Sunday, November 30, 2014

Losing Weight Naturally

     Now that we've stuffed ourselves full of Turkey, pumpkin pie or other desserts, we will probably gain a few pounds.  Having gained a few pounds, we will probably want to lose a few pounds.  Many of us in wanting to lose weight, will be looking for that miracle pill to help us lose that weight.
     Now for the bad news, there is no miracle pill.   I'm not saying there isn't pills out there that can help us lose weight,  what I'm saying is;  in order to lose weight and keep it off, you must change your lifestyle, only then will you be able to keep that weight off otherwise,  you will have the yoyo effect where you lose weight and then gain it back. Just taking a pill to lose weight isn't going to cut it, you actually have to change your lifestyle, which means changing what you eat on a regular basis and increasing your exercise, mostly cardiovascular.   Exercise and taking pills to lose weight will not be enough because, if you are taking a thermogenic pill, the longer you stay on it the less it will work. It will start wearing away your adrenal glands and eventually decrease your energy levels and raise your blood pressure.  Not changing what you eat, you will eventually gain back the weight. 
     I'm not saying thermogenic's don't work at losing weight,  what I'm saying is; if you don't change the way you eat, the thermogenic can only do so much.  Doing that same thermogenic with a life change by adding exercise  and eating better food such as organic foods low in carbohydrates  and sugar,  eliminating all sugary drinks and increasing your water intake, not only will you lose weight  you will have a much better chance at keeping it off once you stop the thermogenic.
     There are non-thermogenic pills that can help you lose weight  that are fat emulsifiers that break down your fat and help your body utilize it for energy and connective tissue such as CLA ( conjugated linolenic acid )  and L-carnitine an amino acid that  breaks down your fats and carries long chain fatty acids into your cells and burns them for energy.  Those with high blood sugar should be using these two supplements instead of thermogenics, in fact, L-carnitine helps strengthen the heart as well as help you lose weight.
     Most people have a hard time dealing with life changes,  they want to hang on to their comfort foods  that make them gain weight,  most people are addicted to sugar in its many forms because it raises the same neurotransmitter in your brain as does heroin, and let's face it, addictions are hard to break.  Loosing weight is really about fighting addiction and if you think that isn't true, try to get somebody who loves soda pop to stop drinking it. I've seen people stop smoking easier than those who tried to stop drinking soda pop.  I've heard so many people tell me that they can't drink water, their liquid has to have some form of flavor.  For me it's very hard to picture since I love water and can't stand anything else, it all taste too fake.
     Unless we break the addictions that bind us to our unhealthy weight,  we will never have the success we're looking for. If you think you're not addicted, try giving up your soda pop, caffeine, simple carbohydrates and sugar and see how far you get  before you cave in.  So, until you admit to yourself that you are a caffeine and sugar junkie,  you will forever have problems with your weight.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Holiday Stuffed

     Another Thanksgiving is upon us and stuffing our bellies is going to happen so, to prepare for the following misery, go to a health food store and buy some enzymes, this will help with the heartburn (now conveniently called acid reflux disease). Papaya enzymes that you chew can be found at GNC, they help break down carbohydrates and protein because of the papain found in papaya.
     I prefer to take enzymes over drugs that shut down my hydrochloric acid do to the fact that hydrochloric acid helps break down the foods we eat. In shutting the hydrochloric acid off you are now not digesting your food properly and this will cause problems in your intestines.  The probiotics that are in your intestines will not be able to break down the larger chunks of food that your stomach has been kept from digesting.  This can lead to constipation and possibly irritable bowel syndrome, not to mention that you won't be absorbing all the nutrients in that food which will lead to all kinds of health problems because, the body can't work properly without nutrients.
     To think all these problems could be avoided by simply buying some enzymes which will help you break down your foods the way nature intended.
     Papaya enzymes are to be chewed after a meal (anywhere from 4 to 10 little chews) and multiple enzymes are to be taken right before your meal.  Why be miserable during Thanksgiving when you can enjoy yourself and the loved ones around you.
     So this Thanksgiving do the sensible thing and throw the harmful drugs into the trash and take enzymes and have a happy safe Thanksgiving.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Is Exercise Necessary?

    Is exercise necessary?  I feel that it is.
    If you look at the animals in the wild, for the most part, they're pretty healthy. wild animals get plenty of exercise, in fact, during migrations animals can be seen running for miles and miles. Every cell in your body needs oxygen,  nutrients,  and stimulation in order to function right. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body and the blood carries nutrients and oxygen to every cell in your body.   People who live a sedentary lifestyle are never as healthy as those who exercise.
     The body definitely needs stimulation in order to function right and the old saying "use it or lose it" is absolutely true.  A bodybuilder won't be able to keep his muscles unless he keeps working out.  The same is true for every part of your body, without stimulation from exercise a lot of your body parts could stop functioning properly.  When you exercise you should work up a sweat,  this is very important because this is one way your body can detoxify itself and left unchecked, toxins build up in places like your lymph nodes and create problems for your immune system not to mention your digestive track too.
     Even if you eat well and take supplements,  exercises is still necessary and one of the reasons is: when you exercise you stimulate your pituitary gland to put out more HGH (human growth hormone), which turns into IGF-I (insulin like growth factor one).   IGF-I grows muscles, joints, bones and speeds up the healing process.   As you grow older your pituitary stops  putting out as much HGH, this leads to the dying of cells and bit by bit your body shutting down and then death, by exercising you stave off this process for longer period of time, your body stays young and functions better when you exercise.
     If you're the kind of person who hates exercise, take up a sport or go for long hikes in the forests  or walking on sand on a beach, these are still very good forms of exercise.  For those who've never exercised before, just start out small and find something that you like to do and you will find after while that you feel better than you ever have before, because your body will start functioning at its peak plus,  you will find your energy levels going up not down.
     With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, we just know we are not going to eat the best things in the world for ourselves, so there is no better time to start exercising than now, before the holidays hit, this way you'll be prepared and start burning those calories right away and keep your body functioning  at its peak.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan     

