Sunday, March 22, 2015

Friend and Enemy the FDA

     The FDA was created for the people to help protect us from food manufacturers unsafe practices.  In theory, this is a very good thing however, somewhere along the line the FDA has gone awry.  What was once our friend is now our enemy and our friend.  Confusing?  In some ways they are still our friends due to the fact they help keep food manufacturers from having unsafe practices like not cleaning their instruments and machines which would lead to horrible bacteria in our foods causing many people to get sick and die.
     The flip side of this coin is the FDA does allow a lot of toxic things to go into our foods, meaning they actually okayed it such as:  aspartame,  otherwise known as NutraSweet or equal. Aspartame is a carcinogenic and a neurotoxin, with the possible link to ADD or ADHD.   High fructose corn syrup which is been shown to speed up the growth of cancer in a lot of laboratory test, it is also known to raise LDL cholesterol  which can lead to the clogging of arteries and heart attacks. MSG otherwise known as monosodium glutamate is an excitotoxin which has been shown to damage chromosomes or destroy them.   Hydrogenated foods cause trans fats that are known to damage arteries, cause your LDL to go up and your HDL do go down, also may be the cause of some mylin sheath diseases such as multiple sclerosis.   Food dyes which can lead to behavioral problems in children  and reduce their IQs and certain food dyes are carcinogens that cause cancer.   Sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite are known carcinogens, in the digestive system it forms a variety of Nitrosamine  compounds that cause damage to many internal organs.   BHA & BHT (butylated hydroxyanisole & butylated hydroxyttoluene) found mostly in package meats as preservatives,  wrecks neurological systems and are oxidants that become cancer-causing reactive compounds.
     These are just a few of the chemicals that the FDA OKs for our foods.  With friends like these who needs enemies?
     For all the people out there who got cancer, neurological disorders, diabetes and heart attacks,  you should all get together and get yourself a great lawyer team and do a class-action suit against the FDA for allowing these things to kill you and give you the diseases that you now have, without giving you a warning whatsoever.   If you were to commit a crime causing harm or death  to another individual, you would be held accountable by the government.   Don't you think it's time that we held the government accountable for their crime against their own citizens who pay them tax money?
     Wake up America, stop being passive little sheep led to the slaughter and help change this flawed system, your children will benefit from it, let's not let the next generation be as sick as us.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The No. 2 Killer in the US

      The number two killer in United States is cancer and the number two killer of cancer is colon cancer otherwise known as colorectal cancer.  Colon cancer starts off as polyps.  Polyps are little growths that that pop up on the walls of the inside of your colon.  The two main types are adenomas and hyperplastic polyps.  Once polyps show up in your colon the chances of them turning into cancerous cells is a good one. 
      Doctors suggest  for anybody over the age of 50 to get a colonoscopy  and if they find the polyps then their next suggestion is to cut them out,  this will prevent the cancer from ever starting in the first place.   However, once they do find cancer their next approach depends on  what stage of cancer you have. If they catch it in time, this being stage I, they can surgically remove it. Stage II requires a little bit more, they sometimes have to remove a section of your colon.   Stage III requires even more, they not only will have to remove the section of your colon but most likely  besides doing just chemo you will probably have to do radiation too.   Stage IV, they will suggest surgery, chemo and radiation to possibly extend your life  a little longer and help with a few of the symptoms, even doing so you have a 94% chance of dying.
     Most doctors will suggest you change your diet and to exercise, however,  most of these same doctors will suggest you do grains which  by the way,  is pretty much the most acidic food you can eat.    According to Dr. Otto Warburg  who won the Nobel Prize for finding out what causes cancer  and that being the lack of oxygen in your cells, anything acidic lacks oxygen, anything alkaline  is abundant in oxygen, why would a doctor tell someone to eat one of the most acidic foods on the planet?   This makes no sense whatsoever unless, they are hoping to give you cancer again so they can make more money off of you, I would hate to think this is true.
     They are still blaming red meat as the cause of cancer and say chicken is better.   Let's take a better look at this shall we?
     Chicken is an acidic meat much lower on the alkaline scale than is beef.  I think the biggest reason  why red meat can cause  cancer  is because of what they do to it, first of all, they shoot the cows up with growth hormones, steroids,  antibiotics,  antivirals,  antiparasitic's,  feed them foods that are genetically modified and grown in synthetics soils  and heavily  sprayed with pesticides, gee, is it any wonder why eating red meet can cause cancer? If  you look back in the old days before they had any of these horrible drugs, cancer deaths were about a fourth of what it is today and that's a very high  average.  History doesn't lie, it definitely isn't the beef that's killing people  it's what we do to it and this is why I only eat free range meat which are grass fed cows. Much less likely to get colon cancer eating this type meat.
     Surviving stage II, III .and stage IV cancer past five years, especially after having chemo and radiation therapy, is very minimal, I hate to say. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)  is a rod they stick into you that uses intense heat to burn away tumors. I do like this idea better than radiation therapy however, I would much prefer to use a Biomat,  seeing how it emits far infrared light that heats up those same cancer cells and kill him without damaging any of the surrounding healthy cells,  this combined with Laetrile and  high amounts of vitamin C infusions which would do a much better job of killing cancer cell and not harming healthy cells like radiation treatments do, nor lower your immune system which helps fight and keep cancer cells from returning like chemo treatments do, the alternative is a much better way to attack cancer cells.
     The whole approach to cancer in the United States is barbaric at best. Surviving colon cancer past stage one using surgery, chemo and radiation is not very good. It is doubtful if you will live another five years at best, and what do you think those five years will be like not only for the sufferer but for friends and family too? It will drain all your money, spirits and any sense of happiness you or your loved ones will have for years to come.
     It is fear that leads us to bad decisions and listen to those doctors who will be profiting from your misfortune. It's a $200,000,000,000.00 a year market that they definitely want to hold on to. Maybe you might want to look for alternative treatments that jut might give you better results.
Thank You
Joseph A.Moylan

