Sunday, November 16, 2014

Is Exercise Necessary?

    Is exercise necessary?  I feel that it is.
    If you look at the animals in the wild, for the most part, they're pretty healthy. wild animals get plenty of exercise, in fact, during migrations animals can be seen running for miles and miles. Every cell in your body needs oxygen,  nutrients,  and stimulation in order to function right. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body and the blood carries nutrients and oxygen to every cell in your body.   People who live a sedentary lifestyle are never as healthy as those who exercise.
     The body definitely needs stimulation in order to function right and the old saying "use it or lose it" is absolutely true.  A bodybuilder won't be able to keep his muscles unless he keeps working out.  The same is true for every part of your body, without stimulation from exercise a lot of your body parts could stop functioning properly.  When you exercise you should work up a sweat,  this is very important because this is one way your body can detoxify itself and left unchecked, toxins build up in places like your lymph nodes and create problems for your immune system not to mention your digestive track too.
     Even if you eat well and take supplements,  exercises is still necessary and one of the reasons is: when you exercise you stimulate your pituitary gland to put out more HGH (human growth hormone), which turns into IGF-I (insulin like growth factor one).   IGF-I grows muscles, joints, bones and speeds up the healing process.   As you grow older your pituitary stops  putting out as much HGH, this leads to the dying of cells and bit by bit your body shutting down and then death, by exercising you stave off this process for longer period of time, your body stays young and functions better when you exercise.
     If you're the kind of person who hates exercise, take up a sport or go for long hikes in the forests  or walking on sand on a beach, these are still very good forms of exercise.  For those who've never exercised before, just start out small and find something that you like to do and you will find after while that you feel better than you ever have before, because your body will start functioning at its peak plus,  you will find your energy levels going up not down.
     With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, we just know we are not going to eat the best things in the world for ourselves, so there is no better time to start exercising than now, before the holidays hit, this way you'll be prepared and start burning those calories right away and keep your body functioning  at its peak.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan     

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