Monday, December 30, 2013

Camcer, Biomats & Chemo

     I have a friend who I loaned a Biomat to, who's wife has 3rd stage cancer and is also doing chemo & radiation. Her doctors suddenly got worried that the Biomat would interfere with chemo treatments. I assured them that nothing could be further from the truth. For any doctors who feel the same way who's patients are using Biomats with their chemo treatments, you need to read The "Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees" by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu M.D. PhD. In this book Dr. Yoshimizu explains how using Biomats with chemo and radiation has helped with a 70% survival rate on end stage cancer patients. 
     If you really care about your cancer patients, you will read this study done by Dr. Yoshimizu. He will explain to you in his book, all the different ways Biomats help cancer patients survive and help stave off the cancer from returning. His study isn't the only study on infra red usage for cancer. Germany has used infra red treatments for cancer with great success without side effects or lowering the immune system.
     Cancer cells die at 107.6 Fahrenheit  and the Biomats emit up to 158 degrees Fahrenheit. Infra red is a long wave length and can penetrate the body up to six inches to get were the cancer cells are, yet, it doesn't hurt your regular cells do to the fact that they also give off infra red. It is very safe and effective treatment and does not interfere with other cancer treatments.
     If you are a doctor and you are reading this, please study up on infra red treatments for cancer, for your patients sake. The goal should be that no one should die from cancer. So please put your pride aside and save some 3rd and 4th stage cancer patients and start the new year off with survival of what was once a death warrant. The tears of joy from the families of these patients, is what any true doctor would love to see.
Health and happiness to all this new year.
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, December 16, 2013

Must Read for Rheumatoid Arthritis Victims

Cold winter days and rheumatoid arthritis, bad bedfellows.  So if you have rheumatoid arthritis here are some your options: acupuncture, drugs, supplements and Biomat.
Let's look at  acupuncture shall we? I've known those who had rheumatoid arthritis and tried acupuncture as a treatment for their pains.  The results  are in the lower percentages and for most people only a slight relief in the pain. 
Now let's look at drugs as a relief for pain. there's a new drug out there four rheumatoid arthritis and it's called Humira and the working ingredient is adalimumab.    Although the drug has had some very good results for serious rheumatoid arthritis pain sufferers there is a trade-off and that's the other effects it causes.  I went to and looked up the side effects and here they are: these are the more common; abdominal or stomach fullness,  body aches or pains, cough over hoarseness, ear congestion, gas with abdominal or stomach pain, lightheadedness, loss of voice, lower back or side pain, muscle aches and pains, nasal congestion, pain or tenderness around the eyes or cheekbones, rapid and sometimes shallow breathing, shivering, sunken eyes, thirst, trouble sleeping, warmth on the skin, wrinkled skin.  
Here is little less side effects: a sore on the skin of the breasts that does not heal, abdominal or stomach pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, agitation,. arm, back, or jaw pain, back pain,  black tarry stools, bleeding from the gums or nose,  blindness, bloating or swelling of the face arms hands lower legs or feet, blood in the stool or change in bowel habits. bloody or cloudy urine, blurred vision,. broken bones,. change in size, shape, or color of an existing mole,  change in skin color, chest pain, chest tightness or heaviness, chills, clear or bloody discharge from the nipple, cold hands and feet, confusion, constipation, cough, coughing or spitting of blood, decreased urination, decreased vision, depression, difficult or frequent urination, difficulty with breathing, difficulty, burning, or painful urination, dimpling of the breast skin, dizziness, drowsiness, eye pain, fainting,. fast, slow, or regular heartbeat, fever, forgetfulness, frequent urge to urinate, general feeling of illness, hair loss,. hallucinations, headache, increased thirst, inverted nipple, irregular breathing, irregular pulse, irritability,  light-colored stools, loss of appetite, lump in the breast or under your arm, lump or swelling in the abdomen or stomach, mole that leaks fluid or bleeds, muscle cramps or spasms, nausea, new mole, night sweats, no blood pressure or pulse,( doesn't that mean you're dead? ), noisy breathing, numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, or face, pain, redness, or swelling in the arms or legs without any injury present,  pale skin, persistent non healing sore on your skin, pink growth, puffiness or swelling of the eyelids around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue, raised, firm, or bright red patch,. rash, redness or swelling of the breast, seizures, sharp back pain just below your ribs, shiny bump on your skin, skin rash, slurred speech or problems with swallowing, sneezing, sore throat, sores, blisters, or white spots on the lips or mouth, spitting up blood, stiff neck, stopping of the heart, sustained high fever or low grade fever for months, sweating, swelling of the face, fingers, feet, or lower legs, swollen glands, swollen neck veins, tightness in the chest, tiredness, troubled breathing with activity, trouble thinking, unconsciousness. unexplained bruising or bleeding, unpleasant breath oder, unusual tiredness or weakness, unusual weight gain or loss, visual disturbances, vomiting, vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds, yellow skin or eyes, just to name a few.
 Here are some more common effects: bladder pain, bleeding, burning, coldness, discoloration of the skin, feeling of pressure, general feeling of discomfort or illness, hives, lumps, numbness, pounding in the ears, redness, scarring, soreness, stinging, swelling, tenderness, tingling, alteration, and warmth.
 Less common effects are: abnormal healing, decrease in height, difficulty with moving, difficulty with swallowing, difficulty with walking, dry mouth, heartburn, indigestion, loss of hearing, loss of strength and, or energy, menstrual changes, muscle or joint stiffness, tightness, or rigidity, muscle pain or weakness, pain in the back, ribs, arms, or legs, shakiness in the legs, arms, and hands, sores, stomach pain, fullness, or discomfort, swelling or redness in the joints, weakness.
 Some more serious effects are: serious infections, urological events, and malignancies which basically is cancer.
 you can play pharmaceutical roulette and take your chances of having some of these so-called side effects or you can get yourself a Biomat and take some methylsulfenolmethane (MSM) with it as I have, (yes, I had rheumatoid arthritis since I was kid), and in time, completely get rid of your rheumatoid arthritis pain for good without the horrible effects.
Call 765-520-2988 and mention this blog and you will receive a rebate good up to $150.00.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan    

Monday, December 9, 2013

A Long Cold Winter Ahead

     Let's face the facts, it's going to be a long cold winter this year and upcoming year. It's not even winter yet and we are already having some real cold snowy days. People are going to get cold and flu's left and right, not to mention spending a whole lot of money just to heat their houses. Some of you who can't stand the cold at all, you know who you are, will go out and buy heating blankets this year to stay warm.
     DON'T DO IT!
     Heating blankets emit electrical magnetic fields that are harmful to your health. They emit Positive ions which close your ion channels in the mitochondria of your cells which leads to acidity.  Remember cancer loves acidic environments, they thrive in them. Acidity also lowers your oxygen in your body which can lead to many diseases and ailments. Too many people have ended up with cancer without ever knowing that they did it to themselves by using heating blankets.
     Why not this year get yourself or a loved one a Biomat for Christmas. It emits infrared that sooths pain while heating up the body better than any heating blanket. Biomats penetrate six inches into your body heating your insides till even your bones are warm.
     Don't delay, e-mail me at and get warmer this year than your neighbors will ever hope to be.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, December 2, 2013