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pain Medication and Liver Damage

     Pain medication is one of the greatest discoveries that has helped an endless amount of sufferers.
People who have been in an accident and are suffering in pain due to damage to their bodies are now relieved due to these pain medications. There is a problem however, there is way to much use and abuse of pain medications to the point of dependency.
     If you have constant headaches and are doing pain medications to stop the headache, you are aver using and abusing pain medication, if you have arthritis and are using pain medications, you are using and abusing these medications. Why? Because you are not solving the problem as to why you have arthritis in the first place or why you get head aches. These are health issues that must be addressed or you will eventually do even more damage to yourself in the long run.
     Any pain medication, or most medications for that matter, done longer than a month will cause health problems. A lot of the pain medications will cause liver damage over time, that is why you shouldn't do them on a regular basis. If you are someone who has been doing a lot of medications for a long period of time, you might want to ask yourselves if you have any of the following symptoms:
a fluid build up in the abdomen causing swelling and pain known as ascites or urine changes such as dark yellow to brown colored urine, irritated skin with possible red blotchy patches that itch, constipation or irritable bowel syndrome going from constipation to diarrhea or bloody stools and pale colored stools to thick tar like stools, nausea, wanting to vomit all the time, indigestion with acid reflux, rapid weight loss and a loss of appetite, fluid retention especially in legs, ankles and feet, exhaustion or chronic fatigue, yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin and loss of memory and unable to think quickly or seem to be in a cloud, if you do have any or all of these symptoms see a doctor immediately and have your liver checked out because it's most likely failing.
     If your doctor has you on cholesterol medications, there is damage being done to your liver as you read this. Don't play around with drugs, they are highly dangerous and will cause more problems than they help with, including problems so severe like liver damage that it can eventually cause your death. If you are in pain or have sever headaches find alternative ways to combat these problems, it can be as simple sometimes as something you are eating or drinking that is causing the problem.
     Even over the counter medications such as aspirin can cause ulcers and Tylenol can destroy your liver. No over the counter pain medication is safe to use long term.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Who's on Our Side?

