Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Money Before Health

     One of the biggest moneymakers for our health care system is, without a doubt, cancer treatment.  Making $200 billion plus a year, pharmacies are making a killing on our suffering public and the intent is not to cure but to control the cancer, because finding a cure would pretty much put them out of business wouldn't it?
    I know of a whistleblower on the inside who has been giving me information, this person told me a story about a man who had cancer  that was taking chemo costing about $450 a week for about two years  and then one day was told that they did all they could for him and he should go to hospice  and basically die.   The man decided,  just because they've written me off doesn't mean I have to write myself off and started looking for alternative treatments. He was told to go cross the border down to Mexico and do vitamin C and Laetrile infusions and in doing so started to get better, that's right I said started to get better.
     Surprise, surprise,  there are other treatments for cancer besides chemo and radiation therapy  and many of them work way better than the chemo and radiation therapy. I know what you're thinking, why don't they have these treatments here in America?    They're very inexpensive treatments and there's no money to be made so the pharmaceutical companies pushed our government to pass laws  illegalizing such treatments in this country.  Let's face the facts shall we, they have to protect their two billion-dollar a year income don't they?  People be damned, money is more important.   Don't think they will find a cure anytime soon for cancer because, they're really not looking for one,  and if they were, they would've already found it as some very good doctors have and are now in Mexico  treating cancer patients there.
     They need to stop calling it health care  and start calling it money care, it would be way more honest would it not?
     Shame on all you doctors who have dished out chemo and radiation therapy with the lie on your lips of a cure, when you damn well know that once you have  administer these toxins into the human body, you have lowered their immune system  to such a bleak state, that their chances  of getting cancer again within the first five years go through the roof exponentially, but that's okay with you because it means you can make so much more money again. 
     Woe to you all that have passed such laws outlawing inexpensive treatments for cancer because they are not pharmaceutical drugs.  To all of you out there, be very leery of any doctors that follow  the cookie-cutter pharmaceutical programs when it comes to your health. 
     Keep one thing in mind everyone,  it is nutrients not drugs that make your body work.
Thank You
Joseph A Moylan

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