Sunday, August 31, 2014

ADD & ADHD Getting Kids Hooked on Drugs

     There seems to be an epidemic with our children today and it's the lack of focus in the form of attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyper disorder.  This is a great excuse for doctors to get children hooked on drugs at an early age.  It's very sad that doctors will jump on the opportunity to give a child a drug instead of looking at what their diet might be and what may be causing them to have this disorder.  Doctors are just too quick to dispense drugs, this is why I like to call them glorified drug dealers.  God forbid they should have to figure out what's causing the problem themselves, but all too often, they blame it on hereditary or some other dumb thing "oh, these things just happen" instead of getting to the root of the problem.
     I've said this many times before and I'm going to say it again right here;  nothing just happens,  for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. To be fair I must say not all doctors are this way,  just too many of  them are. There's just to many kids who end up on Ritalin or other drugs at such an early age just because doctors don't have a clue as to what's really going on.
     I've had a theory for some time now as to what's causing ADD and ADHD.  The main culprit is sugar in the form of carbohydrates  and sugary breakfast cereals  or pop  tarts  or other sugar loaded foods void of any nutrients, and other culprit is a lack of a certain B vitamin in these foods known as B-15 otherwise known as DMG which means dimethylglysine . 
   DMG wasn't considered important enough of a B vitamin to fortify premade or precooked foods,  synthetic B vitamins have been added back to these foods due to the fact that anything that is processed usually has its vitamins destroyed in the processing so they must fortify it however, they left out DMG.
     The significance of this is; DMG helps the brain utilize oxygen better giving you clarity and focus, the less oxygen the brain has the more likely you will lose clarity and focus.  High sugar intake actually lowers the oxygen in your body and definitely make's your kids hyper,  not to mention also helps destroy hormones due to the free radicals it causes in the body.
     Let's put two and two together shall we,  if eating sugary foods lowers the oxygen in your body and these same foods are void of any dimethylglysine,  which helps the brain utilize more oxygen,  is there any wonder why our children  end up with ADD or ADHD?  But hey, let's get them on a drug at an early age shall we?
     I was working in a health food store when a father came in and asked me what he could do to help his child with ADD.  Besides telling him to change the child's diet  I sold him a bottle of liquid  DMG made by Food Science, he came back  a couple days later absolutely amazed at how quick his child's focus came back within about five or 10 minutes after taking the DMG.
     Stop the insanity,  start giving your kids better food, foods devoid of any added sugar and not processed.   Here's an idea, why don't you feed your children steak and eggs for breakfast along with some grapefruit.   Sound insane?   Pound for pound eggs have more nutrients in them  than just about anything else on the planet and both the steak and eggs are high in protein which are made up of certain amino acids that are necessary for making neurotransmitters in the brain.   While you're at it make sure these are both organic and or free range.  The grapefruit has high amounts of vitamin C and other nutrients  that will be good for energy and helpful in breaking down fats which is necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.   Stop feeding your kids garbage for breakfast, all you're doing is giving your children ADD or ADHD and giving a reason for doctors to put your kids on drugs.  Yeah, I know, this requires work however, that is what it means to be a parent and if you can't put in the effort for your children then you shouldn't have children.   Remember,  health comes first, because, if you don't have your health, then nothing else really matters.  Your children rely on you  to feed them, don't abandon them in their hour of need, feed them real food with the real nutrients instead of feeding them garbage.  If you start eating these very foods too,  not only will you be  setting the example for them, you will also be  enjoying the benefits of these very foods too.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Fat America

       Obesity reigns supreme in America whether we like it or not.  Why do you suppose this is?  Aren't we the breadbasket of the world, don't we have the best food in the world, aren't we the healthiest country in the world?  Yes, we are the breadbasket of the world however, we certainly don't have the best food in the world (tasting or otherwise), and we definitely aren't the healthiest country in the world.  There is one thing we can definitely say, we are the fattest country in the world.
     Does anybody in America even cook anymore,  and I'm not talking about grilling outside on a barbecue  grill,  I'm talking about cooking from scratch?   Do any of you remember the days we used to sit down at a table,  I'm talking the whole family gathered together at once,  and eat delicious home-cooked meals?   If you're using your microwave to cook your meals for you and your family,  you most likely are going to die an early death.   First you'll start to gain weight, then comes the health problems,  then comes all the drug medications,  then comes cancer, diabetes and heart attacks.
  Oh, I know you don't  have enough time to cook, your life is just way too busy,  and you were never taught how to cook.  If this is you,  then you're not in control of your life,  your life is in control of you,  you probably should rethink your life,  maybe take a little less money and get a job that isn't going to kill you, because, what good is all that money if you don't have your health or the time to enjoy it?
     Grow your own organic garden, buy only free range meats, learn how to cook  and you will find  by not eating foods premade, precooked, pre-done, you'll start having  better energy and you'll lose the weight, plus, if the whole family is sitting down for dinner together at a table, you can each start having better conversations and learning from each other and your family will end up being a tighter knit family.
     I came from a big family,  and we were pretty poor, but we all sat at the table together to eat dinner, and we had some the most interesting conversations that made you think, we were healthy and happy, we grow our own gardens, we learned how to do things from scratch, in spite of being poor.  
     Money isn't everything but health is.  Once you don't have your health you will realize just how important it really is.  Change your life now before it's too late and you will be glad that you did.
Eating healthy is the key to being healthy.   If you are eating  a well-balanced meal of vegetables  meats and fruits that are free range and organic, you will find that obesity will be a thing of the past  and you will find that most of your health problems will go away.
       I like the new GNC motto of  "beat average" it's a good thing to strive for  especially when it comes to your health. If you compare America to the rest of the world on the health issue, let's face the facts shall we,  we are way below average.  let's change America  by starting with our own families  and when your neighbor see's your progress they will be curious and then you can tell them  to do the same,  in this way we will change America one family at a time to being a healthier and happier country.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Arthritis and Degenerative Back Disease