     Consumers need to be protected from greedy companies with no integrity, who don't care what goes into your foods as long as they make a buck. The FDA was created for this very reason they are supposed to be the watch dogs keeping greedy companies in check, however, this is not working at all. I'm sad to say that the FDA is actually in the big corporations pockets.
     The things they allow in our foods is mind boggling. How is it that the FDA allows this to happen even though there is so much proof out there that the very toxins they allow is killing people left and right. I guess the way they see it is that's why we have drugs so when the people get sick we can just put them on a drug which they okayed, never mind that the drug will cause more problems, they can just take another drug for those problems as well. The money keeps moving into the big companies an corporations pockets because when the FDA employees finally retire they will be made CEO's of the big pharmaceutical companies and make lots of money doing pretty much nothing at all.
     Now we need a watchdog for the watchdog.
     Remember when someone in your family gets deadly sick or ends up with some weird autoimmune disease, you can thank the FDA for allowing all those toxins in the foods your family ate and caused that cancer or autoimmune disease. Even though your doctor might tell you that these things just happen or that it's hereditary, that just doesn't wash do to Newton's law of physics;  "to every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." Nothing just happens and hereditary diseases don't happen as much as they claim they happen. Most diseases that doctors claim are hereditary aren't, the only thing hereditary about them is their diet. They are eating the same foods that made their parents or grandparents sick, that's the only thing hereditary about them. I'm not saying there isn't true hereditary diseases out there because there is, what I'm saying is that too often do doctors blame so many things on hereditary disease.
     We need to do away with the FDA and start another agency that is controlled by individuals that have a record of seeking the truth about health. Only hire people that have worked in the health food business (people who worked in health food stores or wrote books on the truth about health)  to be the watchdogs, only then will you see a huge change in the health of this country where all of it's people benefit.
     This will never happen though due to the fact that this country has lost it's integrity and is now all about their new god; MONEY.
     We do have the power as consumers to stop them, however, they play a dirty game and are very good at it, that game is false information from those who sit in positions that come across as wholesome and caring. Our health care system is the biggest farce that ever existed. Our only hope is to keep plugging away with the truth like I am doing here and hope one day enough of us will exist to stop the fallacy.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why Organic and Free range?

     Organic foods aren't anything out of the ordinary, in fact, they are the ordinary. It's the non-organic foods that are out of the ordinary if you really think about it. The foods you buy at the supermarket are filled with all types of chemicals and toxins. Did you know that there is actual plastic in your foods? People ask me all the time why I eat such weird foods such as organic and free range? My response is usually that I'm not the weird one eating plastic and chemicals and calling it food, how weird is that? They look at me confused and questioning at my response, telling me that they never really thought it out before.
     Why is it considered weird to want to eat foods that are normal? That is what organic foods really are, normal food without any strange chemicals and plastics in them.
     Later in life these same people can't understand there bad luck (that is how they see it) and wonder why they have all these things going wrong with them. To make matters worse, these same people now are on pharmaceutical chemicals to counteract the chemicals that were in the foods they ate, only to find out that these pharmaceutical chemicals are causing, so called, side effect which now there glorified drug dealer doctors have to put them on another pharmaceutical chemical to counteract the chemical he got them on the first place, only this, in time, will cause another side effect which will have their doctor subscribing another chemical so on and so forth until they are on 30 or more chemicals and die anyway, all because they weren't eating the, so called by them, weird organic and free range foods.
     I'm not on any of these chemicals they have to take, do to the fact that I eat the, so called weird foods, which I will continue being a weirdo, seeing how I seem to be healthier than the so called normal people.
     I do believe that the chemicals in the foods today are making people dumb and docile. They won't fight the system or rock the boat in any way and will allow themselves to be slaughtered like sheep.
     It's time to wake up America and stop being sheep. Look at the world as it truly is and you will have an awakening like never before. You will see things for what they truly are and then you will know it's always about money, not about consideration of any individual, but only about MONEY!
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

P.S. Sorry about last week and not writing a blog but, I had to deal with one of the 2 inevitable's  and it wasn't death, it was the other.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Fraudulant Studies

