Sunday, October 5, 2014

Solicited by a Cola Company?!?!?!

     The other day I was solicited by a cola company, (can you believe it?) they were wondering if I wanted to sell some of their products.  My answer to them was, "I'm in the health business, why on earth would I want to sell anything as deadly as soda pop?"  Their answer to me was that they sell other products that are more healthy for you such as; smart water and vitamin water.  I then asked them "what makes you think I would have anything to do with a company that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths over the years from cancer and other debilitating diseases that your acidic drinks have caused?"  I went on to say; "I actually sell high alkaline water making machines that help reverse the damage that your acidic drinks have caused, so why on earth would I have anything to do with your company?"  I then thanked them for their time and and hung up.
     I have worked for a lot of health food stores over the years, never have I seen any products by any soda pop producing companies.
  These companies can't be that clueless could they?  You would think they would check the company out first before trying to sell them on their products..  I guess they've been drinking too much of their own products and their cognitive thinking has gone down the drain.
Just to let everybody know once more, it takes 38 10 ounce glasses of high alkaline water at a pH balance of 10, to neutralize only 10 ounces of soda pop. .  Ten ounces of cola can strip 16 billion times a trillion oxygen molecules from your body. Anything that causes a lack of oxygen in your body can and will cause cancer.
     Seeing how this is the month of the National Breast Cancer Foundation's drive, I would say it is in very poor taste to ask anyone in the health business if they would like to sell a cola company's  products.
     If you have been drinking soda pop and would like to help reverse the damage it has caused to your kidneys, bones, joints and your whole bodies alkalinity, you can call me at 765-520-2988 to get an Alkal-life machine you can hook up to your sink, and start increasing your alkalinity to help keep yourself from getting cancer and reverse some of the damage soda pop has caused. If no one answers, just leave your name and number and I will call you back as soon as possible.
     Remember, your health relies on whether or not you are alkaline as apposed to acidic. Anyway, for those of you who have been reading my blogs, I thought you might get a kick out of this story.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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