Winter Cold and Arthritis, Bad Bedfellows

     Early snow storms, ice storms, and frigid temperatures, ouch, our poor aching joints.  People with arthritis and especially rheumatoid arthritis, do not do well in frigid temperatures in fact, for some, it increases the pain to the point of an unbearable threshold.  Many of you will run to your doctors asking for a stronger prescriptions to deal with the pain.  For those of us with rheumatoid arthritis, no matter how much pain medication we take, we seem to always be in pain nevertheless.
     When I was in my early teens I was struck down with scarlet fever.  During this illness I suddenly developed of severe case of rheumatoid arthritis.  Wherever there was connection between two bones in my body there was extreme pain and inflammation to the point where even breathing was a very difficult task.  Laying there the pain became so incredibly bad in my joints that I had to move them in order to feel less pain however, eventually the moving of of those particular joints would become unbearable and I would have to stop and the process would start over again.  For most of my early life after that illness I would be in miserable pain especially in my hips, making it very difficult to walk.   Even though I wanted play sports, the on-again off-again pain in my hips prevented me from playing any school sports.  Early on I started hiking and climbing in the mountains, I forced myself to push right through the pain.
     About 15 years ago I came across Biomats in Hawaii.    The warmth of the Biomat seemed to soothe my hips and reduce the pain, eventually, the pain seemed to go way completely so now
.I enjoy a pain-free existence. .  Even the snow, the rain and the cold do not affect my rheumatoid arthritis anymore, thanks to sleeping on a Biomat every night.
     I know what arthritic pain feels like especially when you're trying to sleep, it's definitely not fun.  Now, when my head hits the pillow, five minutes later I am asleep without any pain.  If you have a loved one who is going through this, get them a Biomat for Christmas, it would be the best gift they ever had.   Just call me at: 765 – 520 – 2988 and start having a pain-free life today.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, November 25, 2013

Winter Woes Reduced

     Looks like it's going to be a very long cold winter this year.  We've already had snowstorms and the temperature has plummeted, even though were still in autumn.  Let's face the facts, every year winter gets more and more expensive with the energy crisis that we are going through, our heating bills keep going up.  On top of that expense, there's another added expense and that's flu and cold season. Buying remedies for colds and flues gets expensive, not to mention missed work and lost wages.  Don't despair, there is a solution.
     My wife and I have invested in a queen-size Biomat which lays on top of our bed.   We sleep on this Biomat every single night and in doing so, we have boosted our immune systems and have stopped getting sick which means no more missed work and lost wages  and, buying flu and cold remedies.  Because our Biomat emits far infrared which penetrates the body by 6 inches, we actually heat ourselves from the inside out, heating up our very bones.   While we sleep, we turn the heat off at night and in doing so, we have reduced our heating bill.   Biomats use very little electricity to run, because of this, we turn the heat off at night and use Biomats only to stay warm which lowers our heating bill. 
     Let's look at the advantages of having a Biomat.    No more getting sick, no more missed work and wages lost, turning off the heat at night and saving money yet, being warmer than you've ever been before.  It has definitely been worth having a Biomat.  Not getting sick alone, has definitely been worth it. There's nothing like the warmth of the Biomat and the restful sleep you'll get laying on one, plus, it sure doesn't hurt saving money on the heating bill either.
      So call 765-520-2988 and get yourself a Biomat and start having a healthier, happier, warmer and less expensive winter.
     Happy Thanksgiving everyone. 
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, November 18, 2013

Stage 3 & Stage 4 Cancer

     No one wants to recieve news of having stage 3 or 4 cancer because, this is pretty much a death warrant. If you have stage 3 lymphnode cancer, your chances of survival doing chemo and radiation therapy are 15% or less of surving another 5 years. If it's stage 4 cancer, your chances of survival doing chemo and radiation therapy is 0. My question is why do people go ahead and do these thearapies knowing their chances of survival are slim to none?
     If you are walking in a certain direction and you keep banging into a wall, wouldn't logic dictate a change of direction? You would think that more people would look for other options, maybe alternative ways to fight their cancer, however, when they are constantly bieng told that only chemo and radiation therapy works, and doctors have taken an oath to do no harm, there's no wonder as to why people go ahead and do what their doctor suggests.
     Another question of mine is how many people actually die from their cancer? If you consider that chemo destroys white blood cells, the very cells that attack cancer and radiation kills red blood cells, the very cells that carry oxygen to the cells which help to prevent cancer, doing one or the other or even both and it doesn't work, you definatly will die, do to the fact that you completely killed your immune system and have nothing left to fight the cancer anymore. Basically, the chemo and radiation destroyed the very things that were fighting the cancer and keeping you alive in the first place.
     Chemo & radiation are killers, not only do they kill cancer cells, they kill everything else too. So if the cancer is advanced to a point where it would take a leathal amount to kill the cancer, there really is no reason to even do chemo & radiation in the first place. Yet, most doctors will suggest it anyway.
     There was a study done in Japan where they took end stage cancer patients, these were patients that had already done chemo & radiation and were told to go make their peace, and put them on professional Biomats with mini Biomats on top of them, and were able to save a whopping 70% of them. That sure beats 15 to 0% doesn't it? Too often we go for what we know instead of something new even though what we know wont even work. We are so much like lemmings going over a cliff because thats what everyone else is doing. How about trying something new like logically thinking it out before making a decision that involves life or death. Cancer cells die at 107.6 fahrenheit and Biomats emit infrared light up to 158 fahrenheit that can penatrate the body up to 6 inches and get to where the cancer is without hurting your regular cells, wich give off infrared too. Biomats also emit negative ions which raise the alkaline in our body making it hard for the cancer to spread do to the fact that cancer needs an acidic condition to grow in. And best of all, it actually helps to boost your immune system, not kill it.
     It's your decission to fight your cancer the way you feel will work best for you.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, November 11, 2013