     There are studies on the Internet that have claimed that multis do not work, however, the same studies have shown that vitamin D does boost immune system, can protect you from cancers and can help slow down osteoporosis.  There are studies showing that vitamin C can boost your immune system and without adequate amounts you would get scurvy.  For years doctors have been telling women to take calcium to help prevent osteoporosis. 
    All the above nutrients or all found in a multivitamin yet, a multivitamin doesn't work? It sounds like to me that they are talking out of both sides of their mouths.   You can't have it both ways, if certain supplements that doctors talk about are good for you, then, multis are good for you. 
     Too often do you hear doctors saying don't take a multi, because supplements don't work and yet,  out of the other side of their mouth are telling you take vitamin D, calcium,  and fish oils.  do they even realize how stupid they sound?
  Whenever you find these studies on the Internet,  you have to ask yourself;  who is funding these studies?  when you find that out,  you'll find the true agenda for the studies.
     It's always about money!
    Supplements cannot be patented only pharmaceuticals can.  Remember, it's a multi-trillion dollar business a year, so the less healthy you are the more money they make.  Supplements are cheap compared to  pharmaceuticals,  there just isn't any money in supplements.  There is no way they're going to tell you that supplements are good for you, because if they did and everybody got healthier, they would be putting themselves out of business.  The best way for them to combat against the supplement industry is to create fraudulent studies about supplements, then turn around and tell doctors about these studies and to let their patients know that taking a multi is a waste of time.  What an incredible scam using doctors that everyone looks up to, to further their agenda in pushing their pharmaceutical goods.
     I came to a conclusion long-ago after listening to my doctors and doing drugs and following their diets that they pertained that it was good for me, my health steadily went downhill and I nearly died.   Seeing how I had no other choice, because everything doctors told me to do was not helping and in reality, was making me worse,  I decided to pick up physiology books and start reading about the human body and how nutrients work in it, on my own.  I started taking supplements and eating a diet that actually went against what the doctor said, my health improved immensely.  I haven't even had a cold or flu in the last 17 years.  Countless others I have known through the years that started doing supplements instead of drugs have all improved their overall health.  So, if multi vitamins and supplements don't work, all I can say is;  "Wow, what a placebo effect."
       The next time you see a study on the Internet making claims that supplements don't work,  find out who's backing that study, follow the money and you'll find the culprit.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Optimum Health

     What exactly is optimum health?  The way I see it is; being able to intake enough nutrients with a high enough quantity and quality to give you peak performance in both energy and brain function and an immune system that is so pumped up that your chances of catching any cold or flu is practically nil.  This means never getting headaches, sore and busted up joints, indigestion, constipation, lethargic energy, poor eyesight, osteoporosis, cancer, lung ailments, high blood pressure, hyper or hypothyroid or any other ailments.
     Well that just about eliminates every American in this country. We here in the US have way to many ailments due to the fact that our food is just garbage. How can we possibly be healthy if the food that we eat is grown in synthetic soils, genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides and eradiated before it even gets to the stores?  We can't possibly have enough nutrients in our body from the foods we eat  to function properly therefore, we must take a good multivitamin in order to  supply what we don't get in our foods.
     If you go and ask your doctor what multi you should take, you're going to find him saying  that a multivitamin  is completely unnecessary and you shouldn't take one. God forbid you should make yourself healthy and eliminate the need for that doctor or, at least, decrease the need for them, they may not make any money anymore.  So don't expect your doctor to agree with me when I say you need to take a multivitamin because they definitely don't want you taking care of yourself  and putting them out of business, that's just bad business.  Just remember one thing, it's always about money in a capitalistic society, it will always be hard to get the truth when money is involved.
     In order to have a healthier life you must start taking multivitamins as young children,  because what you do when you're young is going to effect you later in life.   Parents need to make sure their children have multivitamins and continue taking them through teenage years.  Too often  teenagers think that they will live forever because they have all their energy at that age and their health  seems to be good, but going through puberty requires an adequate amount of nutrients, if the right amount of nutrients aren't attained, they will begin to suffer from the 20s on up, getting colds and flues and what seems to be allergic reactions to things or allergies in general, and that will be a sign that they did not get enough nutrients when they were younger. 
     I also see all these kids out there getting these pre-workouts and energy drinks which speed up their metabolism and burn the vitamins out quicker and when they're asked if they take a multivitamin they usually say, "no I don't need one" when, in reality, they actually need one more than most people.
     Cancer has been on the rise and continues to climb in taking lives however,  it's your very immune system that staves off the cancer in the first place, it doesn't just suddenly appear and then "poof" you have cancer, it grows when your immune system is no longer adequate enough to keep it in check.
     So, If you really love yourself and your family you will go to the nearest health food store and buy yourselves  a very good multivitamin.  Don't buy them from regular stores due to the fact that there are no quality checks to see if they're any good or not  and so many of them are way below the milligrams that are necessary to obtain optimum health.  Only in good health food stores will you find  high quality good multivitamins.
      The next time your doctor says multivitamins are useless, tell that doctor she or he is useless and then go find yourself a better doctor who understands the need for a good multivitamin. If your doctor's telling you not to take a multivitamin, then that doctor doesn't think and is probably going to do more harm than good to you because a sad fact is most doctors IQs are really not that high.  These type of doctors are what I like to call glorified drug dealers because they only deal in drugs, they are the pharmaceutical companies little puppets  and are easily manipulated and controlled.
     Remember,  when it comes to your health, the person who can help you the most is you.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Cancer Treatments that Cause Cancer

