pop, and want to quit to get your health back, you are going to need to drink a lot of high alkaline water to reverse the damage you have done to yourself. This isn't easy to do since most water you buy from the store is too low in alkalinity. The best solution is to get an Alkal-Life machine that you can hook up to your sink and will filter and ionize your water to be as high as 10.5 alkaline, then you can start living a healthier an happy life again.

Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
Owner and President of ION HEALTH LLC

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