Playing Flu Vaccine Roulette

     Well it's that time of the season again, where ever you look there will be ads on flu vaccines.  Your doctor will be telling you that it be best to get a flu shot so you won't get the flu. 
     Now the flu vaccine is based on a sound idea it's called like like, which means they give to you, ever so slightly minute amount of the virus, in order for your immune system to kick up and make anti-bodies to help keep you from getting the flu.  It is said to work up to 60% of the time, which means that 40% or more of the time it does not.  All this means is that it is not 100% perfect, so even though you do get the flu shot does not mean you will not get the flu.  Getting the flu shot puts the odds in your favor of not getting the flu.
     In a perfect world this isn't such a bad idea is it?   In reality, there are a lot more problems that can come with a flu shot.  One of these problems is GBS which is Guillian-Barre Syndrome.  One out of 100,000 have a chance of getting GBS when receiving the swine flu vaccine.  It causes weakness and paralysis throughout the body which can be fatal.
     Many people have side effects from taking flu shots which can be; soreness where you receive the shot, muscle pain in the same arm, weakness and fever  up to 101° and dizziness.   I don't know about you but, that sounds like the flu to me, so if this is what's going to happen, why get the flu shot in the first place, especially if you only have up to 60% chance of not getting the flu, which means you have a 40% chance of getting the flu and going through it twice. 
     In 1999 the US Public health service made a joint statement with pediatrics and vaccine manufacturers stating; Mercury, a known neurotoxin used in the Thimerosal vaccine preservative, should be removed from vaccines.  Mercury has been removed from most vaccines but, an estimated 83 million flu vaccine doses are still using toxic mercury in the preservative  Thimerosal.  Each one of these vaccine doses has as much Mercury by weight, as 1/2 cup of D009 hazardous waste. 
. The pharmaceutical companies and the CDC. claim that there is only one micro gram of Mercury. in  these vaccines.   By the way, 1 micro gram of Mercury contains 4.3 billion mercury atoms.
     You can see why I call this flu vaccine roulette. 
     I personally don't do flu shots, I find them unnecessary.  I take a different approach to the flu, which is boosting the immune system through supplementation and biomats. I also eat a very healthy diet of organic foods and free range animals.  I assure you I have not been sick in 15 years, no colds, no flus, and no side effects.   There are people on this planet that never got sick before we came along,  their diet was very high in saturated fat and cholesterol yet, they had less than 4% heart attacks.   Where do you think fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin A, come from in the first place?  I do believe that it would be best for us to take a step back before we put anything into our bodies and ask ourselves, what the consequences will be. 
     May you all have a healthier and happier winter.
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, November 4, 2013

Stopping the Flu Before it Starts

     Welcome to cold season folks.  It's that time of year were people go out and get their flu shots, suggested by their doctors.  Last year at this time there was a pretty bad flu going around that, in spite of getting flu shots, many people still got the flu.  In fact, a doctor friend of mine got his flu shot and then took a much-needed rest staying home with his family.  But to his amazement, while on his vacation he got the flu anyway which, totally ruined his Christmas vacation.
     What good is a flu shot if it doesn't even work?  The older you get, the higher your chances are of not only getting the flu but, maybe even contracting pneumonia too.  Perhaps there is a better way to approach the flu season. 
     I personally have not had a flu shot since I was a kid.    In spite of this, have not been sick in 15 years, no colds, no flu's, nothing.    So what's my secret you may ask?    I take a different approach to the flu season, instead of getting a flu shot I eat foods that are high in minerals and fats, meaning animal fats from free range animals.    By eating these fats, I will be increasing my vitamin A content which, will boost my immune system.    I also take supplements such as vitamin C, CoQ10, NAC (N-Acytel cysteine), and zinc. There is one more thing I do, at night, I sleep on a Biomat.    A Biomat puts out infrared which enters your body up to 6 inches and heats it up. This will raise your heat shock proteins which in turn will raise your immune system.  Once your immune system has been raised a few notches, the chance of the virus proliferating your body is near impossible. This system has worked for me for the last 15 years, while I watch everybody else around me get sick.
     There are more advantages to this than just not getting sick, you actually feel younger, healthier, and your mind feels sharper than ever before. Another advantage to sleeping on the Biomat at night is; less stiffness and pain in your joints and muscles. There is one more final advantage to having a Biomat, and that is getting warmer than you ever have before during the coldest of Winters, this is because Biomats  heat you up from the inside out, warming up your very bones and joints without emitting dangerous electromagnetic fields, which are known to cause cancer. Instead of emitting dangerous electromagnetic fields.  Biomats emit negative ions which actually make your body more alkaline and open your ion channels in the mitochondria of your cells. Cancer cannot grow in alkaline conditions, only acidic conditions. 
     As you can see, it is advantageous to having a Biomat. So, for Christmas this year, get for you and your loved ones, the gift of health, a Biomat, and start having a healthier and happier life.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, October 28, 2013

Helping people help themselves?

     When you go to my website, you will notice under ion health the motto "helping people help themselves".  What does this mean?  What it means is; I help people by giving them the tools and knowledge to help themselves.  Maybe a lot of things I talk about come off as arrogant, cruel or distasteful, however, it is not my intention to aggravate or displease anyone but only to reveal a simple truth.  There are simple basics about health that anybody can learn if willing.  Most of my thoughts come from one simple truth, to every action there is an opposite an equal reaction.  This means disease does not come out of nowhere, it doesn't just suddenly appear or, as I've heard from doctors, these things just happen.  When it comes to health nothing just happens, every action is a result of another action.
    When it comes to health care, there are two principles of thought, pathology and physiology.   Pathology is the thought of pathogens cause illness, in other words, viruses bacteria and the like is what causes you to become ill.   From the physiology point of view, it is the strength of your immune system that either causes you to be healthy or sick.   Because of these two basic principles health care has been divided into two, doctors on one side following the principles of pathology and naturalist on the other side following the principles of physiology.  The next question would be; which one follows the principles of physics more closely? 
     Pathologies way of thinking of physics is when a pathogen comes into your body the opposite reaction is it attacks and make you sick and to reverse this action one must take a drug to make one better.  The question is: does a drug make one better? This can be answered with one simple truth, there is no cure for the common cold, the drugs you take for that cold only help with the symptoms but cannot actually cure the cold itself, it is your own human body that eventually kicks up your immune system and kills off that virus. It is in this simple truth you will find the flaw of western medicine. Drugs do not cure only your body can cure itself, and this is the way of naturalist thinking using the science of physiology.   A naturalist point of view is to boost the human body's immune system through proper dieting and supplementing to fight off on its own any pathogen to come up against its own defenses.
     I assure you I follow the sciences of physiology and physics. You can't get around physics
because it applies to everything, you eat junk you become junk. If you eat properly your body runs properly. We must stop complicating things and make it simple, eat foods in their whole and your body becomes whole. I am not here to make you think that doctors are a bunch of idiots, they're not.  You would be surprised at how many doctors believe what I believe but are stuck in a system that prevents them from going the naturalist route. I am not here to twist arms, I am here to help those who are willing to help themselves, nothing more and nothing less.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, October 21, 2013

Suicidal Addictive Behavior

     I was at a chiropractor friends office today and he told me a story that floored me. He said that a 20 year old came into his office complaining of back pain. She apparently had degenerative back disorder, after some questioning by my friend, she revealed that on top of smoking she was drinking 6 to 8 40 oz. bottles of soda pop a day. My comment to him was "...and she's still alive?" It's amazing how resilient the human body can be. Given the right nutrients it can withstand just about anything. However, this girl didn't have the right nutrients, in fact, she had the worst junk, allowed by the FDA to enter the human body, in her. Even though she was exercising at a gym, it couldn't keep her back from degenerating. It just goes to show that even though you exercise, without a proper diet, you can still have major health problems effect you.
     Smoking cigarettes is bad enough but, drinking soda pop on top of smoking will increase health risk exponentially. To give you an idea just how bad soda pop can be, here is what I learned from chemist; just 10 ounces of soda (we're talking not even a full can) will strip 15 billion x a trillion oxygen molecules. It strips so many minerals that it takes 32 8 oz glasses of high alkaline water at a pH balance of 10, to neutralize just 10 ounces of soda. It's no wonder she had degenerative back pain. At the rate she's going she will be in a wheel chair before she reaches my age that is, if she hasn't died of cancer from the lack off oxygen in her cells first. The sad thing is, she will have a miserable time trying to quit because, soda pop stimulates the same neurotransmitter in the brain as does heroin, it messes with the serotonin levels.
     You can die of cancer from drinking soda pop just as well as from smoking cigarettes. In fact, only about 1/8 of the people who die of cancer are cigarette smokers, that leaves 7/8's  of the people who don't smoke, dying of cancer.
     If you are one of the people who drink soda pop, and want to quit to get your health back, you are going to need to drink a lot of high alkaline water to reverse the damage you have done to yourself. This isn't easy to do since most water you buy from the store is too low in alkalinity. The best solution is to get an Alkal-Life machine that you can hook up to your sink and will filter and ionize your water to be as high as 10.5 alkaline, then you can start living a healthier an happy life again.

Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
Owner and President of ION HEALTH LLC

Monday, October 14, 2013

Relief to Rheumatoid Sufferers

     According to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia on the Internet, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs but primarily attacks flexible (synovial) joints.  It can be a disabling and painful condition, which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated.  It goes on to say the process involves an inflammatory response of the capsule around the joints secondary to swelling the synovial cells, excess synovial fluid, and the development of fibrous tissue in the synovium.  Further on, it talks about how even the lungs could get fibrous tissue.
     But when it comes to dealing with the problem of reducing pain and symptoms,  it advises that drugs are still the best answer inspite of their side effects, for helping with rheumatoid arthritis.  It does mention some of the herbs you could take, but advises against them due to their high side effects, and then goes on to compare the side effect of herbs to drugs, which in reality there is no comparison whatsoever.  Yes herbs do work like drugs in that they are phytochemicals, however, drugs are synthetically made and not organic as are herbs, which could lead to many damaging effects on the body including even possibly messing with the DNA of an individual which can be passed down to their offspring, even if it doesn't affect them immediately.  The herbs they mentioned would only be semi-helpful which would not lead to any significant reduction in pain or swelling.  I find it very peculiar however, that there was no mention of anything other than herbs which are not vitamins minerals or coenzymes.  There is a mineral out there that is very helpful and is called  methylsulfonylmethane otherwise known as MSM.   Unlike herbs and drugs, there is almost no toxicity to MSM whatsoever.  In fact in one study they showed that water was twice as toxic as MSM.  At 20 g to a pound of bodyweight water is toxic, at 40 g to a pound of body weight MSM is toxic, in other words, if you were trying to kill yourself by taking MSM and drinking it down with water, the water would kill you first.  It is one of the least toxic things on this planet so you can even go high on the milligrams without any harm to yourself.  The only people who need to watch out in taking MSM are people who are allergic to sulfur, not sulfa drugs.   For instance, my wife is allergic to sulfa drugs yet she can take MSM with no problem whatsoever. Those with the true allergy to sulfur cannot take MSM.  If you can eat eggs or garlic and even onions then you most likely are not allergic to sulfur.  There is one other item that isn't a drug and it starts helping with the relief of pain almost instantly, it's called the Biomat. 
     I myself have been a sufferer of rheumatoid arthritis since I was young child.    As a child I got scarlet fever and somehow it left me with rheumatoid arthritis.    Most of my younger life I suffered with this pain especially during weather changes, the pain would be so intense in my hips that at times I could not even walk.    I found out about MSM in my 30s and begin taking high amounts of it, over time it reduced my pain greatly but still had problems during weather changes although not near as bad as it was.    I found out about Biomats and bought one, and all I can say is wow.    The Biomat was the most soothing relief I ever felt that was pretty much immediate, together with the MSM I no longer have any pain whatsoever,  that's right, no pain whatsoever and all my swelling has gone down, no more bumps on my fingers, no more pain in my hips.
     Don't expect the Mayo Clinic anytime soon do any studies on these products, because they're not drugs and there's no money to be made from it, and if there's no money to be made from it, they sure don't want you to know about it.  If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and would like some relief, go to a health food store and buy some MSM  and start taking some high amounts of it with vitamin C, after about two weeks you'll start feeling some relief, then go get yourself a Biomat, believe me, you'll be glad you did.
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, October 7, 2013

Diabetics Misguided Belief

     A lot of diabetics think that once you start taking insulin you will be okay and you won't die.  This is only partially true, yes insulin will keep you from dying from overload of sugar in the brain, however, it is that same insulin that will eventually kill you.  In all honesty, shooting up insulin is the beginning of the end.  Things will seem okay for a while, but eventually the insulin won't work as well as it did and you will have to increase it.  Neuropathy will set in, your eyesight will start to go, your cholesterol will start to rise, and you will start having heart attacks.  To understand the reason why this is, you have to understand what's going on.  Before you became a type II diabetic you ate a diet high in sugar in the form of sweets or high amounts of carbohydrates.  This overloaded sugar in your bloodstream so your body had to secrete insulin into your bloodstream to bind with sugars and then load them into your fat cells.  This is a safety mechanism to keep too much sugar from entering your brain and killing you.  After a while your cells cannot take any more insulin and it starts to back up in your bloodstream, this is called insulin resistant type II diabetes.  The doctors answer to this is pump more insulin into you which in turn, will cause more cells to shut down, and the answer to this is to increase your insulin.
     Do you see where this is going?  The more insulin you take, the more your cells shut down and you begin to die, this means literally you are starting to die one cell at a time.   At this present course you will get neuropathy, organ failure, and complete loss of eyesight, and then you most likely will have a heart attack and die.  There has to be a better way! 
     There is a better way and it starts with diet, then continues on with supplements and a Biomat.    Biomats help increase circulation which, will keep you from cell death.    This means you won't lose your eyesight or get neuropathy and you will decrease your chances of having a heart attack and having organ failure.
. You must change your eating habits, and in doing so, you decrease your body's need for insulin. .  The biomats will help open up your cells again, and help reverse your type II diabetes.
     Live a better quality life, stop killing yourself with insulin.
     Thank You
 Joseph a Moylan
  Owner and Pres. of Ion Health

Monday, September 30, 2013

Money versus health

     It is interesting to watch how money gets in the way of health.  Let me explain; a person with a serious ailment who has insurance will almost always go with a drug because the insurance pays for it, even though many times the drug will actually do more damage than good.  Here's an example: the first six people I approached who had cancer, turned me down when I offered to sell them a Biomat which I had shown them all the information in past studies and testimonials.  I had shown them an overwhelming proof of its ability to work on cancer, yet, they decided to go with the chemo and radiation therapy instead, because their insurance covered it.  By the way, all six of those people died.  At least they saved money and now have enough money to pay for their own funeral.  That's way better isn't it?
     You as the reader of this blog, would do differently?  Be honest with yourself, even if you're facing a life and death situation and your insurance paid for a drug that may be very harmful to you and kill you in the end, would you not still go for it,  just because your insurance paid for it?
     Does money really have such a hold on us, does it really  influence our decision-making even at the risk of death?    It seems to be the case doesn't it?    It doesn't help when doctors are telling us that we have to do chemo for cancer or we will die.  The truth is, chemo destroys your white blood cells which are natural killer cells that kill cancer cells and radiation therapy kills our red blood cells which carry oxygen to the cells that help keep our cells  oxygenated in order to keep the cancer from coming back.    Is it any wonder why people who have had cancer and did chemo or radiation therapy, end up getting cancer again and then dying from it?
     Stop playing chemo and radiation roulette!  There are other ways to approach cancer, instead of going through horrible side effects and then dying anyway.   So far, everybody I approached who had cancer  that bought a Biomat, are still alive to to this day.  None of these people had to go through any serious side effects whatsoever.   Just remember, cancer cells die at 92°C, which is 107.6 Fahrenheit,  Biomats emit infrared rays which can heat up those cancer cells  to 140°F by penetrating the body up to 6 inches and yet, not harm your healthy cells because, your own body emits infrared rays.  The Biomat also emits negative ions, which help increase oxygen in your cells by opening the ion channels which, will help keep the cancer from spreading to other healthy cells.   It's interesting to watch how people will make poor choices do to the influence of money.
     One more thing, doctors and hospitals on average make $150,000 a pop on cancer patients, so it is in their best interest to use scare tactics to convince you that theirs is the only way.  Honestly though, it is your body, so it is your choice. 
     Thank you
 Joseph a Moylan

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fibromyalgia Isn't Psychological

     There's nothing worse for a fibromyalgia sufferer, than hearing a doctor tell them it's all in their head. I assure you that it isn't, yet it is, somewhat, in a different sense, in that it will light up some centers of the brain. This doesn't mean it's happening in the brain, for instance, if I were to pinch your arm very hard it would definitely show up in the brain.  There is definitely something going on here that most doctors have not figured out yet.  I have been talking to a lot of people with fibromyalgia asking what they eat, what they drink, finding out what their lifestyle is.  After reading everything I could about fibromyalgia and talking to the many different people who have it, I do believe it is caused by an acidic environment.  I have tested this theory on some friends of mine.  They followed my advice and gave up drinking soda and stopped eating such high acidic foods such as wheat, flour, pasta, and sugary foods.  I then had them start drinking high alkaline water and laid them on biomats.  What I was trying to do here, was increase their alkalinity.  After only one month of this their fibromyalgia pains went way down and their energy levels went up.
     I am thinking this is just another form of environmental disease. Think about it for a moment, do you remember of hearing about fibromyalgia or any symptoms like fibromyalgia, from anybody you knew 50 to 75 years ago?   If you're young, ask your grandparents if they've heard of anybody who had these symptoms or if they ever heard of fibromyalgia 75 years ago.  You will find their answer will be no.  They say there could be genetic factors involved, but if you think about it, who did they get the genetics from if their grandparents never had it or even heard of it?  Even things that are genetically passed on have to start somewhere, so what started it?  This led me to believe that it is caused by environmental factors. I have over time tested all water bought from grocery stores and found most of your fresh spring water did not test alkaline, in fact, most tested neutral or below neutral in the acidic area. All osmosis water tested acidic, and all carbonated drinks tested extremely acidic.  Seeing how the soil that we grow our food in, has been depleted of minerals for quite some time, and in order for something to be alkaline it must have minerals with negative ion's attached to it, where are we getting our alkaline from?   Is it any wonder why odd diseases like fibromyalgia suddenly have been popping up? 
     Too often, we Americans go through life without a clue of what's going on around us. There is a time coming when no one living in America will be without some type of  ailment and or disease. Even worse, everybody born will have inherited some genetic malfunction.    It doesn't have to be this way, you can start changing it right now, by getting an alkal-life machine making your own high alkaline water and eating more organic and free range foods.    Only in this way, can we change the future for our children and our children's children. 
Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan
Owner & president of ION HEALTH LLC

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cancer revisited

     I keep running across people with cancer more and more.  The statistics on cancer keep getting worse and worse.  By the year 1900, 3 out of 100 got cancer by 1950, 20 out of hundred got cancer, by the year 2000, 38 out of hundred got cancer by the year 2020 50 out of 100 people will get cancer and by the end of this century virtually everyone will get cancer.  Now this is a very scary concept, seeing how cancer can be a death warrant.
     So why is cancer on the rise?  We must first take a look at what causes cancer.
     A German biochemist Dr. Otto Warburg, discovered the cause of cancer in 1923 and won a Nobel Prize in 1931, on the same research.    His research stated; it is the lack of oxygen in the cells caused by the fermentation of sugar, or anything that will cause a lack of oxygen, will cause cancer.    In 1991 two other Germans Neher and Sakmann, won a Nobel Prize for discovering the function of the single ion channels in cells.  Using an electrode pipette, they were able to emit both positive and negative ions to the ion channels and watch them open and close.  In order for the cells to get oxygen, the ion channels must remain open. A  negative ion will open an ion channel, and in doing this, allow oxygen to enter, keeping the cells from becoming acidic.  Cancer can only grow in acidic conditions.    Your body must remain alkaline in order to prevent cancer.
     With all  the de-fangled foods these days, is it any wonder why we're getting more and more cancer every year? American foods are extremely acidic and cause cancer, even our vegetables and fruits are low in minerals because they are grown in synthetic soils, and negative ions can only attached to minerals.  Since our soils are so depleted of all their minerals, where are you going to get alkaline food and water? 
     For Alkaline water, you can use an alkal-life machine which hooks up to your kitchen sink.  In this way you can turn ordinary tap water into high alkaline water. Try to eat organic foods  and and free range meets only. 
     Another way to get more negative ions into your body is to lay on a Biomat.   Biomats emit far infrared and negative ions.  Far infrared is known to kill cancer cells and negative ions increase your oxygen in your body choking the cancer cells off boosting your immune system helping keep the cancer from spreading. 
     Even if you don't have cancer at this time, it would still make sense to get and alkal-life machine and a Biomat just for preventive measures.   Don't be another statistic, get an alkal-life and Biomat today. 
 Thank You
 Joseph a Moylan
owner and president of ION HEALTH LLC

Monday, September 9, 2013

Does it cost more to be healthy?

     Living in United States these days, it is extremely hard to stay healthy, due to the fact that every advertisement, every peer pressure and false logic, is geared to make you buy products that will eventually kill you.  Everything is this way because of greed.  Major corporations and franchises are in the business of making money in spite of your health.  They convince you that the choice to buy their products, is a logical choice, because it saves you time and money.  Both couldn't be further from the truth.  Does it really save you time by driving to a take-out?  Not always.  If you get up in the morning take out your roast, put in a slow cooker, add your vegetables and spices, then put on the lid and turn it on, then head off to work.  When you get home you turn off the slow cooker, dinner's ready, no need to go out and waste time at a drive-through.  If you think it's cheaper buying at a fast food place, again you're wrong.  If you buy your vegetables and meats in bulk, they are quite inexpensive even if they are free range and organic, and you save money on gas and time.  Cooking large amounts two to three times a week, of different entrées, will have you, most of the time, saving time and money, you'll only be heating up your dinner most of the week which saves time.  And in doing this, you are only eating foods that are much healthier for you which, in the long run, will save you even more money, considering you'll be paying less for doctor and hospital stays, not to mention funerals are pretty expensive these days too.  You are what you eat, there is no way around it.  You eat junk you become junk.
     In today's corporate world the Almighty dollar is God and everything else comes second. No one really cares about your health, greed wins out every time. In commercials everyone looks healthy and happy which leads you to believe that by eating their foods, you too will be healthy and happy.  How well do you think they would be able to sell their foods if in the commercials, everybody looked unhealthy and fat, was miserable and depressed, and took medications after eating?
     Let's look at another fast food that is not found in a drive-through, but is actually found in your regular grocery store.    Anything premade, precooked, pre-done, and only needs to be warmed up in a microwave, is considered fast food.  Just about all snack foods are garbage because they fall under the precooked , pre-done, premade category.    So the next time you want a snack, grab some carrots and celery maybe a boiled egg or fruit, instead of potato chips and other premade snack food garbage.
     These corporations and conglomerates are not your friends, but are actually your enemies, which are doing their best to make you sick and unhealthy at your expense.   These foods would not be so bad if you only did it once in a great while, not on an everyday basis.   Just keep in mind, what you think you're paying less for now, will only cost you more later, both, in health and money.
 Thank You
Joseph a Moylan

Monday, September 2, 2013

Unethical Healthcare

     When talking to people I asked them "how is your diet?"  A good many of them answer with "I eat good I have a healthy diet."  My response to them is usually "So you go to another country to eat do you?"  If you're trying to eat healthy in this country that's very hard thing to do.  Let's face the facts; our food is grown in synthetic soils void of any minerals, sprayed with pesticides, genetically modified, and then stored in a warehouse, shipped to a store where it sits until you buy it, take it home, cook it up and eat it.  It's a miracle that there is any nutrients in it whatsoever.  And the meats we buy are fed low grade food that has been genetically modified and sprayed with pesticides.  The animals themselves are raised in very tight quarters sometimes never seeing the sun, shot up with growth hormones, steroids, and antibiotics.  The meat from these animals are very low quality, have almost no vitamin D in their fat, and the density of their muscles leave something to be desired.  Eating these foods leaves your body wanting more because of the lack of nutrients.  In trying to get enough nutrients we end up overeating leading to obesity which then leads to many other health problems.
     Let's face it, when it comes to food in this country, it falls way short of the mark. The food in this country is just garbage, is there any wonder why we have so many health problems in this country? You are what you eat, if you eat garbage, you become garbage.   Many people out there don't even give it a second thought when it comes to buying food.  What they don't realize is now, with the new health care laws of having to have health insurance, those of us who are healthy are going to pay for those who are not.
     The more a person has to go to a doctor, take prescriptions, or need hospitalizing,  an insurance company is going to pay for this. So what is an insurance company going to do to make sure it makes a profit?    It will raise its prices across the board costing you and me more money.   In no way is this fair or even ethical.    Why should those would take care of themselves be stuck with the bill for those who don't give a damn about their health?    Forced health care, meaning, everyone being forced to have health insurance is outright wrong.    Do you really think this law was made for the people?  Maybe, just maybe, this law was created so that the insurance companies, the hospitals, the doctors  and the whole health care system could make more money?    Or maybe, just maybe, it's one more step toward taking our freedom away.   Remember when this country was of the people, by the people, for the people?   Well, that's pretty much gone now.    Welcome to corporate America the land of the controlled, the abusive. the greedy, and the outright unethical. God help us all.
 Thank you
Joseph A. Moylan

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A horrible approach to cancer

     The approach our medical system uses for cancer is appalling at best. I feel Dr. Ronald R. Drucker said it best in his book The Code of Life when he said "Treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are, for the most part, either ineffectual or temporary. They are generally extremely dangerous, expensive, and often contributing to their eventual demise. Cure rates for most cancer treatments have improved little over many years and cancer rates are up."
     Let's face the facts, if the chemo doesn't work it will create a depleted environment  of the immune system that normally helps to fight the cancer, which, most surely, will end your life. Chemotherapy and radiation is a cash cow for the corporate drug giants, making on average one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per victim. They would have you believe that this is the only way to fight cancer.
     There are other ways to fight cancer, such as the biomat, an infrared and negative ion emitting FDA approved medical device. In another book called The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu M.D. Ph.D. They gathered patients that had undergone normal chemotherapy and or radiation and were told that nothing worked and to make their peace, then put them on a biomat with a mini biomat over them and were able to save 70% of those patients. I guess their doctors were wrong after all, because 70% didn't die, thanks to biomats. So, if you think that the normal approach to fighting cancer by using dangerous drugs like chemo and radiation is the safer way to go, think again.
     Stop  buying in to a system that isn't working to benifit you, but working to benefit themselves only and line their pockets with your money while you die miserably. Let the truth be known that there are better approaches to fighting cancer.

Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are we really free in America?

     When it comes to freedom of choice, it would be nice if it included health care. If you think for one moment that you have freedom of choice in choosing what type of health care you would like for your family, think again.
     I am going to tell you a story of a person and his family who is close to me. We will call him John Doe instead of his real name in order to protect his privacy.
     John married his collage sweet heart and began a family having 3 children at the time. His oldest child was in her early teens. She had an autoimmune disease called Lupus. She's had it all her life and now, since she was going through puberty, she started to have a flare up. (This is normal for most autoimmune diseases to flare up during puberty.) Her teachers at school noticed her having physical problems, so they decided to call John up and tell him he needed to take her to the hospital. John told them it wasn't necessary and that he would deal with the problem himself at home. But they insisted that he take her to a clinic or hospital. John said that it was normal for a Lupus victim to have a flare up while going through puberty.
     The teachers obviously thought that John was an uncaring parent by refusing to take her to a hospital, so they talked to some doctors and told them that John refused to help his child. Of course this couldn't be further from the truth because he loved his daughter very much and was giving her a more natural approach to her health care at home.
     The doctors were now involved and insisted that John should immediately bring in his daughter at once. They kept calling his home and threatening him with legal action. John assured them that it was just a flare up and it would pass with time.
     This wasn't good enough for the doctors so they called a law firm and took legal action against him. Soon John found himself in court fighting for his right to take care of his daughter the way he saw fit. He tried to convince the court that the natural way was the safer way to deal with the flare up. But the court decided against him saying he wasn't a doctor and only a doctor would know how to deal with these kind of health problems.
     They forcibly took his daughter from him and put her in a hospital and started giving her doses of Prednisone (a very strong steroid). It wasn't working so they gave her more till eventually she died. They not only killed his daughter but sent him a bill for the drugs and hospital stay on top of it. At least one honest doctor with a conscience came forward and told John that it was the prednisone that killed her.
     How free do you think John feels right now living in this country? How free would you feel if it happened to your family?
     It will and is happening already to all of us, in this new forced health care system were everyone has to have insurance. Does this insurance cover naturopathic doctors or herbalist. if you prefer the natural approach?
     HELL NO!
     This country can no longer say it is a free country anymore, when it comes to health care. Anytime you are forced to do something when it concerns your own body without your consent, that is not freedom. It is understandable to be forced to have insurance when others are at stake like auto insurance, because you could do damage to someone else. When it comes to your own body and only you can be hurt, that is where the line should be drawn.
     Your freedom is being taken away bit by bit. This is just one more step towards complete domination of doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Be your own human being instead of a slave to the system. Stop taking drugs and you will decrease their power over you. Learn more about health and start taking control of your life and health today. Remember, natural supplements don't have such deadly side effects as do pharmaceuticals. Plus, there are now medical devices, like Biomats, that are safe and effective without side effects, that you can use to help with serious health issues.
     Thank You
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, August 12, 2013

America the addicted.

     If you are an American, then you most likely are a drug addict. Let me explain; if you get frequent headaches and then take aspirin or ibuprofen, then you are a drug addict. If you take a drug for high blood pressure or high cholesterol, then you are a drug addict. If your doing drugs for depression, then you are drug addict.
     Now a lot of you are saying,"I didn't choose this, it just happened and now I have to take the drug or I might die."
     Nothing just happens when it comes to health. During your life you made poor choices based on another addiction, namely sugar. Yes it messes with your neurotransmitters too, just like heroin or any other feel good drug. Sugar is found in all carbohydrates and junk food. We don't want to give up our addictions so we turn to new ones in the form of medicine.
     Newton's law of physics: "To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction." There is no way around this. Nothing just comes out of the blue. We need to take responsibility for our actions. You didn't just suddenly get sick, you have over the years been poisoning your body to the place of breakdown were your sickness then shows it's ugly head. The more we give into our addictions, the weaker our society will become. Our children have terrible role models to look up to. In fact, we start our children off in the wrong direction by showing them terrible eating habits and then following it with drugs. It's gotten so bad that we put our children on drugs instead of dealing with their problems. We send them to doctors who put them on Ritalin and other dangerous drugs. Have you read A Brave New World? In this science fiction they had a drug for everything, just how far off are we from that scary sci fi?
     It's time to WAKE UP. Stop dying and start living. Break free of the chains (drugs) that bind you and start living life again. Step back and take a good look at yourself. Do you like what you see? If you don't, then change it, because no one else is going to change it for you.
     With all of our science today, there are medical devices out there that deal with many ailments without side effects. Why not turn to these instead of drugs? Then change your eating habits and watch your life and health take a turn for the better.
     Let's start healing America TODAY.
Thank You!
Joseph A. Moylan

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Cholesterol Con

     For too long now, we have heard that cholesterol and saturated fat is bad for us. This couldn't be further from the truth. The main cause of arterial sclerosis is sugar, chemicals and an overload of omega-6, basically, processed foods. You can cut out all the saturated fat and cholesterol you want, however, it won't keep you from having a heart attack, in fact it will more likely increase your chances of having one, not to mention give you diabetes in the process. Face it, you've been lied to.
     Clogged arteries is caused from swelling. Swelling is caused by the continual scraping of toxins, sugar and over abundance of omega-6 in your blood stream. All 3 are found in alarming amounts in processed foods. Then to top it all off you will wash it all down with a soda pop. This will cause some of the greatest damage of all. Soda pop is an acid loaded with sugar. The acid in soda pop is definitely going to do damage to your artery walls. Your poor artery walls never get a break. It never ceases to amaze me that people don't die sooner from all this crazy onslaught of toxic waste. It just goes to show how amazing our bodies are in healing themselves.
     If you think I'm off my rocker, read the book "The Cure for Heart Disease and the Great Cholesterol Lie" by one of this countries leading heart surgeons Dr. Dwight Lundell.
     One of the quickest ways to help reverse the damage of soda pop is drinking high alkaline water. The best machine for making this water in your own home is the Alkal-Life machine made by Richway & Fuji Bio Science Incorporation.
     Stop eating and drinking the processed garbage we call food and start eating whole foods and drinking high alkaline water. This is the road to a healthier heart.

Joseph A. Moylan

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dangers of staten drugs

     Cholesterol lowering drugs (known as Staten drugs), as every one knows is hard on the liver. This is why your doctor is always doing liver tests on your check-ups, because he knows just how damaging it is on the liver. As soon as he sees signs of liver damage he will take you off that Staten drug and try another drug. This means that damage has already been done to the liver. By the way, they don't have any drugs to heal your liver.
     Here's something they don't tell you or even check for it. Staten drugs also damage your bodies ability to make CoQ10, in fact, it will lower your CoQ10. Why is this important you might ask?
CoQ10 is needed for cellular energy in the heart muscle, without it you would have a heart attack and die immediately. If it go's down just 30%, you will start having heart murmurs or palpitations which they will give you another drug for, I'm sure. Then starts the slippery slope down hill of taking more and more drugs and feeling worse and then dying. All for what, to make some drug company rich?
One more thing you need to know and that's CoQ10 is a fat soluble vitamin that is only found in animal fats. The first thing a doctor will tell his patient is to cut out or down his animal fats. In doing so, you will be lowering your CoQ10 even more making you even at a greater risk of having a heart attack.
     Stop the madness now!
     This is what they consider health care? This is utter madness and evil beyond comprehension. If you truly want to have a healthier cholesterol level, here's something to consider; eat only whole foods. This means foods that aren't precooked, premade and in their natural state. This also means not cutting the fat off your meats and making sure they are all free-range organic meats. Try to eat only organic fruits and vegetables too. Then get yourself an alkal-life machine that purifies and ionizes your drinking water. People who drink high alkaline water have fewer, if any, heart attacks.
Like the Hunzas of the Himalayas and the Inuits of the north drank high alkaline water and both had less than 5% heart attacks.
     It's time to stop dying and start living. Stop being a drug addict. Stop  supporting evil entities like the drug companies.
     Be free, HEAL THYSELF.

    Thank You

Joseph A. Moylan


Friday, July 26, 2013

The Pharmacutical Farce.

     Pharmaceuticals are synthetic substances, humans are organic creatures. Synthetic substances do not go with organic substances. Why? To start with, everything organic is a left spiral helix of DNA, and everything synthetic is a right spiral. Think of it this way; it's like taking a puzzle piece and flipping it upside down and then trying to put it back in the same place. You will have to force it, because it won't fit properly, and in doing so, you will damage the pieces that surround it. So the next time a doctor prescribes a drug (all drugs are synthetic), ask him why he is trying to damage your other cells. Is it because he wants to make more money off of you? Once damage has been done and new symptoms arise he most assuredly will put you on another drug, and the cascade or domino effect will kick in and eventually you will be like some of the people I've run across, on 20 to 30 medications and still feeling lousy. But, hey, at least you'll make some pharmaceutical company rich and add to your doctors kickbacks. Isn't that what it's all about, making pharmaceutical companies and doctors rich?
     If your tired of the madness we call health care, there is modern technology out there that can do so much for your ailments without side-effects. In an age of such advanced science, drugs are the best we can do? That's your body not theirs, so take control of your health before the pharma drug lords take control of you!

Joseph A. Moylan


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Drug-free approach to cancer.

     Cancer is fast becoming the number one killer in America.  It will soon surpass heart attacks as the number one killer.  The main method of treatment for cancer is three things; chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.  These three approaches are very intrusive to say the least.  Is this the best the Medical Association can come up with?
     Now for a little bit of honesty concerning cancer treatment.  Just because someone uses chemo or radiation therapy does not mean it will work.  In fact, you'd be surprised at how many times it doesn't work.   I'm going to tell you a true story about some cancer patients that I approached and tried to get them to try something different.  In fact I never told them to stop treatment they were doing, but only to add something to it to try to beat that cancer. All six of these people refused all six of these people are now dead.   They were all convinced that the chemo or radiation therapy they were trying would be enough, but, it turns out, it wasn't enough.   The next three people however, listened to me and tried the new treatment I suggested.  All three are still alive today.  Do not put too much faith in the chemo and radiation therapy, as so many people do.  The truth is, it's a miserable therapy that drains you and lowers your immune system including lowering your white blood cells which just happens to be the very thing that fights cancer.   Of the three people that tried my suggestion two used the Biomat alone.  The third used chemo, radiation and surgery, however,  the doctor is demanding  continuing the chemotherapy indefinitely, just to make sure it doesn't come back.   Do you have any idea as to how expensive that really is?   Going through extra bouts of chemo will be very hard on that person.  Is this really how you want to approach cancer?
     Here's a little known fact about cancer cells; cancer cells will die at 42°C or 107.6 Fahrenheit.    The question is; how does one heat up the cancer cells to a high enough temperature without damaging the other surrounding cells?    The answer is: Thermo therapy using far infrared light.  Far infrared light will penetrate the body up to 6 inches thereby heating up the cancer cells deep within the body.    Far infrared light is natural to our body, this is how they're able to find you at night with infrared cameras, your emitting it.
     Biomats are far infrared, negative ion emitting FDA approved medical devices that lay on top of your bed.  The treatment is simple, all you have to do is just lay on it. Instead of draining your energy the Biomat actually helps give you energy by emitting negative ions into your cells, opening up your ion channels in the mitochondria of your cell. this will add a little bit of a charge to your body since your body is hydroelectric, that is, your mostly made up of water and electrical impulses runnjng throughout your body to make your heart pump, your brain work, your limbs move and so much more.  This is a very unobtrusive way to approach health, all you have to do is just lay on it. Since we all have to sleep, your deftly going to lay down at some point.  There is no need to take extra time out of the day to do this type of treatment.
     I never suggest to people not to do chemo or radiation therapy, but to add the Biomat to it, thus increasing your chances of survival.  However, if your doctors trying to shove drugs down your throat, and force you into treatments you're not willing to do, just remember, it's your body, not theirs, ultimately it's your decision.
     On a final note,there was a study done in Japan using end stage cancer patients which had exhausted all other treatments, and put them on Biomats with a mini Biomat over them and were able to save a whopping 70% of these patients.  

     Stop dying start living, get a Biomat today.  visit my website at:

Thank You.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Type ll Diabetes

     Type ll diabetes is rampant in this country especially in the Midwest. The usual treatment for this is certain drugs which aren't without side effects.  However, these drugs won't work forever. Eventually, diabetics will end up taking insulin, more insulin will only add to the problem.  To understand why this is, you first have to understand what causes type II diabetes in the first place.  Diabetes is caused by insulin binding with sugar and forcing it into your cells. Over time this pounding of insulin into your cells begins to shut your cells down, this is called; insulin resistant type ll diabetes. Eventually, diabetics will start to experience cell death, which is known as neuropothy. Diabetics are dying cell by cell.
     There is another way to treat diabetes. Use a Biomat to combat this disease and you will find your life will change for the better cell by cell. cellular circulation that was lost with the disease will return using the Biomat. Your blood sugar levels will drop month by month, and with control of diet your life will ultimately improve.
     It's time to STOP DYING AND START LIVING, get a Biomat today and start having a better and brighter future.

ION HEALTH Helping people help themselves.



Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rejevuna SL

Concerned About The Appearance Of Fine Lines & Wrinkles?
Ion Health has got the perfect solution for you!


Rejuvena SL is a high-tech ultrasonic facial care that reduces lines and wrinkles and increases clarity of the skin. Richway International has developed the Rejuvena Ultrasonic Skin Care System for those of you who are concerned about aging skin. Advanced ultrasonic and negative ion technology is used to exfoliate and deeply penetrate the skin. Have you tried almost everything? And nothing seems to give you long lasting results? Rejuvena SL is the answer! 

This is how it works:

Ultrasonic Massage 
The Rejuvena SL generates a wide range of ultrasonic vibrations and the 30,000/vps setting sends nutrition deep into the skin through the Netzschicht layer. The result of this is healthy and vibrant skin. As a result, it increases blood circulation which removes wrinkles. The special effect of the micro-vibrations of ultrasonic massage is the double effect of a pull and push movement in a vacuum. The micro-vibrations generated by ultrasonic massages all the skin cells. When the skin cells are influenced by the micro-vibrations, the waste material frees radicals.

Galvanic Deep Cleansing 
Blood circulation is improved greatly when Negative Ions are used. These Ions also penetrate deeply into the derma layer and basic cell layer. The stimulus of the Negative Ions deeply massages face muscles which helps remove deep wrinkles. It also, helps contracts sweat pores, and makes aged skin supple. Since ultrasonic waves stimulate skin muscles with vertical and centrifugal movements, ultrasonic reactivates the aged skin cells, making the skin more healthy, creating a beautiful face surface. 

You will get clean skin. The major reason for skin problems is waste material in the skin cells, and a drop of metabolism of the skin cells. Ultrasonic Micro-Vibrations (30,000/vps) penetrates deeply into the skin eliminating waste material, and stimulating the metabolism of the skin cells so it will give you healthy skin.

Get healthier younger looking skin today!

Water Ionizer

Whats Going Into Your Body?


The Water Ionizer is a device that filters, ionizes and purifies the water you drink which will increase the body's alkalinity. 

What is alkalinity
Well, alkaline is any substance with a pH rating higher than 7. Ionized water is alkaline water, this helps maintain and balance our body's pH.
(Fresh fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers, and nuts are just a few examples of alkaline foods.)

Ionized water is a powerful liquid antioxidant that is easily absorbed into the body. The water also neutralizes free radicals. Free radical damage causes us to age faster, and is largely responsible for many diseases including cancer.

Maintaining a proper body pH 6.9~7.2 is important in which it creates an environment which deters bacteria, inflammation, and disease. The molecular structure of ionized water is smaller than found in tap water which allows more hydration and better detoxification. Tap water clusters contain 10~13 molecules opposed to the 5~6 molecules of ionized water. This smaller cluster size makes the ion water super-hydrating, or more absorbent. Ionized water maintains good health and has the advantage of cleansing acid wastes from the body. It also helps fight fatigue, giving you more energy and feeling better throughout the day!



Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Ion Health introduces you to an incredible product, the Biomat! 

Ion Health is an innovative company educating and providing products to help you live a healthier life. One of these products, the Biomat - is an extraordinary device that has been FDA approved. Built with NASA and noble prizing winning technology, the Biomat has many advantages. Along with boosting your immune system, this product benefits you in many other ways. For example:

  • Lowering Blood Pressure
  • Lowering Cholesterol
  • Lowering Blood Sugar Levels
  • Decreasing Back Pain
  • Discomfort or pain caused by Sciatica
  • Helps with Arthritic Pains
  • Speeds Healing Process
  • Increases overall Energy
  • Kills Cancer Cells


Take advantage of a great opportunity to make yourself and your body feel better!

Visit our website at: