Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Drugs VS Holistic

     When it comes to your health, which is better to use, drugs or holistic medicines?  For the most part, it's better to start with holistic since our bodies are organic not synthetic however, drugs do have their place in the health field.  A good example of this is; when your thyroid starts to slow down you can try to kick start it again using L-tyrosine and iodine to create thyroxine, the working hormone in your thyroid.  Usually this is enough to get the thyroid going again however, if it doesn't work you can try glandular's next with the actual thyroxine in them but, you'll need a doctor's prescription which most doctors aren't willing to do.  If still your thyroid doesn't work you can then try Armour thyroid which is basically pig thyroxine.  This is a little hard to control since it goes by grains not milligrams and sometimes the thyroid could be all over the place when testing TSH levels.  Only when all else fails should you go to Synthroid which is basically a synthetic drug, Armour thyroid usually works though. Even though the Synthroid is a drug,  when all else fails, it can save your life.
     You can buy L-tyrosine and iodine at health food stores.  The iodine will usually be in kelp or dulse form,  and L-tyrosine will be in the amino acid section.  Even if you do take Synthroid or one of its counterparts,  you can still take L-tyrosine especially if you still feel depressed or have low energy  because L tyrosine also helps with the adrenal glands and the pituitary plus it raises dopamine in the brain which is your feel-good chemical.
     There are cases where drugs are the only answer such as bipolar disorder.   I haven't found anything holistic yet that can really help with bipolar disorders,  and I've seen people who have bipolar disorder off their meds and I can tell you it's not a pretty sight.   It is very rare that you won't find holistic medicines to help with your ailments.  Always try for the holistic  approach first  because they come with a lot less side effects than the drugs do and seldom will you find it to cause instant death,  however, there are holistic medicines that can kill you deader than a door nail, if doing too much such as iron.  In a child's hand iron can be deadly, if they ingest too much it will cause them to have a heart attack.
     It pays to have knowledge when treating yourself for ailments  even if they're holistic, although,  it is very rare that anything holistic will kill you deader than a doornail. The same cannot be said for drugs.   Drugs,  even though over-the-counter,  can be very dangerous in the hands of a child. just  because it's over-the-counter does not mean it doesn't have it's side effects, aspirin will eat holes through your stomach  and Tylenol,  Advil, Aleve and the like, can destroy your liver. Drugs are dangerous and must be used sensibly, and if it can be helped, not at all.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan 

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