     The problem seems to be rampant, even with people under 30 years of age, everyone seems to  have arthritis and degenerative back disease, why is this?  In order to know this, we first have to look at what people eat.  In the old days people made food from scrap, there was nothing premade, precooked, and few prepackaged foods.  The foods they ate weren't genetically modified grown in synthetics soils, and the food wasn't radiated before it got to the store.  People had a tendency to make their own soups more often back then, when they were finished with their chicken they didn't throw away the bones or their beef bones, they put it in water and boiled it for hours.  Boiling bones with Cartilage on it releases their nutrients into the boiling water, the very nutrients that your bones and joints are made up of.  Now ask yourself, do you boil bones with the Cartilage on, and if you do how often?
     Everybody seems to be in a hurry these days,  you have to hurry to work, you have to hurry to pick up your kids, you have to hurry home. No one seems to have time to do anything anymore that is healthy for them  especially when it comes to cooking food.   The foods they do eat are not organic or free range  in any sense of the word. For those of you who say "Oh yeah, I eat fresh salads."  I have some bad news for you,  if it isn't organic there's not much nutrients in it  and highly unlikely to have any  minerals in it whatsoever. If it's not organic it's grown in synthetics soils.   This means that they use  synthetic chemicals to get the plants to grow instead of  natural fertilizer which is full of minerals and vitamins and probiotics.
     To make you understand that when I say there is no minerals in the soil and there is no minerals in your vegetables, you have to look at a survey done in 1925  of the mineral content  in our soils  which turned out to be 75% depleted.    That was back in 1925 what do you think it is now? 
     If they don't have the minerals that they should have then  the very plants that you eat are not as alkaline as they should be due to lack of minerals.
     Let's now look at the water you drink.   I've tested every single  bottled water I could find in the store  and found only one was above seven  on the alkaline scale. Most bottled water were acidic  and not alkaline as they should be.   I've tested tap water that comes from the sink  and found it to be seven or less  leaning toward the acidic side.   So, I ask you; how are you staying alkaline in order to be healthy, where are you getting your minerals from?
     Your body should be somewhere between 7.3 and 7.5 alkalinity, if it is not, you're going to have degenerative back disease and joint problems.
     For years I've eaten Cartilage off bones, drank high alkaline water, in fact, I've done this most my whole life. I have an Alkal-Life machine that converts the water from my sink into high alkaline water, this is just one more way to keep myself alkaline, because of this, I have no joint pains or degenerative back disease, yet for years I climbed cliffs with heavy backpacks on,  in fact,   I did over 4000 climbs in Hawaii alone and have no joint pain or degenerative back disease  in spite of having rheumatoid arthritis as a child.   I hear all the time oh I'm a runner that's why I got it or I've played basketball, baseball, football  or other sports.   These are lame excuses  for having   osteoarthritis  or degenerative back disease.  Maybe if you stop drinking soda pop  and stop eating grains all the time  and start eating better foods and making your own food from scratch,  good healthy food  such as organic fruits, vegetables and free range meats, you wouldn't have this problem to begin with.
       You must take the time out of your busy life to eat correctly and you will live  a healthier  and happier life.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Buyer has the Power

     It's true, the buyer does have the power.  A good way to think of it is; it's a lot like voting, every time you buy something you're voting for that company or rather that corporation.  When it comes to food in this country, it really matters what you're voting for.  Every time you buy that produce, meat, milk, cheese, or eggs, you're voting for pesticides, synthetics soils, radiation, genetic modified organisms, growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics and antiparasitic's plus animals fed grains instead of being put out to pasture so they can eat the grass that they're supposed to eat so that there fats are healthier with omega 3 in it and these animals are put in the worst conditions possible standing in their own feces.  The cruelty to these animals is just amazing, no if's, and's, or butts, it's all about the money, your money to be exact.
     Every time you go to the store and buy these corporate foods (food doesn't actually come from the farm anymore, it comes from a factory) you're voting for cruelty to animals,  having genetically modified organism foods  grown in synthetics soils and heavily pesticided and then radiated for  longer life on the shelf, so basically, there is very little vitamins left in them,  animals that can barely stand because they've been shot so full of growth hormones so they can produce a lot of milk.
     Here's another way to think about it;  your voting to be unhealthy, have a lot more of your hard earned money go towards insurance companies,  doctors, medical bills,  prescriptions and missed work from being sick all the time.  The government doesn't care because they tax all of this,  this is more money in their pockets from investments on the stock market of prescription drugs  and insurance companies.  Just remember, your voting for this way of life every time you buy that garbage from the  grocery store. 
     You can change this however,  you can start buying free range organic foods and then you will be voting for actual farmers, foods grown in rich soils loaded with minerals and vitamins, animals that live a much healthier and happier life on the range eating the grass they were meant to eat, and keeping more of your hard-earned money, because you won't be sick all the time needing to get prescriptions.  You won't be seeing the doctor as often or having hospital visits, just the occasional Dr. visit for a checkup.  You'll be mentally healthier as well as physically healthier and the water you drink won't be so contaminated with  pesticide runoff and  synthetic soil runoff, not to mention that they are now finding prescription drugs in our water. Let's face it, America would be a lot healthier and happier for it and maybe the money would spread around to more people instead of just a few corporate CEO's, it's called spreading the wealth.
      Please, stop polluting our planet, let's go back to healthier ways of eating and living.  I want to live in the Garden of Eden, not in the muck and mire of corporate filth.  So it comes down to this one question; what are you voting for?
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan