Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Soy, Healthy or Unhealthy?

     Soy is listed as a health food, and most health food stores carry it, but the question is; is soy as healthy as they say it is?
     Recently there has been some studies done on soy and how it can be a good deterrent of breast cancer and prostate cancer. Seeing how soy is a multibillion dollar industry, I have to question the studies because, let's face the fact that where money is involved studies can be influenced. There always seems to be an agenda when money is involved and when it comes to soy, a multibillion dollar industry, there is definitely money involved.   Another reason why I question the studies is that it goes against all logic, here's what I mean: first of all, soy, unless it's  fermented, is high in phytic acid. Phytic acid blocks  micro nutrients like minerals from being absorbed into the body. This is extremely dangerous due to the fact that our soils have been depleted of  most minerals so our foods are grown in synthetics soils  lacking minerals in the first place, plus, the live Stock we eat are being fed the same plants that lack minerals  making them less healthy, so eating anything high in phytic acid that blocks our minerals from absorption, I would consider to be highly dangerous.
     Need more science?  All right, let's look at Dr. Warburg who won a Nobel Prize for finding out what causes cancer; " It's the lack of oxygen in our cells caused by the fermentation of sugar  or anything that causes a lack of oxygen will cause cancer."    Now let's look at another 2 Nobel Prize winners; Neher and Sakmann.    They built a tool that was able to find out how the ion channels in the mitochondria of our cells work, negative ions open up the ion channels  allowing oxygen and nutrients to get into the cell  and positive ions close  the ion channel  not allowing oxygen and nutrients to get into the cells.
     Now,  let's put two and two together, if the lack of oxygen  in our cells causes cancer  and plants that are acidic, meaning having too many positive ions to negative ions, causes our ion channels to close, and have high amounts of phytic acid that blocks the absorption of the minerals that carry the negative ions to our cells,  (because ions attach to minerals),  then you must conclude that soy, having high amounts of phytic acid and being an acidic plant, has a good chance of causing cancer, not to mention all the other problems that come with the lack of minerals and oxygen.
     Another argument is that the Orientals been eating soy for thousands of years and are quite healthy. Here is a little history on that subject;  the Orientals  didn't always eat soy, there was a time  when they avoided it due to the fact  that when they fed it to their livestock  the livestock would get sick and many of them would die.  It wasn't until  they learned how to ferment the soy did they start eating it. When a food is fermented the  phytonutrients are broken down and changed, even new nutrients can be found, so the phytic acid is  reduced and the goitrogens (also found in soy) are eliminated.  Their  fermentation and processing of their soy is a lot different from that of  the way we process soy hear in United States. It's just like us to cut corners to save money and  then turn around making false claims about a product we're trying to make money from. Orientals  don't eat large amounts of unfermented soy like we do in this country.
     Soy is also very hard to digest and a lot of people are allergic to soy  or at least have soy intolerance. I once heard someone say that the grains are high in phytic acid too and we've been eating  grains for thousands of years.  True,  we also have a high amount of cancer and disease that other civilizations didn't have, but, of course we spread our disease and pestilence throughout the world as well as our  way of life and eating grains, and all those healthy people we came across  are now eating our grains and have the same diseases and problems we do. I guess comparing it to grains wasn't such a good idea was it?
     After looking at all the facts, I would have to conclude that soy is probably not that great for cancer and may even help cause it.  Look out for those studies that are backed  from people with an agenda, you most likely will not get the full truth.  Looking for the truth is not easy it takes a lot of work  and a lot of research in many different areas and then using your brain to put two and two together to figure things out that others have not.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, May 18, 2014