     Cancer is a very scary thing and the minute people hear the word cancer, it sends chills down their spine.  When hearing they have cancer the next thing they do is seek out an oncologist. Their first course of action is to start them on chemo and radiation therapy.  If they have the luck to survive this, their luck will run out in five years and most likely they will die.
     Dr. Samuel S Epstein is the leading authority on the causes of cancer.   On reading his work you will be astonished to find out some of the things that actually cause cancer and just how downright bad the so-called cure for cancer really is.
     In 2004 the Journal of Oncology published the survival results of people who went through chemo, and lived after five years.  In Australia the 5 year survival rate after using chemotherapy was 2.3%  and in America it was only 2.1%, this is incredibly bad, and with stage IV cancer the survival rate is less than one half of 1%. Anything else out there with these poor percentages wouldn't have been allowed on the market in the first place. Basically, anything that knocks down your immune system, like chemo and radiation therapy, is going to cause cancer. So why do they keep insisting on chemo and radiation therapy when they know it doesn't work and actually destroys your immune system, pretty much guaranteeing you'll get cancer again, only this time with such a weakened immune system your chances of survival are practically nil?   
     MONEY, and lots of it.  Cancer treatment is a $200 billion a year  moneymaker, they're not about to let $2 billion go out the window no matter how many people they kill.
     Did you know that our milk is banned in other countries due to the high amounts of rBGH?
 They implant cattle with sex hormones to increase their weight a hundred days before they go to slaughter.   Our meats are too high in growth hormones and other carcinogens which are known to cause cancer, yet, the FDA does nothing about it, they allow these practices with no warning labels  to advise the public.   In 1986 there was a report stating how the FDA has failed the consumer by allowing such practices with our foods to go on.  Again,  I guess there's just too much money involved to stop it.
     To state it bluntly; in this country, money is more important than the people's health.   So, if you get cancer, the only person that really is going to help you, is YOU!
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cookie-Cutter Health Care

     I know of a sad case where a certain person was completely abused all throughout childhood and into adulthood because of a sad pathetic human being who wanted full control of her children and using religion as a tool of control.  This person went to get help and was directed towards a psychiatrist who promptly wrote a heavy duty prescription to drown out the misery.  This being a very intelligent person, tried to explain to those doctors he/she didn't want to get hooked on some psychiatric drug that wasn't getting rid of his/her problems and was just taking away any emotional response to those problems.  This would mean he/she would never truly get over the problems but would be permanently hooked on some medication for the rest of his/her entire life.  Because he/she insisted on a psychologist, not a psychiatrist that gives out drugs, he/she was finally able to talk about his/her problems and that psychologist did help him/her a great deal.  He/she no longer feels like killing him/her self and did it with out the help of drugs.
     Too often doctors turn immediately to drugs to solve problems when all they're doing is creating a new one. This is exactly what I mean by cookie-cutter health care. If that person had taken that drug that person would still be on it today and most likely be doing higher dosages or switch to another similar drug due to the fact that over time the drug can actually work in reverse and cause one to want to kill themselves. If after taking it for years,  a person decided to suddenly quit it,  depression would come back like a gangbuster and again most likely would kill themselves.   This is how pharmaceutical companies and doctors make their money,  what a sad set of affairs.
     Doctors have become nothing better than legalized drug dealers pushing their drugs onto unsuspecting patients  then getting them hooked on those drugs to a point where it is dangerous to get off of them.  What a cleverly devious way to make money! It makes me ask some questions
 such as: do these doctors intentionally and purposely put these poor unsuspecting people on these  drugs  just to make a buck or, are they void of any real intelligence and are going with the cookie-cutter approach, dishing out drugs like candy, because that's the only thing they know and have been taught, or are they just too lazy to find some real help for these poor unsuspecting people?
     It has to be one of the lowest most devious things to do, getting someone hooked on drugs  when their capacity for thinking straight is at its lowest. They call this good health care?
   I call this an abomination of trust.  
    You must try your best to educate yourself or you'll end up being caught up in one of the world's worst scams; the cookie-cutter health care system.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Money Before Health

