I know of a sad case where a certain person was completely abused all throughout childhood and into adulthood because of a sad pathetic human being who wanted full control of her children and using religion as a tool of control. This person went to get help and was directed towards a psychiatrist who promptly wrote a heavy duty prescription to drown out the misery. This being a very intelligent person, tried to explain to those doctors he/she didn't want to get hooked on some psychiatric drug that wasn't getting rid of his/her problems and was just taking away any emotional response to those problems. This would mean he/she would never truly get over the problems but would be permanently hooked on some medication for the rest of his/her entire life. Because he/she insisted on a psychologist, not a psychiatrist that gives out drugs, he/she was finally able to talk about his/her problems and that psychologist did help him/her a great deal. He/she no longer feels like killing him/her self and did it with out the help of drugs.
Too often doctors turn immediately to drugs to solve problems when all they're doing is creating a new one. This is exactly what I mean by cookie-cutter health care. If that person had taken that drug that person would still be on it today and most likely be doing higher dosages or switch to another similar drug due to the fact that over time the drug can actually work in reverse and cause one to want to kill themselves. If after taking it for years, a person decided to suddenly quit it, depression would come back like a gangbuster and again most likely would kill themselves. This is how pharmaceutical companies and doctors make their money, what a sad set of affairs.
Doctors have become nothing better than legalized drug dealers pushing their drugs onto unsuspecting patients then getting them hooked on those drugs to a point where it is dangerous to get off of them. What a cleverly devious way to make money! It makes me ask some questions
such as: do these doctors intentionally and purposely put these poor unsuspecting people on these drugs just to make a buck or, are they void of any real intelligence and are going with the cookie-cutter approach, dishing out drugs like candy, because that's the only thing they know and have been taught, or are they just too lazy to find some real help for these poor unsuspecting people?
It has to be one of the lowest most devious things to do, getting someone hooked on drugs when their capacity for thinking straight is at its lowest. They call this good health care?
I call this an abomination of trust.
You must try your best to educate yourself or you'll end up being caught up in one of the world's worst scams; the cookie-cutter health care system.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
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