vitamin-D Deficiency

     Vitamin-D deficiency is a big problem today, doctors have noticed a great decline in vitamin-D levels. More and more people are told they have a vitamin-D deficiency and that they need to take vitamin-D supplements to bring up their levels. Why now, and why are so many people deficient?
      To find this out we must first go back about three decades ago to a time when doctors were telling people to cut out their fats in order to lose weight and to lower their cholesterol numbers. This is where the problem started. To understand why, we have to understand that vitamin-D is a fat soluble vitamin, not water soluble like your B vitamins, what this means is that it is stored in the fats of animals and is only absorbed through eating fats, so, when you cut out the fat you are also cutting out the fat soluble vitamins and minerals that are stored in that fat. This means you are no longer getting fat soluble vitamins like vitamin-D, in your diet anymore. The other part of that is; you are also cutting out your cholesterol which, by the way, makes vitamin-D when the sun beams it's light on your skin but, since people cut out their cholesterol, they won't have enough to convert into vitamin-D. Also, the animals that we eat are force fed grains and are not eating grass that gives them omega-3s, and are in covered feeding bins, they are also low in vitamin-D, plus the milk they give that we drink is already low in vitamin-D do to the bad foods and living conditions, is pasteurized (pasteurizing is heating a product to high temperatures) to kill bacteria also destroys the fat soluble vitamins too.
     Is there any wonder why people are low on vitamin-D?
     I eat only free range beef and eggs and I don't cut out the fats, because of this, I don't have a problem with vitamin-D deficiency, nor do I have a problem with high cholesterol either. I also stay away from grains as best as I can and try not to eat any sugar either.
     I had a friend that was a couple of years younger than me who followed the dictates of the day and cut out all of his fat and ate more grains like his doctor told him to. He died of a stroke a few years back, and he hadn't even reached his fifties yet. I'm still going strong because I stopped listening to the dictates of the day and started studying physiology, and in doing so I realized a lot of what is dictated to us by our health care professionals is just plain wrong and deadly dangerous too.
     One more thing, for those on cholesterol lowering drugs, keep in mind that anything that lowers your cholesterol by synthetic means, is likely to lower your vitamin-D too, and Staten drugs also lower the  oxygen in your heart which, can lead to heart attacks. If you think about it, it really doesn't make any sense at all taking a Staten drug to lower your cholesterol, it's just plain insane.
     I will tell you what I tell everyone, don't rely on doctors and dietitians, start doing some studies on your own of physiology and you will see just how messed up our whole health care system really is.
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, May 5, 2014

Grow Younger as you Grow Older

     I hear a lot of young people say they would rather die than grow old however, just because you grow older does not necessarily mean that you won't be able to do the things you like to do in life, it really comes down to how healthy you are not how old are you.
     Growing older has its advantages,  knowledge is one,  and wisdom is the other. What most people are afraid of is being ill, not being able to walk or run, constantly being in pain, not being able to remember anything and having all your teeth fall out, your hearing go, and your eyesight diminish.
  I assure you this does not have to happen,  growing old doesn't mean you'll be an invalid, it all depends on what you do to your body now.  Do you feed your body garbage, lounge around all day do nothing but play video games, overwork yourself and burn the candle at both ends?  Growing old won't be so fun for you then, if you do such harmful things.  Young people feel that they can pretty much do anything but, this just isn't the case.  What you do to yourself when you're young is affecting your body greatly even though you don't feel it at the time.  It is damaging your cells bit by bit and you will start to prematurely age way before your time.
     Take charge of your life now, don't wait till bad things start to happen, by then it's usually too late.  To start, you must first stop the things that are killing you such as soda pop and cigarettes,   hydrogenated fats, and all junk food.   Try to eat only whole foods, and take a good multivitamin from a reputable health food store, not from regular stores and pharmacies, because,  you want your multivitamins to have a high amount of milligrams not just recommended daily allowance, shoot for optimum health.  It would also be good to take extra vitamin C since  most multivitamins have two little amount in it and the RDA for vitamin C  is barely above scurvy not optimum health.
    As you get older there are supplements that can actually help you become younger and feel younger again, they can boost your immune system and strengthen your heart. There are supplements that help with your joints and joint pain.   I know this  because  I am 54  and feel like I'm in my 20s. I've been doing supplements and eating right the last 15 years and before that, I grew up eating right with my family and taking supplements, I have not had a cold or flu or got sick in any way, in the last 15 years.   I still exercise and run through the forest  and I cook all my own foods which tastes delicious, I say this because a lot of people have it in their heads that to eat good means the food will taste like crap,  this just isn't true.
     If you're over 50 and want to feel young again, email me at, and I will return your email as soon as possible with a guideline of food and supplements that will help get you there.  
   Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan