Monday, October 28, 2013

Helping people help themselves?

     When you go to my website, you will notice under ion health the motto "helping people help themselves".  What does this mean?  What it means is; I help people by giving them the tools and knowledge to help themselves.  Maybe a lot of things I talk about come off as arrogant, cruel or distasteful, however, it is not my intention to aggravate or displease anyone but only to reveal a simple truth.  There are simple basics about health that anybody can learn if willing.  Most of my thoughts come from one simple truth, to every action there is an opposite an equal reaction.  This means disease does not come out of nowhere, it doesn't just suddenly appear or, as I've heard from doctors, these things just happen.  When it comes to health nothing just happens, every action is a result of another action.
    When it comes to health care, there are two principles of thought, pathology and physiology.   Pathology is the thought of pathogens cause illness, in other words, viruses bacteria and the like is what causes you to become ill.   From the physiology point of view, it is the strength of your immune system that either causes you to be healthy or sick.   Because of these two basic principles health care has been divided into two, doctors on one side following the principles of pathology and naturalist on the other side following the principles of physiology.  The next question would be; which one follows the principles of physics more closely? 
     Pathologies way of thinking of physics is when a pathogen comes into your body the opposite reaction is it attacks and make you sick and to reverse this action one must take a drug to make one better.  The question is: does a drug make one better? This can be answered with one simple truth, there is no cure for the common cold, the drugs you take for that cold only help with the symptoms but cannot actually cure the cold itself, it is your own human body that eventually kicks up your immune system and kills off that virus. It is in this simple truth you will find the flaw of western medicine. Drugs do not cure only your body can cure itself, and this is the way of naturalist thinking using the science of physiology.   A naturalist point of view is to boost the human body's immune system through proper dieting and supplementing to fight off on its own any pathogen to come up against its own defenses.
     I assure you I follow the sciences of physiology and physics. You can't get around physics
because it applies to everything, you eat junk you become junk. If you eat properly your body runs properly. We must stop complicating things and make it simple, eat foods in their whole and your body becomes whole. I am not here to make you think that doctors are a bunch of idiots, they're not.  You would be surprised at how many doctors believe what I believe but are stuck in a system that prevents them from going the naturalist route. I am not here to twist arms, I am here to help those who are willing to help themselves, nothing more and nothing less.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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