A Dr.'s first order of business is to make sure at no time are they to bring harm to the patient. A Dr.'s second order of business is to help the patient with his or her ailments with the patient's welfare in mind.
There was this elderly lady once who told me that her doctor put her on Lipitor even though her cholesterol was fine and his excuse was that people her age should be on Lipitor due to the fact that cholesterol starts to rise at her age and he'd rather be safe than sorry.
I said "let me get this right, your doctor's going to put your liver at risk in spite of your perfect cholesterol number?"
She thought about what I asked for a moment then the realization came upon her and asked " why did he do that?"
Now that's a very good question, why did he do that? It was obvious that she didn't need the drug and yet, he prescribed it for her anyway. Could it be that he's making a kickback from the pharmaceutical company that makes that particular drug? Did he really have the elderly ladies best interest in mind?
In another case a friend of mine came to me one day and asked me for some help. He told me that his son's blood pressure had gone up and yet his son was only 17, he then took him to a doctor and asked that Dr. if drinking energy drinks had anything do with his blood pressure going up. The Dr. told him that doing energy drinks had nothing to do with his blood pressure going up and that it was probably due to hereditary reasons only. He went on to prescribe for his son a blood pressure pill. I guess Isaac Newton was an idiot and his "to every action there is an opposite an equal reaction" is a complete farce. It's amazing how this Dr. just throws physics right out the window. The honest answer would've been "doing energy drinks with high amounts of caffeine will speed up your heart rate which in turn will raise your blood pressure so, I want you to give up the energy drinks and in two months come back to my office and we will test your blood pressure again. However, the Dr. did not tell him this so, I told my friend to tell his son to give up the energy drinks and he will most likely not need the blood pressure pill. His son complied, and sure enough, his blood pressure dropped back to normal, turned out he didn't need the drug after all.
Do you think this Dr. had my friends son's best interest in mind? Absolutely not! He didn't care if that pill harmed my friend's son. The way he probably saw it was; if it causes any side effects he will just give him another pill for that and make more money.
This is a couple of examples of what I call "glorified drug dealers". These two so-called doctors should have their license stripped from them and not allowed to practice medicine ever again. Doctors like these are doing more harm than good, all they're looking out for is their own best interest. With so many people looking up to doctors like they're gods, I find it very highly immoral to give out drugs to unsuspecting people like it's candy. This is why I tell people to educate themselves, learn as much as they can about physiology and what makes the body work, otherwise, be at the mercy of your glorified drug dealer.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
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