Sunday, November 9, 2014

More Drugs vs Holistic

     As I have said in my last blog, drugs do have their place in the wellness arena, however, when ever possible, you should find a holistic approach before jumping on the drug wagon. Too often we try to take the easy way out and end up causing more problems than what we started with.
     The best road to take isn't always the easiest road, eliminating certain foods from our diet isn't easy but the results are far greater than jumping on some drug that will have side effects that will eventually have you taking more drugs to counteract the first drug so on and so forth. Before long, you are on 30 or so drugs with incredibly bad health, making insurance premiums go up and forcing the rest of us to pay for you to be unhealthy. Somehow, that just doesn't seem right.
     The harder way is to stop eating junk food and start cooking all of your meals making everything from scratch. Start taking a multi vitamin from a health food store just to ensure you get enough nutrients, and make sure 80% of everything you eat is organic and free range. Eating out once in a while is okay as long as it doesn't exceed 20% of what you eat.
     For ailments, there are supplements out there that will truly amaze you on how well they work. Again, this requires effort because you will have to learn about natural approaches to wellness. Because there is so much misinformation out there, this will require many hours of studying about natural physiology approaches to health. The sad truth is; most people are just too lazy to put in the time and effort to learn something new, it's so much easier to go to a doctor and have him prescribe you some drug, this way you can go on slowly killing yourself.
     If you have to take a drug then learn what you can take to help knock out the side effects like taking NAC (N-acytle cysteine) which helps to create glutathione a detoxifying substance that not only cleans out your liver but your kidneys, lungs and bone morrow too. NAC is so powerful that it can help reduce the side effects of chemo and radiation therapy. It's too bad doctors don't tell people about this supplement when administering this dangerous therapy.
     It's like I said, you will be surprised at what natural supplements can do.
     Health is wealth, if your not healthy I don't care how much money you have, your not wealthy. What good is money if you don't have great health to enjoy it. Learn the truth about real health and you will be healthier and wiser for it.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Drugs VS Holistic

     When it comes to your health, which is better to use, drugs or holistic medicines?  For the most part, it's better to start with holistic since our bodies are organic not synthetic however, drugs do have their place in the health field.  A good example of this is; when your thyroid starts to slow down you can try to kick start it again using L-tyrosine and iodine to create thyroxine, the working hormone in your thyroid.  Usually this is enough to get the thyroid going again however, if it doesn't work you can try glandular's next with the actual thyroxine in them but, you'll need a doctor's prescription which most doctors aren't willing to do.  If still your thyroid doesn't work you can then try Armour thyroid which is basically pig thyroxine.  This is a little hard to control since it goes by grains not milligrams and sometimes the thyroid could be all over the place when testing TSH levels.  Only when all else fails should you go to Synthroid which is basically a synthetic drug, Armour thyroid usually works though. Even though the Synthroid is a drug,  when all else fails, it can save your life.
     You can buy L-tyrosine and iodine at health food stores.  The iodine will usually be in kelp or dulse form,  and L-tyrosine will be in the amino acid section.  Even if you do take Synthroid or one of its counterparts,  you can still take L-tyrosine especially if you still feel depressed or have low energy  because L tyrosine also helps with the adrenal glands and the pituitary plus it raises dopamine in the brain which is your feel-good chemical.
     There are cases where drugs are the only answer such as bipolar disorder.   I haven't found anything holistic yet that can really help with bipolar disorders,  and I've seen people who have bipolar disorder off their meds and I can tell you it's not a pretty sight.   It is very rare that you won't find holistic medicines to help with your ailments.  Always try for the holistic  approach first  because they come with a lot less side effects than the drugs do and seldom will you find it to cause instant death,  however, there are holistic medicines that can kill you deader than a door nail, if doing too much such as iron.  In a child's hand iron can be deadly, if they ingest too much it will cause them to have a heart attack.
     It pays to have knowledge when treating yourself for ailments  even if they're holistic, although,  it is very rare that anything holistic will kill you deader than a doornail. The same cannot be said for drugs.   Drugs,  even though over-the-counter,  can be very dangerous in the hands of a child. just  because it's over-the-counter does not mean it doesn't have it's side effects, aspirin will eat holes through your stomach  and Tylenol,  Advil, Aleve and the like, can destroy your liver. Drugs are dangerous and must be used sensibly, and if it can be helped, not at all.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan