Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Simple Approach to Diabetes

     There's a lot of information about diabetes out there and it can get complicated and confusing however, there is a simpler approach to diabetes.
     If you have type II diabetes and were told it's caused by hereditary reasons, there could be an argument  against the idea of it being hereditary in the first place.   Some would say that the only thing hereditary about it is the diet.   I'm not going to get into this argument at this time,  instead,  I'm going to approach the whole diabetes problem from a different angle. 
     There's an old saying I do believe holds true,  "you are what you eat", if you eat junk you become junk,  if you eat well you become well.  the approach I'm going to take towards helping people with diabetes is all about diet.
     There is what they called the glycemic index,  this index gives you an idea at how fast the foods you are eating release sugar into your body, the  higher the index the more sugar is released, the lower the index the less sugar is released.  When sugar is raised too quickly in your bloodstream  insulin is triggered and enters the bloodstream to get the sugar out, it then binds to those sugars  and carries the sugars into your cells,  in this way it keeps that sugar from reaching your brain and killing you. The problem is that each time that insulin is pounded into your cells the cells start to shut down  and don't accept insulin anymore, the sugar then begins to rise in your bloodstream, this is called: insulin resistant  type II diabetes.
     It shouldn't really matter whether or not that your diabetes is caused by hereditary reasons, the approach is still the same, stop eating the foods that cause your blood sugar to rise ( high glycemic foods).  What you put into your body does matter in spite of anybody telling you that you must take  the medication because yours is hereditary.  The only people who have to worry about such things are type I diabetics, due to the fact that there  pancreas does not put out any insulin whatsoever.   Even type I  diabetics  can benefit from eating low glycemic foods.
     In spite of what your doctors say, or anybody else for that matter,  natural physiology says something completely different and that is: if you eat low glycemic foods and test your blood two hours later and your blood sugar has only gone up of couple of points,  you definitely would not have a problem with high blood sugar would you?   The best way to control your blood sugar is; whatever you're eating test your blood sugar levels two hours after you've eaten and see if your blood sugar has risen,  if it has, don't eat that again and if it hasn't, then it's one of the foods you can eat, it really is that simple.
     Stop dying and start living.  There is no way around it, to every action there is an opposite an equal reaction,  you eat good food  that does not raise your blood sugar you are not going to have problem. 
 One more thing, it's not just what you eat but also what you drink  that matters. If you are drinking anything other than high alkaline water or even plain water for that matter, chances are you're raising your blood sugar levels. 
      Start testing your blood sugar today after you eat, you could be on your way to a much better life.
 Also keep in mind, the supplement MSM  combined with a Biomat can help open up your cells again  to accepting insulin, but this can only happen with a low glycemic diet.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

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