     One of the biggest moneymakers for our health care system is, without a doubt, cancer treatment.  Making $200 billion plus a year, pharmacies are making a killing on our suffering public and the intent is not to cure but to control the cancer, because finding a cure would pretty much put them out of business wouldn't it?
    I know of a whistleblower on the inside who has been giving me information, this person told me a story about a man who had cancer  that was taking chemo costing about $450 a week for about two years  and then one day was told that they did all they could for him and he should go to hospice  and basically die.   The man decided,  just because they've written me off doesn't mean I have to write myself off and started looking for alternative treatments. He was told to go cross the border down to Mexico and do vitamin C and Laetrile infusions and in doing so started to get better, that's right I said started to get better.
     Surprise, surprise,  there are other treatments for cancer besides chemo and radiation therapy  and many of them work way better than the chemo and radiation therapy. I know what you're thinking, why don't they have these treatments here in America?    They're very inexpensive treatments and there's no money to be made so the pharmaceutical companies pushed our government to pass laws  illegalizing such treatments in this country.  Let's face the facts shall we, they have to protect their two billion-dollar a year income don't they?  People be damned, money is more important.   Don't think they will find a cure anytime soon for cancer because, they're really not looking for one,  and if they were, they would've already found it as some very good doctors have and are now in Mexico  treating cancer patients there.
     They need to stop calling it health care  and start calling it money care, it would be way more honest would it not?
     Shame on all you doctors who have dished out chemo and radiation therapy with the lie on your lips of a cure, when you damn well know that once you have  administer these toxins into the human body, you have lowered their immune system  to such a bleak state, that their chances  of getting cancer again within the first five years go through the roof exponentially, but that's okay with you because it means you can make so much more money again. 
     Woe to you all that have passed such laws outlawing inexpensive treatments for cancer because they are not pharmaceutical drugs.  To all of you out there, be very leery of any doctors that follow  the cookie-cutter pharmaceutical programs when it comes to your health. 
     Keep one thing in mind everyone,  it is nutrients not drugs that make your body work.
Thank You
Joseph A Moylan

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Doctor or Glorified Drug Dealer?

        A Dr.'s first order of business is to make sure at no time are they to bring harm to the patient.  A Dr.'s second order of business is to help the patient with his or her ailments with the patient's welfare in mind.
     There was this elderly lady once who told me  that her doctor put her on Lipitor even though her cholesterol was fine and his excuse was that people her age should be on Lipitor due to the fact that  cholesterol starts to rise at her age and he'd rather be safe than sorry.
     I said "let me get this right, your doctor's going to put your liver at risk in spite of your perfect cholesterol number?"
     She thought about what I asked for a moment then the realization came upon her and asked " why did he do that?"
     Now that's a very good question, why did he do that?  It was obvious  that she didn't need the drug and yet, he prescribed it for her anyway.  Could it be that he's making a kickback from the pharmaceutical company that makes that particular drug? Did he really have the elderly ladies best interest in mind?
  In another case a friend of mine came to me one day and asked me for some help. He told me that his son's blood pressure had gone up and yet his son was only 17, he then took him to a doctor  and asked that Dr. if drinking energy drinks had anything do with his blood pressure going up. The Dr. told him that doing energy drinks had nothing to do with his blood pressure going up and that it was  probably due to hereditary reasons only.  He went on to prescribe for his son a blood pressure pill.  I guess Isaac Newton was an idiot and his "to every action there is an opposite an equal reaction" is a complete farce.  It's amazing how this Dr. just throws physics right out the window.   The honest answer would've been "doing energy drinks with high amounts of caffeine will speed up your heart rate which in turn will raise your blood pressure so, I want you to give up the energy drinks and in two months come back to my office and we will test your blood pressure again.  However,  the Dr. did not tell him this so,  I told my friend to tell his son to give up the energy drinks and he will most likely not need the blood pressure pill.  His son complied, and sure enough, his blood pressure dropped back to normal, turned out he didn't need the drug after all. 
     Do you think this Dr. had my friends son's best interest in mind? Absolutely not! He didn't care if that pill harmed my friend's son. The way he probably saw it was; if it causes any side effects he will just give him another pill for that and make more money.
      This is a couple of examples of what I call "glorified drug dealers".  These two so-called doctors should have their license stripped from them and not allowed to practice medicine ever again. Doctors like these are doing more harm than good, all they're looking out for is their own best interest. With so many people looking up to doctors like they're gods,  I find it very highly immoral to give out drugs to unsuspecting people like it's candy.   This is why I tell people to educate themselves, learn as much as they can about physiology and what makes the body work,  otherwise, be at the mercy of your glorified drug dealer. 
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan